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How long to get use to Anti-Androgyn Medication

Started by TheBattler, April 02, 2008, 07:53:21 PM

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How long does it take for people to get use use to Anti-Androgyn Medications.

I started Estrogen two months ago - everything was going great.

Started AA a week ago and I am getting tired again. Wondering if it is the AA or just me trying to do to much.

Wondering for how long people where tired once they started Anti-Androgyn.


Just Mandy

If you're talking Spiro it takes a little while or at least it did for me. Maybe 30 days or so I
started getting used to it. The first week I slept ALL the time. I was about ready to quit
but then it starting geting better.

Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


I got light-headed every time I stood up for the first few weeks of taking spironolactone.

It stopped happening after a few weeks.



Casodex (bicalutamide) can rip you up pretty too is a very good AA, but it has side effects that feel like a heat attack, or dizziness or bone and pelvic pains. I get weak, dizzy and darkened vision if I stand up fast make that ALL THE TIME, not HOW FAST I stand up......leg cramps if I squat for working in my garden...and the first week was the worst, but then I was taking a full dose that's not fair.

The largest problem is the intense (at times) bone and hip pain it causes. The iliac points of my hips just ache! Can't wear tight pants..even underwear is painful if it crosses on the hips at those points.

I am currently taking it in a prescribed dose of 1/2 the normal value...using a pill cutter makes it easy. The doc knows the pain I am having and ask me to just tough it out for the term of the treatment for my BPH non-cancerous prophylaxis.

I don't think I'll ever get used to it, but I only have to take it for 6 or 8 months more.  Thank goodness the VA is paying for it...have you ever priced this stuff?

It tastes ultra-bad if you don't get it swallowed in the first gulp of water. Do not delay to get it past your mouth! Yuck!!! Double yuck!!! <:barfing smiley-face:> Don't EVEN consider taking it mashed up in something like applesauce. It will totally overpower the apple flavor and you'll regret it! Besides, the pill is so small you can almost accidentally swallow it very easily.



Hi Alice,
I know we talked in chat, but I'll post it here too...for me, it was pretty much 3 weeks. I documented it in my blog and had to go back and check the length of time. I was soooo tired for the first three weeks, we're talking several 12 hour days, naps during the day etc. Like Kate said, I also had dizzy spells and also migraines. I was also kind of off balance for several weeks where I've always had good balance before that. It definitely took some getting used to, but it's pretty necessary :) Meghan


Quote from: cindybc on April 04, 2008, 07:22:04 PM
Anyone here know about self healing?

I know all about it. It doesn't work or I would not have had eleven eye surgeries, currently have COPD, osteoporosis or spinal degradation, a fractured pelvis and a few crushed lumbar vertebrae.

If I could, I'd be wishing and self-healing 24/7.

Reminds me of the old puzzle of frogs-wings and the landing there of the former, with a lack of the latter.   

If you want self-healing better go to a witch least you'd get a show for your time and efforts and maybe a shrunken head in the gift shop. 

Placebos and placebo-effects and general "Healing Wishes" have fooled many people with anecdotal evidence and anecdotal evidence isn't proof. (Take your hands off the radio!).

There is NO WAY to wish cataracts away. They either exist and get worse or you didn't have any in the first place.

There is no way to wish for repair to your lenses or the (hardening) tissue that envelops them.

Maybe a few eye-muscle exercises can help with pointing the eyes in the same direction...and therefor making it appear that vision has improved...but it hasn't.

Psychic, mental and personal healing have been the taking of and by a lot of people.

If it worked, you would not need to take E and could heal yourself into female all by yourself. 



Hi,  JodieBlonde, I have never encountered another person having so many problems in one body, and I know not the chances of putting as many problems as you can into remission.

I was abused over and over again for many years and came out of it with no serious problems.  The physically would heal much sooner then the psychological, but with determination I did eventually heal.

You may want to try on just one problem at a time.  Faith can be your best ally. Having faith in *yourself* can do more things than no faith in anything can do.  If you are not willing to take this suggestion into consideration then just disregard this post. This message will self destruct in five minutes, ((((POOF))))
P.S.  I never had my hands on the radio in my entire life but in the beginning I reached inside of me and touched she who is within and that was a start. I am spiritualist and an empath and have on occasion healed both people and animals.



Spiro, has a few effects which could tire you at first.

It changes electrolyte balance (its a diuritic but also keeps potassium), this
alone could tire as you water and salt levels in your tissues is reajusted.

Another thing that can tire you is lower blood pressure, initially, the lower
fluid levels cause by the diuritics will drop the blood pressure possibly too much.
As electrolytes are rebalanced, fluid levels and salts are adjusted and the
various body systems reajust and the blood pressure moves to a sustainable level.

Another thing, Spiro blocks the T receptors, thus if estrogen has not diminished
T (probable unless on a high dose of estrogen), you get a big drop of T at
the T receptors in the brain which will zap your energy right there until you
get used to it. Its like somebody's cutting cafeine, and feeling way lethargic



Quote from: Alice on April 02, 2008, 07:53:21 PM
How long does it take for people to get use use to Anti-Androgyn Medications.

I started Estrogen two months ago - everything was going great.

Started AA a week ago and I am getting tired again. Wondering if it is the AA or just me trying to do to much.

Wondering for how long people where tired once they started Anti-Androgyn.


I got used to it straight away and didn't suffer any noticable effects...


Thanks everyone,

I am starting to struggle again - getting tired and trying to stay awake at work.

This lunch I thought about my battle to get to this far and all the times I just wanted to end my pain. I am not sure it is worth keeping on AA if it continues to make me tired. I will give it another 1-2 weeks.




Well, I quite agree with Berleigh on this one. I never had any problems with the spironolactone. I never had any problem with anything, I have felt what pain is in my life, both physical and mental abuse, alcoholic, bipolar, kids taken away by spouse, lost my home, my son died, struck by a truck while  crossing the street and I survived  GID, other then that I am healthier then a bloody horse.


Just Mandy

Quote from: Alice on April 07, 2008, 09:45:36 PM
Thanks everyone,

I am starting to struggle again - getting tired and trying to stay awake at work.

This lunching I thought about my battle to get to this far and all the times I just wanted to end my pain. I am not sure it is worth keeping on AA if it continues to make me tired. I will give it another 1-2 weeks.



Hi Alice,

You may want to talk to your doc about lowering the dosage before you give it up. I ended up needing less than
half what the normal recommended dosage is and it resolved all my issues with low BP, etc. And my T levels were well
within female ranges.


Something sleeps deep within us
hidden and growing until we awaken as ourselves.


Quote from: AlwaysAmanda on April 08, 2008, 10:39:51 AM
Quote from: Alice on April 07, 2008, 09:45:36 PM
Thanks everyone,

I am starting to struggle again - getting tired and trying to stay awake at work.

This lunching I thought about my battle to get to this far and all the times I just wanted to end my pain. I am not sure it is worth keeping on AA if it continues to make me tired. I will give it another 1-2 weeks.



Hi Alice,

You may want to talk to your doc about lowering the dosage before you give it up. I ended up needing less than
half what the normal recommended dosage is and it resolved all my issues with low BP, etc. And my T levels were well
within female ranges.


I talk to my doctor yesterday and we agreed I wil cut my dose in half to see how I go.



Try to stay active..get up and walk around every once in a while. Park further away from door in parking lots. When you get home, try to keep busy. It will pass soon. I should know, I've done this 3 times already. First couple of weeks are pure hell. Just sitting makes me want to doze off. You have to stay busy....its hard but once you get going you will feel so much better.
"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


I didn`t feel anything. I`m on 100 mg spiro.


I had a discussion with my doctor at the gender clinic.  Because of significant illness, I was told by my hospital doctors and family doctor that taking oral hormone therapies might be too risky for me.  What is being considered for me is either injectable hormones or perhaps going quickly towards Orchiectomy to deal with the testosterone problem, thus minimising the need for oestrogens at high doseages.

To date, I have dabbled with oestrogen via online suppliers but not since the back of last year due to cost pressures. I am expecting to begin supervised hormone therapies in June this year with the proviso of alternate treatment options being utilised. Spiro is just too dangerous for me because of my condition  :o :(


Quote from: JENNIFER on April 09, 2008, 01:50:54 PM
I had a discussion with my doctor at the gender clinic.  Because of significant illness, I was told by my hospital doctors and family doctor that taking oral hormone therapies might be too risky for me.  What is being considered for me is either injectable hormones or perhaps going quickly towards Orchiectomy to deal with the testosterone problem, thus minimising the need for oestrogens at high doseages.

To date, I have dabbled with oestrogen via online suppliers but not since the back of last year due to cost pressures. I am expecting to begin supervised hormone therapies in June this year with the proviso of alternate treatment options being utilised. Spiro is just too dangerous for me because of my condition  :o :(

you could try estrogen patches which I find quite effective or Estradiol Implants which are in pellet form injected under the skin. At the moment there arn't any injectable HRT's available through U.K NHS prescription.


How much does AA reduce your resitences to cold and flues ETC. I have been very sick today and wondered if my immune system has been weekend to let in the bug.



AA only affects T either at the receptor or in production,
it shouldn't effect the immune system.

Spiro is used by even 80's year old with liver failure, so
its safe for the immune system for sure or they would not do that.


I was started on Spiro., half of the current dose, divided into two equal doses, daily. After two weeks, I was given the full dosage, the same as I'm currently taking, again, in two equal doses. Two weeks later, new lab work was done, and that was when estrogen was added. I never had any side effects at all from the Spiro.