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Started by Hypatia, April 01, 2008, 01:04:45 PM

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Do you call it SRS (sex reassignment surgery) or GRS (genital reassignment surgery/gender reassignment surgery/genital reconstruction surgery)?

37 (52.9%)
22 (31.4%)
something else (discuss)
11 (15.7%)

Total Members Voted: 33


I'm wondering if there is any consensus forming on which term to use for it.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


Personally, I use "SRS."




It better not be a 'gender' change. If that's what someone is going for they maybe should re-think it.

Quote from: Sheila on April 01, 2008, 01:35:35 PM
This poll said Genital Reassignment Surgery. I had my genitals changed not my gender. I also didn't change my sex either.
So it did. Maybe I should read more closely. ..... nah.



This poll said Genital Reassignment Surgery. I had my genitals changed not my gender. I also didn't change my sex either.


I'm confused.  I thought GRS = Gender Reassignment Surgery.  SRS = Sex Reassignment Surgery.  So I always used GRS because I want the word sex out of the whole thing.  This has nothing to do with what I want sexualy.  Enough people think I did this for sexual reasons.  Sex has nothing to do with it.  So I like to use the word gender.  I also like to use the term transgender because it doesn't have the word sex in it.  I'm saddened that it has become an umberlla term.

Quote from: Nichole on April 01, 2008, 01:16:02 PM

It better not be a 'gender' change. If that's what someone is going for they maybe should re-think it.


Now I'm really confused.


Quote from: TreeFlower on April 01, 2008, 02:01:57 PM
I'm confused.  I thought GRS = Gender Reassignment Surgery.

I've heard both Gender and Genital used. And Gender Confirmation Surgery, and... on and on.

I don't like confusion either. I like the original SRS, even with the the word SEX in it, since IMHO, I am changing my physical sex. In my mind, no matter what else I've done or how I look, I'm still physically male until that surgery.


Just Mandy

I thought GRS was Genital Reassignment Surgery, but I agree that I would prefer transgender rather than
transsexual because I don't feel like it has anything to do with sex. But I tend to use TS because
Transgender seems to be, as Treeflower said, turned into an umbrella term.  There is nothing wrong
with being CD or TV or any of the other conditions that transgender encompasses but that does not
describe me. So... I hate the term transsexual but that is the best way to describe my situation.


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


Quote from: TreeFlower on April 01, 2008, 02:01:57 PM
I'm confused.  I thought GRS = Gender Reassignment Surgery.  SRS = Sex Reassignment Surgery.  So I always used GRS because I want the word sex out of the whole thing.  This has nothing to do with what I want sexualy.  Enough people think I did this for sexual reasons.  Sex has nothing to do with it.  So I like to use the word gender.  I also like to use the term transgender because it doesn't have the word sex in it.  I'm saddened that it has become an umberlla term.

Quote from: Nichole on April 01, 2008, 01:16:02 PM

It better not be a 'gender' change. If that's what someone is going for they maybe should re-think it.


Now I'm really confused.

The gender doesn't change with surgery; the surgery is to change the body to match the gender of the one going under the knife. Thus, the "body sex" is changing.

The word "sex" here does not mean sexual, only as an indication as to what kind of body we are talking about, a male or female body.

Personally, I use SRS, but that is mostly because that is the term I encountered most on these boards, and thus stuck with me.


lady amarant

I'm with Kate on this one. I'm changing physical Sex to match mental Gender, but I do suppose it depends on how one defines those two words.

       I'm done with this tagline business. Not like I'm getting paid for my stunning wit.

       ... For Now... Muahahahahahaha!  :icon_evil_laugh:


I would prefer Genital Reassignment Surgery.  Please don't try to tell me this is all about sex!



I have started to refer to it as Gender Confirmation Surgery. GCS

Basically because my surgeon refers to it that way since that is in fact what it is.  I already know what gender I am, and the surgery now confirms it.

And while it is my preference, any of the other terms are acceptable to me.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


My thoughts are exactly what Polarbear said. Gender doesn't change under the ministrations of a knife.

Outward sex does. The problem with the word is that the first thing in the minds of many is 'having sex,' not 'being a sex.'



i will go with sas for sex affirmation surgery :P

Alyssa M.

Vaginoplasty. That's what it is.


NYB: NunYa Bidness.

SRS or GRS overemphasize its importance IMO. See the thread on "misconceptions."

(For FTM's, I'm not sure even which precicely which surgury SRS is referring to; so I'll go with "NMB" -- None of My Business.)
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


Hmmm... some may see this as controversial, but what the heck :)

Personally I prefer cosmetic surgery (CS).  I believe that the word sex is too broad a term to use as it can be associated with a persons gender, the difference between male and female, and/or the act of (having sex), and in some parts of society the word sex is seen as something bad, never talked about at the dinner table.  Gender on the other hand is too narrow a term as it simply means either being of the male or female type.

Further to this I don't believe that you can change either you gender or your sex when dealing in this situation.  Cosmetic surgery on the other hand, is used to alter, improve, enhance "physical" body parts.  So for me I had cosmetic surgery to alter certain body parts so that they were congruent with, and reflected my true gender.

I think the use of the terms GRS, SRS, or any other "Reassignment" surgeries contributes to the confusion and none acceptance by those who are not transsexual.  many feel that gender or sex can't be reassigned as a person is born male or female.



Quote from: Alyssa M. on April 01, 2008, 06:46:09 PM
Vaginoplasty. That's what it is.

Ya know... that's a GREAT point!

I change my vote! Well I would if it was an option, lol... ;)



Quote from: Steph on April 01, 2008, 06:59:15 PM
Hmmm... some may see this as controversial, but what the heck :)

Personally I prefer cosmetic surgery (CS).  I believe that the word sex is too broad a term to use as it can be associated with a persons gender, the difference between male and female, and/or the act of (having sex), and in some parts of society the word sex is seen as something bad, never talked about at the dinner table.  Gender on the other hand is too narrow a term as it simply means either being of the male or female type.

Further to this I don't believe that you can change either you gender or your sex when dealing in this situation.  Cosmetic surgery on the other hand, is used to alter, improve, enhance "physical" body parts.  So for me I had cosmetic surgery to alter certain body parts so that they were congruent with, and reflected my true gender.

I think the use of the terms GRS, SRS, or any other "Reassignment" surgeries contributes to the confusion and none acceptance by those who are not transsexual.  many feel that gender or sex can't be reassigned as a person is born male or female.


Now THAT was a good set of points.



Personally I've always called it SRS (SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY), but in my very last few posts I've called it GRS (GENITAL RECONSTRUCTION SURGERY).  After all, that is what surgeons do anyway, to RECONSTRUCT the genitals to match the patient's gender identity, no?

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: AlwaysAmanda on April 01, 2008, 02:14:31 PM
I thought GRS was Genital Reassignment Surgery
I did too. But when I looked up the subject, I was surprised to find the phrase "gender reassignment surgery" along with "genital reassignment surgery" and "genital reconstruction surgery" for GRS. So I will modify my original question. I had not suspected that anyone would seriously refer to a surgery as "gender reassignment."

I don't call myself transgender. The word doesn't have a clear, precise meaning and doesn't really state who I am. The exact word for what I am is transsexual. I'm afraid I have no patience with my fellow Americans and their prissy fear of the word "sex." There is nothing wrong or shameful about being sexual. We're all sexual beings. The surgery in question is for our sex organs--there's no such thing as a "gender organ," silly!

Posted on: April 01, 2008, 09:05:20 PM
Quote from: Alyssa M. on April 01, 2008, 06:46:09 PM
Vaginoplasty. That's what it is.
Female chauvinist! What about the dudes?

Posted on: April 01, 2008, 09:10:27 PM
Quote from: Claire de Lune on April 01, 2008, 08:24:52 PM
I've never really given much thought to it.  I use them synonymously.  The decision on which to use is made by the better alliteration.  They both convey the same procedures, usually in reference to genital surgery.  So what's the big deal?
I want to pick one term and use it consistently.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


Quote from: Hypatia on April 01, 2008, 09:10:27 PM
Female chauvinist! What about the dudes?


I like the intent here of stripping away all the interpretations of what it MEANS, and just telling it like it IS.

It wasn't long in coming out that I stopped using the word "transsexual" entirely, and just told people that, "I'm changing my sex and going by the name Kate now." The "changing my sex" part sounds a bit presumptuous now, but the idea was to just tell it like it is, and not try to convince anyone of anything.

But that's just me ;)
