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What were your first effects on t?

Started by currupt, December 25, 2007, 05:34:00 AM

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I'm new here, and I just started taking t. (I'm 17)
The first effects I am having is a very large amount of acne. I've only been taking it for 4 days. I guess that's a good sign (it's working right?)
I'm actually on the pills, but from all the bad side effects I read about I am going to switch to injectable.

I'm very curious on the first effects it has given anyone on here/ and how long it took to start happening.

I've also read that younger t users (under 25) experience height growth. Has anyone here grown at all?


Hi Currupt, welcome to Susan's.

Feel free to share what's on your mind and ask any questions you might have and to be sure you will get some responses from the good folks here. About the acne, in my time there wasn't anything to heal them but I do believe they have some fairly affective stuff on the drug store shelves today.

Going injectable is a good way to go. they will last up to two weeks as it spreads throughout your body without involving the liver. I inject every two weeks. If you are in your early twenties you should feel a reaction in as short a time as three months. Took me six months before I began to feel any reactions.

I've am in seventh year now as full time and have had some reasonably good results, I am 62 years old. 



Hi, I am not on T yet....but from the ones who are on T, I heard deepening of the voice and the clitoris growth were the first effects.


I got some pimples on my back. not to much on my face.  My voice started to change fast. first six wks.  aunt flo stopped comin' after the first month.


Hmmm...I already have more than enough pimples on my back from binding myself... :-\By the way Chris, can you recall when was the exact time(after how many times on T) your voice changed that you sounded male (to others) and you sounded passable?  Because I just want to take it as minimum as possible..(my case is a bit different)


Quote from: OtokoSuki on December 25, 2007, 10:13:52 PM
Hmmm...I already have more than enough pimples on my back from binding myself... :-\By the way Chris, can you recall when was the exact time(after how many times on T) your voice changed that you sounded male (to others) and you sounded passable?  Because I just want to take it as minimum as possible..(my case is a bit different)

my buddies noticed my voice changed after 2 months on T.  they asked if I was sick.  I didnt notice but they did.  after that everybody call me sir on the fone.


Hey thanks, now I can't wait to take T!


Does it change height?
If so, to how much?
Im a short ass and need the extra few inches><


educated guess says that it only helps you get taller if you're still growing.  Depends on your age.  I could be wrong  ???

I'm not expecting to gain any height (in my mid to late twenties).  I'm the shortest in my family besides my mom.  My little bro is 14 and passed me when he was 10.


Im 16... so may have a tiny bit to go still.


JT's right. If you're not done growing, T will, in theory help you grow taller. In your bones are these softish bits called growth plates, when they fuse up you are not gonna get any taller. Most females experience their final growth spurt at 16-17, most males continue to grow a little bit 'til for two or three years more than females do. But don't take my word for it, ask your doctor. As I understand it, T causes increased growth but also causes growth-plates to fuse and it's something of a race as to how much of the first effect you can get before you get the second one. And you've also had exposure to the female hormones, which don't increase growth-rate but do cause growth-plates to fuse.

If you were so inclined and found a doctor to do it, you could have x-rays taken that would show wether or not your growth plates are fused. Probably there's not much sense in it, 'cause what would you do about it either way?


I've been wondering the same things... I've been on T three weeks now, and I've noticed a little hoarseness in my voice, though it could just be the cold I have right now, some increase in sex drive, but nothing else, really. I figure I can't really expect any height increase, since I'm 25... all I can say is, for those of you who are young, take advantage of your youth and get on T early. I wish I had.
"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

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I had a fairly deep voice before going on T but people I worked with noticed that it had gone much deeper in the first few months. Had no bleeding after second injection and upper body strength and size increased after about 4-6 months. Facial hair growth wise, I already had a bit on upper lip at the edges but has now fully filled in in the middle and have stubble all over chin now (after 1 year). Sideburns are growing much slower. I also now have a reasonable amount of hair on stomach but not chest. The clitoral enlargement was quite dramatic within the first 6 months and sometimes fairly painful but since I has been switched from Sustanon to Nebido this has decreased.

One thing I did get very quickly from the start of T is severe itching, mainly on the buttocks, face and shoulders. I have checked this out with doctor and it is normal. I also got a fair few spots on my back, shoulder and chin, especially where my binder falls on shoulders and upper back.

Hope this is of some help.


My voice was first - two weeks after my first shot, no kiddin'! By a month in, I was a good tenor. I might be the exception rather than the rule. Clitoris growth/increased sexuality was second, and facial hair was the last to come in.
Lock up yer daughters.


Estrogen causes the bones growth in length and eventual fusing in male and females in a finite amount of time (its the long term exposure of the bones to estrogen that causes the bone to eventually stop growing in length).

When T levels increase at male puberty, the amount of aromatised T -> E also increases initiating the male growth of puberty. In female, its the ovaries E which directly starts this long bone growth a few years earlier. The difference in height is mostly due to female starting to grow earlier and the fact that E levels are higher so the spurt is stronger and quicker to fizzle out. Tall women often have delayed puberties, the timing of puberty is often genetically determined, which means their growth timing is closer to men than to the female average. XX men with androgen insensitivity who have a female phenotype are always tall which you would not expect if T was the most important factor in height.

So, I'm not so sure it helps really since if the bones are done, they are done (which happens around 16 I think, but in some women with late puberties could happen at 18-19. If you've had a late puberty, you may have some growing to do still (and by pushing E down, you may grow a bit longer than you would have otherwise). But, if you puiberty was at a normal time, its probably T won't increase you height.

The main effect of T on bones is transversal growth, basically increasing bone size growth, which happens until the mid 20's I believe. This is why women have smaller bones than men. Even tall women still have smaller bones. With T and weight bearing exercises, you'll increase your frame and bone density to much higher levels than you had before.


I gained a half-inch of height and I started when I was 18. Who knows? My doc (who has worked with hundreds of transpeople) says it happens.
Lock up yer daughters.


I've grown two inches since starting T (that was in the first few months) and I'm almost 20.

But my first effects were definitely the deepening of the voice and thickening of my leg hair, I believe. After the first month, my own mother didn't recognize my voice on the phone. I have to change my message on my voicemail every few months because my voice changes so much that people don't recognize it as my phone. I used to sing soprano 2/alto 1, now I sing bass 1/tenor 2. In 7 months. Also in the last 2 months I've had a ton of facial hair growth under my chin, jawline and sideburns (nothing in the goatee area though).


Slightly off-topic, but I just had a hilarious experience with my voice and phones. I've been on T for nearly 2 years, and I have a pretty good bass. As a joke, I recorded a message on my answering machine that's exactly the same as the one on my parents', which was recorded by my father. My mom called me and got incredibly confused because she thought for a minute that she was accidentally calling her own house!
Lock up yer daughters.


Sigh. I wish I could start T.

*stops reading post before he gets too jealous*


Hey, I wanted to post somthing,
I don't know if you all are aware of this, but every cell in your body is replaced every seven years.
Even if somebody starts somthing late in life, the results over a several year period will be dramatic.
This is why people like Nichole W. look like they are 40 or younger even though they are much older.
Your cells are being replaced with fresh influences.
Even bones change.
They thin,  they thiken, and even over time change lengths.
I have actually noticed my feet begining to get smaller as  Racheal has said too.
And I am 24.
This stuff is a lot more powerful than we think it is.
Keep at it guys. You are not going to run out of time.
