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two spirits

Started by beth_finallyme, May 28, 2005, 01:02:30 AM

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hello it's me

hello it's me
yes the one unseen
it was me inside you see
never once could i be me

the one you love was hiding there
down deep inside it wasn't fair
the dad you knew was really me
his familiar face is all you see

in his depths i sat so still
locked within against my will
you can see me if you try
look behind his weary eye

think about what i have done
ask yourself if he's the one?
that loved you all that i could?
and was it him who understood?

could a man have been that way?
or was it me there every day?
giving love as women do
the most caring love just for you

i know it hurts so very much
that she wants to be in touch
and you fear your loss of dad
yet she is the dad you've always had

a woman lost, it was her fate
now she's found, although it's late
she loves you all eternally
she is your father can't you see?


You Gave me chills,
and a beautiful cry escaped from my heart,
while a tear fell upon my lap as i read this beautiful thing you have shared.
Truly amazingly and poetically beautiful, Beth -


love Always,

Level the playing field


Thank you Annagirl,

This poem means so much to me, and i feel vulnerable sharing it but i know all of you are so understanding. You have brightened my heart tonite.

love beth



Exceptionally nice Beth (=
You have such a wonderful way with words.


Thank you so much 4years and Annagirl. You both have made me feel good and less afraid to expose my feelings.   :-*



I could feel the love and warmth of your words in my heart as I read your very beautiful poem.  The person who inspired you must be very special indeed.  You have a relationship that most of us can only dream about.

Thank you for sharing.


Thank you so very much joanna,   :)

she is a very special person

QuoteLook inside of me, and see the face of the little girl that I shall always be.

that is a wonderful quote. I believe that no matter what our outside appearance is, our real selves can be seen by those that have open hearts. i saw a bit of the little girl in the kind words you posted. i wish you much love and happiness joanna.



Dearest Beth,

I just remembered that i really needed to thank you for this incredible poem  - i Had written thanks to you once before soon after you published it, but what i didnt tell you, is that this poem is what directly inspired me to write what i did to my dear incredible wife in "Just a little while longer", on this same forum...

The beauty and depth of feeling that you shared in this particular poem moved me so deeply and emotionally, that i couldnt hold back in desperately needing to create and share something of a similar nature for her and the rest of the world to see...
I am very blessed to have found such an incredible person to share many good years of my life with, and am hoping with all of my heart that we will continue on for "a little while longer", as this has been a brutaly painful and difficult process for her to begin dealing with in the last year, after almost 13 years of being together as closest friends, soulmates, and a married "couple", for 10 of those amazingly incredible years...

I thank you always for your beautiful sharing, and always look forward to your warmth, lovingness, and real true expression of your amazingly open heart...

Thanks always,
Much Love to you,

Love Forever,

Most sincerely yours,

Level the playing field


Thank you very much Annagirl, you always say the sweetest things  :icon_bunch:

I just love your "Just a little while longer" love poem, it tugs at my heart each time i read it. She is very fortunate to be loved so much. I just know that she will love you and stay with you forever. What woman could resist a beautiful, creative and intelligent woman like you!!!

