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I need advice on shorts.

Started by Autumn, March 24, 2008, 03:10:39 AM

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I so loathe the narcissistic intro to every post about myself but it's sort of relevant.

I'm always presenting male, but I crossdress basically full time in clothes I can get away with. I've got my style nailed down fairly well and though I'm getting bored with the lack of options it's equal or better than mens' in all regards.

I've decided that this year I will try out sandals and shorts. I've never worn sandals before (but I found a pair with a raised heel, hurrah!) and I haven't worn shorts since I realized I looked like an idiot 4-5 years ago.

Anyway, things like no show socks and sandals and shaved legs later, I feel like shorts aren't out of the question - and I'm not afraid to show off the shaved legs. However, I know nothing about shorts. Obviously I'm not going to wear a pair of mid-thigh skin tight denim shorts, because I'm a gender-confused androgynous crossdresser, not a flaming queen. From looking around, it seems like most womens' shorts that aren't the above are very baggy in the crotch and that confuses me.

I'm considering taking a pair of jeans that I don't like any more as jeans and hacking the legs off, but I'm not sure what a good length is. I see guys with above the knee shorts all the time, so I know I can go a couple of inches above the knee, but I really don't know what faux paux I might stumble into, both fashion-wise and gender bending wise.

Also: matching tops! I've always thought long sleeved with shorts made one too top heavy. My imagination?

Just Mandy

I hate long above the knee jean shorts on guys and girls unless you are very young but that is just personal
preference. Cargo pants fall into that for me too. I hate cargo pants on teens/twenties girls. :)

Khaki shorts are so much nicer looking and ride a couple of inches above the knee. I also think any shorts
on older guys(and women), unless you are fit is a big mistake. Younger girls wear really short shorts which look great
but I think after some age (30-35???) would be a mistake also, unless you are really fit and have
great legs. Also my opinion more than anything but I've followed womens fashions obsessively for years.

I don't think its a fashion mistake to wear sleeves and shorts, I see a lot of women dress that
way in the spring. Unless you have a very skinny lower body and very big upper body and pick
very contrasting colors I think it would be OK. I think Khaki with any pastel color would certainly be fine.

No one will notice when you shave your legs. I obsessed about that for the longest and
once I started shaving no one really noticed. Lot's of bicyclers/swimmers/weightlifters/metrosexuals shave
these days.

Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


People bug out about me having my arms shaved, this is Texas.  :laugh:

I'm young and have pretty nice legs. I've just never taken into consideration shorts styles or paid attention to what anyone else wore. I guess I should start looking around for pictures to get ideas to try out on myself. I appreciate the input.

debbie j

well Autumn with shorts it depened on the brand. as each brand seams to have different leg length. which

make it hard to pick the  but if you take and try each brand on . and see how they look on you . i think you

might find the style you will like. thats what i had to do ::)


I agree, Autumn, you just really need to try on some things and see how they do for you.  Wal-Mart and Academy are good options for you, since they put things on clearance often.  Then you can get a good idea of the ones you like without spending a fortune.  And then go find what you know you need.


Ms Jessica

I'm a big fan of Kohl's since the dressing rooms aren't really monitored.  You can take in whatever you want, and try it on, and no gives you any weird looks. 


They usually have some at cRoss Dress For Less, too.
