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fitting into things

Started by Phoenix, May 25, 2005, 08:06:45 PM

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How would i get my thigh's/legs to fit tightly into my boots?

& how could i not have such knobby knees and legs ??? ::) :)


that isnt just a tg problem... all women suffer from 'my thighs are too big' sindrome


and my calves (moooooo) and my ankles and my feet are also too big. ???
Be true to yourself.  The future will reveal itself in its own due time.    Find the calm at the heart of the storm.    I own my womanhood.

I am a 69-year-old transsexual school teacher grandma & lady.   Ethnically I am half Irish  and half Scandinavian.   I can be a real bitch or quite loving and caring.  I have never taken any hormones or had surgery, I am out 24/7/365.




I to am very skinny 5'9 130lbs Some say I look look a walking Q tip. if you find a cure for the knobby knees let me know. there are to many lose weight stuff, but not very many gain weight. No matter what I do, food, protein shakes I can't get over 135 lbs. My female friends wish they had my problem.



I too have difficulty maintaining weight. Supposedly when I reached middle age I was supposed to start gaining weight. 5#s in two years is a bit less than I was expecting. HRT was supposed to make me start gaining weight. Up 5 one week down 5 the next. Seems to go up and down with my mood. Metabolism is the issue here. Mine burns hot, My normal temperature is usually between 98.8 and 99.

Very convienent when you want to fake ill to get out of something, Like school when I was a kid. But if you need to bulk the higher temperature burns more calories than a normal one. The only real success I ever had was following some of the diet suggestions from magazines like Muscle & Fitness. There are usually very knowledgeable people with good solid dietary plans for bulking up without resorting to overpriced protein drinks and psuedo stearoid concoctions. Look in some of these there might be some ideas that can work for you.

I am told that high heels help shape you legs. I just wear them cause I like the look but some friends have said my legs do have a better shape. Not that they were bad. Good luck.


Sarah Louise

Gee, maybe that is why I can't lose weight, I always blamed it on my diabetes and thyroid problems, but maybe it is because my normal temperature is 97.6

Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


Don't start me on trying to lose weight. How come all the nice tasting things (cakes, cream sauces & cheeses) make you gain weight.

I need someone to invent a chocolate that helps you to lose weight.



Ok Ladies,

Here's some tips and additional information that might help some of the "metabolic blues" that some of you suffer from.

As well, in response to Shelley's comment about chocolate, in recent years, it has been widely researched and been found to have many more beneficial aspects in the human diet than not, at least for most people. For those that are diabetic, or suffer from other blood sugar disorders, as well as being lactose intolerant (Dairy allergy), alternatives can be found more readily these days than ever before, including carob (a natural "chocolate" subsitute), and reduced sugar or sugar replaced brands and types.  Chocolate has been found to contain powerful antioxidant substances, as well as aid in digestive regularity.
I believe that it's more in the power of the mind, anyway, in terms of overcoming almost any physical disorder or deficiency, especially where diet, metabolism, sugar balance, body mass and/or structure is concerned.  Moderation, discipline, determination, and dedication are truly the keys. We can have the chocolate, as well as the cheeses and creamy sauces, as long as it is balanced in a MODERATED and DISCIPLINED way with the rest of a truly healthful diet which includes as many fresh and raw foods as possible, REGULAR excercise, and proper intake of good healthful fluids such as water, teas, and 100 % pure fruit juices (watch the sugar content on those though, especially diabetics).

Along with this rant, Ive attached a study that I thoroughly researched, wrote, and  presented, all about hot peppers to a career culinary training class that I  participated in last year, and I would like to strongly advocate eating spicier foods in general to help with many dietary aspects, including cleansing in general, healing of digestive disorders (yes, as crazy as it may sound to some of you - but please read the study in detail), strengthening immunity, and healing or aiding of other cardiovascular deficiencies, as well as improving metabolic balance for those that wish to increase body temperature and metabolic rate as has been mentioned in this thread.

You say, "But I can't eat spicy foods...." - read this and it may change your mind and your diet for the better. Most humans can quickly build a tolerance to capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers which makes them "hot", regardless of how little you can tolerate now, you could change that by simply introducing more and more very gradually. You'd be surprised at how quickly the body and tastes adapt, especially if you beleive that something is worth trying on the basis of it being potentially beneficial to us..

For most of us, it really is a matter of simply taking the steps to take truly better care of ourselves, no matter the cost in time, money, sweat, and better self education as consumers that love good foods. We get what we pay for, and all too often nowadays, many people are taken in by every convenience food, boxed, overprocessed, and labeled with misleading slogans and deceptive selling traits that refer to low fat, no fat, reduced sugar, reduced carbs, etc, but that provide so little in terms of live nutrient value, good balance, and real freshness that it is truly pathetic, if not criminally insane on the part of the producers and manufacturers of such so called "foods".

Eat Well,
take care,

Lovingly Always,


See Attached Below: "Cayenne, A HOT topic..."

Chef  M. Annamarie Arnow

Chefs Moore, Chumpapo, and Dionot

Career Culinary Training Program

January 23rd, 2004



Cayenne pepper, also known as Capsicum, Hot Red Pepper and Hot Red Chili Pepper, has been in use for both culinary and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. 
It apparently has had a much wider and longer historical range of widely recognized medicinal than culinary uses, and has only become highly popularized within the last 500-600 years of its use, in culinary applications around the world (Cambridge, pp281-2; Medicinal Herbs Online, "Capsicum"; Health World Online, "Cayenne").
Cayenne pepper and all other related species of "hot" peppers contain a chemical compound known as capsaicin, or capsaicinoids (NMSU, "Capsicum spp."; Cambridge pp285-6;), which, when eaten, causes a chemical reaction triggering a "burning" sensation that may be very painful to most people if used in significant, or in many cases, even very insignificant amounts (NightThunder, "Healing Herbs"; " Capsaicinoids, What makes them Hot"; Grolier, et al).
Ironically, it is the edible portions of the plant (the fruit and the seeds), which contain these compounds (in some pepper types, high concentrations are considered toxic) and which are the most harmful and potentially injurious parts (AMA, Harmful and Injurious Plants; Medicinal Herbs online) - and in some extremely rare cases, possibly even fatal. There is a surprisingly considerable lack of available data in any of the reference consulted which refers at all to the roots, stems, leaves, or flowers as being either toxic or beneficial.
The currently accepted means of measuring a hot pepper's heat value or "Pungency" as it is commonly referred to, is credited to Wilbur Scoville (The Chili Pepper Institute: "Chile Pungency", et. al), who in 1912, invented a general guideline or means of subjectively measuring a chili pepper's heat value (initially by taste test). This scale has since been upgraded by more scientific means via a method referred to as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), but the name Scoville remains. The Cayenne pepper, considered hot to very hot by most, ranks several thousand units cooler on this scale than it's hottest relative to ever be recorded, the Habanero pepper.
Interestingly, this particular chemical compound is also of the same family (Vanilloid) of compounds that vanilla is made or extracted from (Chemsoc; et al). 
Most of the "sweet" pepper varieties, although closely related, do not contain capsaicin in any significant amounts, and are therefore primarily used as vegetables, parts of base flavorings, and garnishes instead, and as well, sometimes when dried, as spices (NightThunder; et al). 
The cayenne pepper in modern times has been used primarily as a spice, garnish, and coloring agent in many different types of food preparations, ranging from sauces, cheeses, soups, goulashes, stews, salads, salsas, and as a rub for meats. It may now also be found in baked goods and candies, and even in alcoholic beverages (Healthworld).

The forms in which it is most commonly available for culinary use are: Dried whole, Dried and crushed, dried and ground, fresh whole, pickled whole, specific hot sauces, salsas, and in other spice blends (such as in "chili" or "curry" powders). In fresh form, the pod is frequently stemmed, split, and the veins or ribs and seeds removed and disposed of, and the flesh, spicy, sweet, and bright red, is used in preparation of many dishes (Wood, Rebecca; The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia, pp74-76; et al.).
Fresh peppers may also be grilled, baked, and/or steamed and then placed in bags to remove the skins via means of the steaming action created by release of the pod's moisture within a sealed space after cooking and while still hot to cooling.
Dried whole peppers may be re-hydrated quickly in hot or warm water, or to a certain degree, in hot cooking sauces with a substantive proportion of liquid, as in the case of many Asian dishes. In many cases, however, the seeds are kept and used as an essential part of the particular dish of that culinary style or culture, again particularly in many Asian and native South American dishes.
Cayenne is also used to add heat as well as a very distinctive flavor to many, many other types of foods far too numerous to list. A perfect example is in the use of cayenne as a flavoring, heat agent, and coloring garnish for a classic Hollandaise sauce, as well as other sauces within the classical French culinary repertoire (Oncooking, pp217, 219).   
Every pepper variety, even subspecies within the same variety as the cayenne, have a distinctive flavor, unique to that particular type of pepper, and therefore the many uses of this large family of related vegetable species are now widely varied and run the entire gamut of most known culinary usages, within almost all cooking cultures in the world .
Great care needs to be taken in the handling of these peppers, as the active compound which causes the "burning" sensation most commonly associated with them, is not water soluble, and therefore injury and irritation to open skin, cuts and scrapes, eyes and nose, may persist for several hours or even days after handling. Certain dairy products, such as milk, sour cream, or yogurt, as well as alcohol, ammonia, and mild bleach solutions will denature the capsacinoids in these peppers, and allow them to become water soluble either for removal from skin or relief from the burning sensation in the palate (only the dairy products, not bleach or ammonia, dummy) (Cambridge pp286; Healthworld; et al). NEVER touch eyes, nose, or genitalia after directly handling these types of peppers (Medicinal Herbs Online), even after several hours or the next day, and scrub skin thoroughly with a mild bleach or ammonia solution, or use foodservice gloves when handling and preparing foods with these ingredients.

Cayenne has a long and storied history of medical and medicinal uses that date back as far as 4000-7000 B.C.E. (Calantilles: "Capsicum peppers, the whole story", et al.), and apparently has as many, if not more, claimed potential uses in this area as in the culinary history and industry.
   Cayenne and other directly related species of pepper have been used for relief from or as aids to: Cough, cold, and sore throat relief, endorphin release (aid to pain relief), aid to appetite (increases), enhanced metabolic rate and thermogenesis (increase in body temperature and heart rate without increase in blood pressure), as a vasodilator (improved circulation, stroke preventative), as an antibacterial, in cleansing and healing of wounds (speeds coagulation), as an anti-parisitic, in digestive aids for both gas and ulcer relief and healing, as a sialogogue (for the stimulation of salivation)(Medicinal Herbs Online), for many kinds of topical and internal pain relief, skin disorders such as psoriasis, respiratory disorders, shingles, toothaches, headaches, and is still currently undergoing intensive research for medicinal uses in many other areas, including cholesterol control, cancer research, and now well-documented relief from different forms of arthritis (Cambridge; Whole HealthMD, "Cayenne"; Healthworld; et al.).
It is utilized for medicinal purposes in the following forms: As an infusion (in a hot liquid, such as a tea), as a poultice combined with other herbs for topical arthritic or other topical pain relief from various conditions, including pain relief from phantom limb syndrome (amputee), as liniments (creams and salves made in combination with other herbs in a rubbing solution), gum disease relief, in powders, tinctures (liquid concentrates usually mixed with other compounds), in tablets, and in capsules (available in almost any natural supplement section of the grocery, pharmacy, and online purveyors), as well as in many health and fitness stores and various types of holistic healing practitioners (Healthworld; WholeHealthMD; Medicinal Herbs "Capsicum", et al.).
   In higher dosages and concentrations, noted incidence of potential injury may occur to skin, eyes, nose, digestive tract, and any mucous membranes, as well as injury to kidneys, and the liver (extreme and prolonged concentrations), and caution is advised when pregnant or breastfeeding and taking cayenne supplements in more than one of the references noted (Medicinal Herbs Online; Caldecott, Todd: Western Plant Mongraphs).
There may be certain drug interactions with a few modern pharmaceuticals, as well as natural allergic reactions in some, and it is recommended that a healthcare professional should be consulted in case of any doubt or question of contraindication and/or allergic reaction due to chemical interaction with the active alkaloid compounds (capsaicinoids) contained within this plant species (HealthWorld; Vitacost: "Cayenne").
It is also recommended that products containing Cayenne be kept out of reach of children (WholeHealthMD).
Cayenne also provides some good solid nutritional values as well. These types of peppers may contain significant amounts of iron, phosphorous, calcium, certain B-complex and B vitamins, vitamins A (including substantial amounts of beta-carotene), and C, both powerful antioxidants. May contain significant amounts of dietary fiber as well as some proteins, and contains no fats, no cholesterol, or high levels of sodium (Medicinal Herbs Online; Chile Pepper Institute: "Chile Nutrition"; NightThunder). 


When fully dried, stored closed tightly and kept in a cool, dry, and mild/temperate dark place (Oncooking, "Storing Herbs and Spices",pp122). Best use within 6 months. When fresh, either keep at room temp or refrigerate. Ideal dry storage is 50F, Max 70F (Spears, Marian: Purchasing for Profit; Out of the Frying Pan: Herb & Spice encyclopedia, "Cayenne"; Silber, Terry, et al. "Growing Herbs and Vegetables").


Fruits are smooth, shiny, unblemished and nicely supple (firm), slightly bumpy or ridged is normal and ok if all other color, texture (firmness) and grade characteristics are good. Colors range beginning as green in all immature fruits to bright red, and in other related species, black, yellow, orange, and purple in mature peppers. There should be no wilting, blacking of stems where attaches to fruit, other unusual blemishes, or mold spots when fresh/whole.
Check dates, carefully read labeling including ingredients for purity of product, especially if using dried powders, and question suppliers if possible regarding date, origin, and pungency (heat value).
Whole dried, crushed, or powdered should still retain good crisp flavor, piquant scent, good pungency, and good deep reddish to reddish brown color, not gray or dull and muddy-colored, nor heavily spotted and blemished (Wood: pp76; ChilePepperInstitute: FAQ's).


   Purchasing fresh Cayenne peppers may be difficult or expensive depending on region and time of year. Retail of dried cayenne peppers and closely related varieties is now fairly common and good buys can be obtained at some stores such as discount warehouse types.
It is available in all dried and powdered forms year-round via select wholesale food and produce purveyors, groceries, health food stores, holistic practitioners, and many smaller companies, and is also easily available online via several wholesale and retail outlets.
These species generally prefer a warmer growing climate and soil germination temperatures of at least 75F, with an ideal growing temperature range of 85-95F. They require plenty of sunlight (or, in growing indoors, suitable artificial source) and regular watering.
Plants for cultivation are available from many suppliers during the normal growing season, depending on which region of the country it is in. Many areas in the warmer, more arid, and more subtropical regions, such as parts of New Mexico (the leading producer of hot chili peppers in the U.S.), may produce and supply these peppers and cultivars year round.
These plants are now grown in many varieties in all sub-and tropical regions of the Earth. Prices range greatly from a few dollars for the many dried and ground forms, to moderately and very expensive depending on supplier and time of year.
A 5lb. container of powder may cost as much as $25.00, and fresh whole dried peppers may cost upward of $30.00 per case, from quality suppliers. Often packed in 1#, 2#, 5#, or larger bags, price range is greatly variable depending amount purchased, on supplier, location, and season.
Cayenne supplements are very common, yet still somewhat expensive, ranging in price from $5.00 or less per bottle of capsules to much more ($15.00 and up), depending on the quality, pungency, and freshness as claimed by the manufacturer. Select carefully.


1. Plant Type - The Cayenne pepper, sometimes also called "Tabasco Pepper", Botanical/scientific name of: Capsicum Annuum Frutescens L., is a member of a very large family of plants known as the "Nightshade" family or scientific name, Solanaceae.
These species of hot peppers belong to the same plant family as all known "sweet" peppers, as well as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, certain types of mushrooms, tobacco, and other decorative and ornamental plants (Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia:"Nightshade, Pepper"; NMSU: "Capsicum spp."). Paprika comes from a close relative with a very distinctive flavor and deep red color, with much less heat value.
This plant is a flowering annual, biennial or perennial plant which first produces small clusters of white and whitish-purple and yellowish-white flowers and then fairly thin, elongated, and pointed fruit, ranging in size from approximately 2 to as much as 12 inches in length.  It may range in height from 12 to 18 inches tall up to several feet high. The reason for such a large variation is both in growing climate, length of growing season (in some cases, year-round), and because there are as many as 20-30 related species within this plant variety known as the capsicum pepper type (Calantilles; Love to know Encyclopedia: "Cayenne"; NightThunder; Cambridge).

1A. The History  - of the Cayenne and other closely related Capsicum Peppers is quite extensive and is arguably noted to extend back in archaeological records of up to 7000 years B.C.E., at selected dig sites within Mexico.

These types of peppers are mainly recorded as initially being used widely by many peoples throughout the warmer parts of North, South, and Central Americas, including Native Americans, which are credited with the first known domestications and selection of these plant species, as well as Aztecs, Mayan and Arahawk Indian (West Indies) Peoples. The modern history of uses is listed in "Culinary and Medicinal Uses" in section 1.
It was used medicinally by native peoples in many ways, both as a pain reliever and as an invigorating and healing tonic for strength and cleansing, as well as a spice used in many native dishes of the region, including the Aztecs' favorite unsweetened and invigorating chocolate drink, known as Xocoatl, which was flavored with different types of herbs and spices, including hot chili pepper. As well, it was even described in lore to have been used as a weapon, being thrown at attackers to cause injury, and no doubt shock and dismay at this herbs' painful properties, especially to the eyes and all other mucous membranes.
   Once these plants were introduced to Africa, India, Italy, Europe, and most of Asia and China by the spice trade routes used by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 1400's, their use, as well as selection for cultivation increased greatly.
Since then the subsequent varieties being domesticated increased exponentially for the next several hundred years until today's massive modern cultivation of this plant, in almost any place on Earth that it can be grown under temperate conditions (Cambridge, pp282).

1B. – Origins and Discovery
Both the exact origin, and the subsequent "discovery" of this plant, although generally attributed by researchers and others to be: A. - Temperate regions within North America, Central, and South America, and B: Spanish, Portuguese, and French – are still both indeterminate by this report, as there is a wide variety of conflicting information on these specific topics within the extensive amount of research data studied thus far.
Even in the 2000 Cambridge World History of Foods, the answers remain somewhat unclear, and the point is made that there are several regions within the Americas that may be general points of potential origin, and that the discovery, and re-discovery of these pungent fruiting plants by many peoples and cultures throughout most of recorded human history claims many names but none which are singularly definitive, other than the common, and popular, norms of Christopher Columbus and other well-recognized Spanish Explorers.
These explorers, however, did bring varieties of the Cayenne or Capsicum peppers to Europe in the mid 1400's to 1500's, and therefore played significant roles in the introduction of this valuable spice and medicinal compound into the kitchens and pharmacopeias of much of old World Europe.
What seems most frequently overlooked though, is mention of the many other routes of trade and travel, used primarily by the Portuguese, (the old spice trade routes through India, Africa, and much of Asia and China at the time), by which these spices were also, at the same times in history, potentially introduced to many parts of Europe, the Balkans, and Italy (Cambridge, pp282).

1C. – Name Origins     
   The name itself, "Cayenne" seems to have originated from the small island town, Cayenne, now the capital of the country now known as Guyana, or French Guyana (also
spelled Guiana), and has been claimed to have been named after an Arahawk Indian Chief of the area in the mid-late 1600's (Flycheapol; Baldew; Appleton's). The references here conflict somewhat as well, and it is not clear as to how the Island of Cayenne actually acquired its name.
Specific credit is given however, to the nebulous "Chief Cayenne" after whom the town and now capital itself are apparently both named.

After the rein of a Governing French regent at the time, Huet de Navarre,  (Flycheap, Baldew, Appleton's), it was speculated that the Indian name was possibly originated from the river on which this town is near to, the Cayenne River. Appropriately, given its fiery nature the name, "Capsicum" is noted to have been derived from the Greek "Kapto" meaning, "Bite", "To bite" or "I bite" (Medicinal Herbs Online; "Cayenne"; NMSU).
   The indigenous Arahawks called these peppers "axi", the Spanish named them "Pimiento" or "Pimienton" after the name of the unrelated black pepper of India.
In Italy, they became known as "Peperone(s)", in the Balkans loosely as "Paprika(s)", and in France, known as "Piment" (Cambridge, pp.283).
1D. – Plant Myths and Mythology
There are many myths associated with Cayenne and related Capsicum Peppers, and here are some of the most interesting that I found. In Astrology, Capsicum peppers are attributed to the influence of Mars, the god of War. In Inca mythology, they were associated with a lightning bolt (aptly so), and the use of them was prohibited during certain rites such as funerals. In many forms of more modern folk medicine and witchcraft throughout Mexico, it was used to both cast and render harmful evil spells useless via many complicated means, including as a means of ridding oneself of the "evil eye" should one become so afflicted. It is also considered a "food of the demons" by certain Amazonian Indian peoples.
In American myth originating from the Midwest and Deep South, it is said you must be very angry at the time of planting chilies, in order to achieve the best potency (DeWitt, Dave: "Chile Peppers in Legend and Lore").
It has even been said in the southwest, that a dead body of someone who has died on the prairie that consumed quantities of hot chili peppers, that the vultures will not touch the carcass (Dewitt).
They have even recently been named " Medusa Peppers" by a particular state department of parks, due to their wild arrangement of snakelike, slightly curling and twisting display of peppers, said to resemble the hairdo of the mythological creature, the Medusa, which had a head of snakes or small serpents for hair ("Medusa Pepper", Alleghany Parks Dept.). There are countless others, again too numerous to list here.


This recipe is derived from a recipe given to me years ago by a close Sudanese friend. The stated area of origin is ancient Turkish style in combination with other African culinary styles. It may be prepared with or without red chili peppers, but must contain one or more variants, usually a dried and powdered form, of one of the hot red African cayenne and capsicum family of peppers, known either as "Mitmita" or "Barbare" in Ethiopia and Sudan. I have prepared it using a sweeter, milder form of related chili pepper, the tomatillo cherry pepper, as well as immature (green) Jalapeno peppers, dried cayenne pepper, and paprika.

Fresh Scallions/Green onions
Red (Spanish) onion
Fresh whole tomatoes
Fresh Carrottes
Fresh whole red chilies, jalapenos, cherry tomatillo, or Serrano peppers
Olive oil (E.V. or Pure)
Fresh Limes
Fresh basil, oregano, thyme, or dried Italian spice blend
Salt / Cracked black pepper
Pita Bread
Goat Cheese
Tahini Hummus
Stoneground Honey Mustard sauce

METHOD: Top, tail, clean and chop green onions roughly, using large 1-2 inch cuts of the tops - scallion greens, and making the cuts smaller as approach root ends, to small dice form. Place in large non-reactive bowl or large resealable container. Next, clean, stem, seed, and roughly chop chili peppers. Add to bowl w/green onions. Peel, and roughly medium chop red onion and add. Clean and top tomatoes, halve, then slice thickly to 1/3-1/2 inch. Cut these slices in large, rough julienne style and add to salad. Juice enough limes with pulp, to stand at least ½ to ¾ inch of fresh lime juice in the bottom of the bowl. Add a small amount of olive oil to coat very lightly all vegetables. Clean and roughly chop or add basil leaves whole, and dice other herbs fine and add, or, if using dried, add enough to thoroughly disperse throughout salad mixture. Clean and peel exterior of carrots, then continue peeling and reserve long clean peeled strands. Add salt and pepper and toss very well until even distribution of all textures and colors and all ingredients are well soaked in lime juice and coated with spices and oil. Add carrots last and toss, as these very thin, peeled strands, will be cooked quickly by the acids in the mixture and lose color, texture and flavor.

Serve on plates with a wedge of pita bread, small chunks of goat cheese, a small mound of hummus, and a small ramekin of honey mustard sauce.
Enjoy with lots of cold water (heh-heh).


Please see following pages for color sketch and additional diagrams


General Outline for Report: Cayenne: A Hot Topic

1.)   Introduction of myself, and my topic – Ask if anyone has any potentially severe allergic tendencies and give basic handling cautions, as they will be handling some samples.

2.)   Introduction of Handout, Live plant for display, other related varieties (mirror and present) and handout of Samples (for everyone).

3.)   Brief of historical points – General areas of origin, archeology, and age of modern discovery. Top myths associated with this plant/spice.

4.)   Brief of Modern culinary and past/current medicinal uses, heat scale, and proper cautious handling – Include denature by dairy products, and bleach solutions.

5.)   Questions ?

6.)   Introduce sample recipe, distribute recipe samples, give brief background

7.)   Conclusion/closing remarks to include general of many varied uses both medicinally and culinary, research still in progress, places to look for add'l info. Answer any add'l questions. Closing,

8.)   Thank you.

(Sample Handout)
         "Cayenne: A  'Hot' Topic"
By: Chef M. Annamarie Arnow  2/9/04



~   More Interesting Hot Chile Facts   ~

   Many related varieties of same pepper species are now available under many different names.
   Known region of origination: Tropical, subtropical, and warm/hot arid regions of the Americas – South, Central, and S.W. North America.
   These plants very closely related to tomatoes, potatoes, Tobacco, and vanilla.
   These species not recognized in Europe until 14-1500's, after Columbus' last visit to the New World - initially he was looking for black pepper. Portuguese explorers and traders may also have introduced species to parts of Africa, the Mid-East, parts of Asia and China, Italy, and the Balkans in Eastern Europe.
   Archeological evidence of this plant's (and closely related species) culinary and medicinal use is dated back to pre-historic times. Native Americans were first documented to have domesticated several varieties. Also likely domestication by the Arahawk Indians of the West Indies.
   Many interesting myths associated with this plant's fruit. Some say that to get the best crop, one should be very angry at the time of planting. Another southwestern myth is that if someone should die out in the open and they have eaten large amounts of hot peppers, the vultures will not touch the body.
   Many culinary & medicinal uses for these peppers. Now common in most spicy Asian cuisines, in Classical French cookery, and in most southwest, Latin American, and Caribbean cuisines. Very commonplace in many forms of African cookery. Mainly used fresh whole, dried whole, dried and crushed, and dried and powdered.

   Medicinal uses are many and well-documented, both in past and present medical research. May be used to treat arthritis, circulatory disorders, headaches, for gum and mouth infections, as an antiseptic and antibacterial. Current research is focusing on cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes. Well documented for producing healing effects on stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.

   Ironically, the edible portions of the plant (fruit and seeds) are the most potentially harmful. However, studies have shown that repeated use will rapidly increase tolerance, except in cases of allergy or rare contraindications with certain medicines or other serious medical conditions.
   Heat value is most often referred to as "pungency", and is based on measurement on the "Scoville Scale". The scale was developed by researcher W. Scoville in 1912 as a subjective taste test (OUCH). This has since been updated with more scientific methods. Comparison is a Habanero pepper (Cayenne's hottest relative) rated at up to 500,000 Scoville heat units, whereas Cayenne is rated to a maximum of about 50,000 units, with varieties as mild as 15-20,000 (still considered very hot by most).
   Proper handling of peppers, especially fresh, is very important. The active "hot" compound is NOT water soluble, and will only denature in alcohol, ammonia, or mild bleach solutions. Thorough washing with soap will eliminate some, but not all of these compounds. NEVER touch eyes, nose, genitalia, or other foods in preparation if working with hot peppers. Unless using gloves or you are sure that hands have been well cleaned after working with hot peppers, painful irritations may persist for several hours or even days later from touching any mucous membranes with hands. 

* Note – Due to a formatting error on this copy, the sample handout appears to be more than one page long. It actually is not, and will appear as one page at time of presentation.


Kiple, Kenneth F. – Cambridge World History of Food, VOL. 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2000.

Hobbs, Christopher L.Ac.,A.H.G. – Cayenne – This Popular Herb is Hot – Health World on Line – http://www.healthydotnet/asp/templets/article.asp?PAGETYPE=ARTICLE & ID=866.html.  Accessed 2/1/2004.

Capsicum - Medicinal Herbs on line – Capsicum Accessed 2/4/2004.

New Mexico State University – CAPSICUM spp. – 6/28/2002. Accessed 2/3/04.

Night-Thunder, Int'l.  – Services – Healing Herbs "Cayenne"  –  Accessed 2/3/2004.


Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia – Pepper (Vegetable)  Accessed 2/1/2004.

American Medical Association – Harmful, Injurious and Toxic Plants.  AMA Publishing, Chicago, Illinois, 1996.

The Chile Pepper Institute:  "Chile Pungency". Accessed 2/1/2004. – The Scoville Scale.  Accessed 2-4-2004.

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Level the playing field


Big legs rock!  Be happy!  I mean if you've got a big belly... that's not kewl, but big legs are things to be happy about, means your center of gravity is where it should be!