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Does your body bother you?

Started by Jaimey, December 29, 2007, 07:06:04 PM

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Pica Pica

I do not have a picture of any quality. And no one can actually lot hot in a gymslip I don't think. It's all about covering up.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


To answer your query, "Does your body bother you?"  No, my body doesn't bother me.
I don't feel that my body's natural state (natal female) is in conflict with my Androgyne state of mind. Each of the binary physiques has its own advantages and disadvantages. The body I have will do perfectly fine... no body dysphoria issues here. Indeed, I believe I would have been equally content had I been born with a healthy male body or intersex body. For the record, my breasts are slightly larger than the average adult female.

-Emerald  :icon_mrgreen:
I am not Trans-masculine, I am not Trans-feminine.
I am not Bigender, Neutrois or Genderqueer.
I am neither Cisgender nor Transgender.
I am of the 'gender' which existed before the creation of the binary genders.


If I may add my four pennorth...after 50 years of masquerading as male, playing the rock 'n roll drummer stud and (tho' I say it myself) a good step-parent, I had to shed the tackle so I could take proper control of my life. I don't get laid so often but I feel honest and loved for my soul and not what I have between my legs. I'm not that feminine to look at but my relationships with my women friends is all I could have ever wanted and my male friends treat me with the respect a woman deserves. I've found it's all a matter of how you regard yourself and allow yourself to be treated. I bear my scars with pride.


My body does bother me. each time I look at my arms I think "Ughh,  slightly too muscled, too hairy" , each time I look at my legs I think somewhat the same and each time I look at my face I get a semi-depression

Thats odd since I already have a somewhat feminine face....I guess the urge to getit more feminized is making me all frustrated


Quote from: Jaimey on December 29, 2007, 07:06:04 PM
This is just something that I've been thinking about because, except for the fatness ( fat ass needs to get on a treadmill), my body doesn't bother me too much, but it seems like a lot of people do not like their bodies...hmmm.

I was thinking that one reason I don't feel the need to bind (i'm female bodied), is that my grandmother, who is the epitome of 'woman' for me, had a double mastectomy before I was born, so for me, the person I knew as the ideal woman never had breasts.  (*ehem* and mine are kind of small anyway...)

I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this.  I'm on a mission to have a complete understanding of what it is to be androgyne, not just what it is for ME to be androgyne.  :)

I wish I had no breasts at all (mine are really small and I get mistaken for a boy in clubs sometimes even if I wear a corset).
And I wish I had big muscles (I have no fat and consist of lean muscle: but very slim) and I wish I had no female reproductive system. At the same time, I wouldn't want facial hair, coarse skin, short hair, rough hands, or low voice--too masculine.
It is strange for me to think I have woman's reproductive system... I look like adrogynous boy/girl.


I despise my body, and wish I could regrow a new one to start this life over.

I don't associate myself with my body in any way except my skinniness and facial features, like my eyes I'd never change. Kinda like my hair sometimes when Its worked on, but thats about it.

I usually feel like a floating TV screen that doesn't walk at all, and that theres a blown fuze.

I hate my body hair. I'll remove a lot of it, and never get the time to finish it, or the privacy, so I'll have smooth and then patches of hair which annoy me to no end and disgust me. Its very UNCLEAN in feeling to me.

I have so many health problems that every day is a struggle to live and eat. If I do eat, it tastes terrible and is gluten free styrofoam bull>-bleeped-<.
Acne. Is. The. WORST. THING. EVER.
I grind my teeth cause of stress
My bones ache
I feel OLD. I'm ITCHY!!!!! CRAP! >:(
My veins pop out through my translucent skin, and it always creeps me out and makes me feel more fragile and less human.
My genitalia


Quote from: DanielDaniel on February 10, 2008, 12:47:04 AM
I wish I had no breasts at all (mine are really small and I get mistaken for a boy in clubs sometimes even if I wear a corset).
And I wish I had big muscles (I have no fat and consist of lean muscle: but very slim) and I wish I had no female reproductive system. At the same time, I wouldn't want facial hair, coarse skin, short hair, rough hands, or low voice--too masculine.
It is strange for me to think I have woman's reproductive system... I look like adrogynous boy/girl.
You sound like you're the way I want to be.  I wouldn't want the reproductive system either.
  I look the way you wouldn't want to look - facial hair, coarse skin, short hair, rough hands, or low voice--too masculine

Kimberly Kilpatrick

I hate my hair (ale pattern baldness) I hate my hairy chest and my go tee that is all I can grow. I have no have boobs and I hate my broad shoulders . I wear a size 10 in womens shoe my hands are the same size as my moms :) i hate my penis and want to be a real mom. :(


Kimberly Kilpatrick
Are you on HRT? if you are, how long have been on HRT? and how old are you? If you are young and on HRT then depending how long you been on it. You might be amazed as to what estrogen does for you in approx six months, but that much depends on the person constitution though as to how fast the estrogen works.



Does it bother me? Some.
Like others I would like to reduce my masculinity (or vice versa for some). Not entirely though, I do not care to go completely androgynous, but like I said, a reduction.

Looks wise, laser my beard, clean up my eyebrows, restore/save my hairline (starting to show)
Maybe thin out my body hair, I am not into the waxed look for myself but I would like less hair.
Luckily this stuff luckily can be accomplished without major surgery.

Unfortunately getting my eyes and teeth (see below) fixed will probably take priority over most of that. I have no depth perception (zero), I more or less see 2 dimensional.

Down the line, maybe I will go for more, but for now, I would be just happy with just those listed.

I would really like to fix some heath related problems though. When I was younger a buddy and I both  expected to be cripple by our mid 40's from bmx bicycle riding. Seems I am getting closer to that age and while I can still walk (and ride) with some effort, my body has sure taken a beating over the years. I could list out the problems, but it would be a big list. It would be a smaller list if I said what does still work 100%. Almost everything has taken damage, face, nose, teeth, wrists, ankles, back, KNEES(!)... You get the point.

Just remove the brain and insert into a new body.


Quote from: sd on February 10, 2008, 05:02:56 AM
Does it bother me? Some.
Like others I would like to reduce my masculinity (or vice versa for some). Not entirely though, I do not care to go completely androgynous, but like I said, a reduction.

Looks wise, laser my beard, clean up my eyebrows, restore/save my hairline (starting to show)
Maybe thin out my body hair, I am not into the waxed look for myself but I would like less hair.
Luckily this stuff luckily can be accomplished without major surgery.

Unfortunately getting my eyes and teeth (see below) fixed will probably take priority over most of that. I have no depth perception (zero), I more or less see 2 dimensional.

Down the line, maybe I will go for more, but for now, I would be just happy with just those listed.

I would really like to fix some heath related problems though. When I was younger a buddy and I both  expected to be cripple by our mid 40's from bmx bicycle riding. Seems I am getting closer to that age and while I can still walk (and ride) with some effort, my body has sure taken a beating over the years. I could list out the problems, but it would be a big list. It would be a smaller list if I said what does still work 100%. Almost everything has taken damage, face, nose, teeth, wrists, ankles, back, KNEES(!)... You get the point.

Just remove the brain and insert into a new body.
Finally someone else says the final line in your post! :>

Kimberly Kilpatrick

Quote from: cindybc on February 10, 2008, 04:14:02 AM
Kimberly Kilpatrick
Are you on HRT? if you are, how long have been on HRT? and how old are you? If you are young and on HRT then depending how long you been on it. You might be amazed as to what estrogen does for you in approx six months, but that much depends on the person constitution though as to how fast the estrogen works.

No not yet. I have to wait a few months. And I have to find a therapist to work with, About the only thing I can work on now is my weight. And I have already started. I am eating less meat more salads and diet drinks. I will look for a therapist when i get insurance. Which will be in may sometime. But I will not be able to transition on this job so I really don't know what to do. I am doing all i can at the moment I dress almost part time and all my friends know or knew from my past. I am not afraid of what people think anymore. i am growing to old I can't wait for HRT  ;D


Hi Kimberly Kilpatrick, I believe that some exercise along with a diet will go a long way. Are you going to get laser removal done? That's something else you could do until you find an therapist. Once you find a therapist he/she can, will certainly prescribe hrt, or refer you to an endo to get the prescription for hormones. You only need to establish that you are serious about transitioning and then they will make the recommendation hrt.  The waiting time to get on the hormones is usually about 90 days. 

I didn't start hrt until nearly a month after I came out full time. With the GID on my heels, I had to overcome the fear in order to start full time. I was actually surprised as to how I was accepted by both males and females of the species. The entire town treated me with respect. "Yuck!" I certainly was a sight for sore eyes in doing my early full time, I was skinny as a tooth pic.

Now it's going on to 8 years full time and only got accosted by one person. I was soon to discovered  that he was a drunk who followed me out of the variety store and made a grab for my purse. There weren't no way no how I was doing to let him have my purse, over my dead body I shouted while all the while I was screaming to bloody murder. And the dead body could very well happened if he hadn't been as polluted as he was. I'm a peaceful girl, mild nature country girl. I would do anything to avoid an aggressive confrontation and I don't bother anyone none, and I abhor the male species especially this particular one that just out of the blue decides to practice how to utilize his testosterone to bully me.

As it was it was just dumb luck, I think, that he failed at giving me more then just a couple of raccoon eyes. I managed to dislodge my purse from his hands and whacked him good upside the head with it. As he stood there kind of like stunned, or maybe seeing stars, or I completely befuddled him  at to how such a tiny person could actually bitch whop him.. I didn't waste any time getting into my car and locking  all the doors. I really don't know why I typed out this old story, except to point out that maybe I have a guardian angel watching over me. Or I was fortunate that the drunk was slightly stunned from the encounter with my purse. I have not had any other incidences since then.



i hate certain aspects of my appearance, i have hair growing in places girls shouldn't, my voice gets way too deep when my throat gets sore, i would actually like to gain 10-20 lbs in my rear so some of the clothes my wife buys for me would actually fit the way they are supposed. i wish my nails didn't break so easily, my adam's apple, few people actually see it which surprises me. and of course, there's that wonderful adult acne. my hair to grow more properly like a woman's, it already grows in different layers....................
