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Started by Jillieann Rose, May 29, 2006, 06:39:18 PM

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Jillieann Rose

I'm going to meet the local Crossroads TG President in my area tommorrw.
Does anyone know much about this group? The Transgender of Michigan webset put me intouch with the group. The person I talked to said there are only 4 members locally.
I'd like to know a little more about the group before I meet there President.
I contacted them cause I need some flesh and blood companionship.
Thank you in advance for any input you may have.


Sounds great. I have only heard of like 5 people in my area TG, one that emailed me recently. Mostly much younger TGs. Nothing organized like what you have there. Hope it helps.

Your picture looks very very nice Jill. I love what your doing.

Jillieann Rose

The person I talk to is retired so I'm hoping for TG friend or two somewhere around my age.  Joanne the President said tey had a picnic and a movie planned for nexted weekend.

Tomorrow will be a busy day I also very a joint consoling session with my wife.

Good to hear from you Kendra. Thank you. I like your new picture too.

Kate Thomas

Your looking Good girl
(as is Kendra) ;)
wow let us know how things go
"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot

Jillieann Rose

Meet Kenny Jo the local president of Crossroads Tuesday afternoon and she is also a Transsexual and has been on hormones for years. Anyway when she realized that I was really a transgender person the first thing she wanted to know is if I had some female looking glasses because the ones I had on were too male looking. I had just come from work and had my male clothing on. I'm near sighted and don't wear glass when I'm in dress as a woman.

The group Crossroads is a CD group and locally has 4 other member. Seems they are all MTFM.  She would like me to join and said to call or email her anytime for support. She told me allot about local transsexual opportunity. Thinks like what therapist and doctors were transgender friendly. And how to get hold of a transsexual group in Michigan called "Pure". Does anyone know about them?
Anyway I really enjoyed meeting another flesh and blood transsexual person.


Hi Jillieann,
                 Thats good to hear you are talking to others in a group. I wish I could find a support group in my area. Your looking real good. You go girl. ;)

Love being female



Even though we have never met, I enjoy reading your posts.  You always appear as a decent careing person, always there to give helpful & encouraging advice and comments.  I think of you as a friend,  and I hope that you consider me in a similar fashion.

A significant step in my own self realisation was reading the postings in the blog of a cross dresser - his description of how he was & felt - he could have been talking about me, yet it was so sad he would dress up go for a drive or to some remote place as his female alter ego, then back, it struck me as sad & lonley & missing somthing.   From this I started to visit CD & TS sites. I was drawn, looking for somthing

Sites I came to, where you had to wonder what was the underlying aim & purpose :(   where they talked about 'mones like lollies that could turn you into a beautiful woman, 'tists - where if you were unsure about stuff they could make up your mind for you.   Other sites where men posted pics of themselves in short skirts & fishnet stockings - all the world like those brothels in Amsterdam, prostitutes parading themselves in windows.
Another site, I visited frequently before I came to Susans, got talking to another person there, uno strike up a friendship - talk, where this person suggested that I was 100% bottom, and encouraged me to let a man into my mouth & tushie - to enable me to feel more "girley"

Jillieann, not many places are like Susans:  I am saying in a long winded sort of way that Support groups do not necessarily "support" in the way people need.  And that friendly people are not necessarily your friend (this is a concept decent people often have trouble with - they judge others by their own standards).

Please do not be offended by my post - I am approaching you as a friend and hope you regard me as one.  I am concerned by your post where you say Kenny Jo, suggested you got female looking glasses - even though at the time you were in your male attire.  In another post Chynna made an observation that struck me as very true.  Just because people don't say anything dosen't at all mean they haven't noticed stuff.  People would already have noticed things about you Jillieann, and your wearing feminine glasses would underline in spades what they may already suspect.   
Sounds like I am waving my arms about & shouting "Danger Will Robertson" all I am saying is be guided by what your wife will accept rather than what a stranger with an barrow to push suggests.  Think things through well before you get to the fork in the road otherwise other people will be making your decisions for you.

Once again - please dont be offended by my post, its not my intention

Love and Peace Jillieann

your friend
Rana :)


Jillieann Rose

Hi Rana,
I consider you a friend too and you are on my buddy list.
Although I didn't say it, this person kind of spooked me too.
She seemed a little too pushy.
It's been a week now and at this point I'm not sure that I will contact her again.
I so much would like to have a local transgender friend or two.

I'm not offended in the least, thank you for your candor. Real friends really care and do speak up. I did like how you put it
QuoteI am waving my arms about & shouting "Danger Will Robertson"
Cause I am a Science fiction junky of sorts.

Although I may some day contact the group called "Pure" that she talked.
Right now the most important things working at are:
1. Help my wife know how much I still care for her.
2. Uniting my two sides or spirits.
3. Slowly and that's hard becoming more of the woman that I am in spirit.

I don't know if you read about my dealing with two different spirits in me, but in a nut shell for as long as I can remember I have looked at things in two different ways. If one of me said yes the other would say no. Anyway now I seem to be starting to become one and I is a good thing. I am female; the other self whom I believe that I created to cope with the pressures of being physically a male had taken on a life of it own. It has allot of people skills that I lack among other things. But it no longer controls me but is now subservient to me and I believe is become just part of my thinking process.  But I'm not all the way there yet.

I'm also working at regain allot of lost early painful memories.  Why?
I want to experience life both the ups and downs. The good and th bad.  No more stuffing everything hurtful way down inside, because that kills not just the pain but all of my feelings. I'm not going to live in a twlight zone anymore.

Sorry I'm getting carried away here, but I am not what I was and I am not what I will be.
I am woman and I am grown.
Your Sis


Hi Jilliean,

It is very interesting that you have said you had two side and - to paraphase - your feminine side is becomming dominant. I sometimes feel a feminine side within me that speaks out on some occasions.

From what I have seen on this site there are two basic kind of TS - people who identified as feminine from birth and others that have where their feminie side has blosumed/grown with age. There are a few who are within this 'second group' (and purhaps myself in the future) and I hope you do not mind me putting you into the second grouped. When I started the thread on 'where have we come from' I was so hoping you would responsed as a feel we share a similar experiences. 


Kate Thomas

I must ad mit that i have twin spirit. each at odds weth the strugling to be heard the other objecting.

Its great that you have gotten in touch woth others.

"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot


Quote from: Rana on June 06, 2006, 06:43:34 AM
I visited frequently before I came to Susans, got talking to another person there, uno strike up a friendship - talk, where this person suggested that I was 100% bottom, and encouraged me to let a man into my mouth & tushie - to enable me to feel more "girley"

Yeah, having a man sex you up is the true path to feminization!!!  :icon_inyourface:
I've heard that one before from a few Psychologists. Who actually comes up with stuff like that?

Rana in case I haven't told you recently,
I love your mature, balanced approach and style! ;)
And I admire you a lot

Always willing to feel more girley -NOT- :eusa_whistle:


Hey Jillieann,
I am flattered that you have added me to your buddy list, and I have with you :)
Some people, like converts to a new religion or somthing like that, get a bit caught up with their own enthuasiums.  Not saying she is wrong or bad - just to be careful (which you already were :)  ).
I watch how you are progressing with a great deal of interest Jillieann - and I will tell ya, I have resolved to recontinue my (stalled journey) - just to see how far I can go.  Have set down a plan reckon it may take 183 (make that 181 now) days.  Like with yourself my problem is how my wife will accept things.  I love her deeply (and know she loves me deeply too).  What I want is her acceptance and cooperation.

I used to be really into Science Ficton once but seem to have tapered off - I go to the library and what do they have :(  mostly stupid dragons & dwarves Ursula le Guin type stuff.  My was/am more a Stanislaw Lem or Greg Bear type of person. 
Loved the Space Family Robinson, with Dr Smith & that robot :)  (was Dr Smith supposed to be a paedophile or somthing?  lol he had no chance with the robot always there to wave its arms & shout danger :)  )
I can exactly understand what you mean about twin souls/spirits/sides - is that way with me very much.  Here online its me Rana :)  IRL well thats a bit diff - but I would like to appear there as well.
Yet is not like that either, there arn't 2 of me, just another dimension maybe??  I cant explain it - but I understand it

Hey Chynna :)   I am certainly flattered that you find my style balanced & mature.   Well with the mature bit, my daughter seems to consider that I am incredibly ancient - and from your pic you seem to be about her age :)    (but wait old ain't the same as mature is it, bummer :(    )
I enjoy reading your posts you always have a very sensible take on things - I reckon you are an excellent counsellor :)



JillieAnn and all.

I uploaded a link to the Kindred Spirits Lakeside resource pages.  Look under Medical/health services.  It lists support groups, gender therapists and supportive endocrinologist/MDs by state.  The owner - Intersex advocate/activist DaleLynn Sims - has links to surgeons on a separate page.

Check your state and you might find some other resources nearby. 

If you discover new resources on your own, please send her the info for posting.

Kindred Spirits is chockablock with good info.  Stephanie might want to check it out for Wiki info, too.

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton

Jillieann Rose

Hi Rana
Thank you for the kind words.
To follow my example is not something I would encourage anyone to do.  For I have already caused pain and sorry to my wife and children. I'm slowly pushing my wife way passed anything she would except before. She knows I wear only women's under things. She knows that I pluck my eyebrows and remove all the hair from my body. She knows that I'm trying to grow long finger nails and that I paint my toe nails. I have pushed our relationship a long ways. A couple of times she has wanted to leave me and almost did.
So how do I respond? Slowly step by agonizing, step I continue pushing forward trying to be accepted by the world and loved by my family for the woman I am. I really can't stop it is a driving force I need to be all that I am inside. I want this in-between state to end. I'm driven by this desire of having people knowing the real me. I don't want to pretend to be a male someone anymore. 
But I really fear telling my Dad or Mom. I was the only male, physically, child that they had. I'm almost sure that my Dad would think that I'm possessed or at least controlled by a demon. So at this point I will just pretend that I'm their boy when I'm around them.

I have also enjoyed reading your postings with interest, because as Chynna said I see you as a person who has a mature, balanced approach too. Your postings you have made me stop and take another look at what ever the subject it was on. Thank you.

I always enjoyed the older sci-fi movies and books. I did get into Star Trek and Star Wars stuff. And I have read many of the Star Wars novels. I also liked the old Battlestar Galatia and later the Babylon 5 shows.  Dr. Smith was a selfish, paranoid, fearful man.
All of the things that I hate, that have until recently, controlled me and I fear still sometimes do.  Read on to understand what I'm talking about.

Hi Alice and KateAlice,
What more can I say about the two natures that have feuded within me for years. Unlike other that I have read about at Susan's I took the easy way and I created "him" as a device to protect the real me and keep me safe by doing what others expected of me.  What happen was that I imprisoned myself in a shell because of fear of people. When ever hurt came alone we would put it in another cell where I could not feel it. This shell eventually took on a personality of its own and I lost control. As an adult I lost the ability to feel much joy. Yes there were exceptions like the birth of my grandchildren. And love is a very strong feeling and the only one I had for most of my adult years.  Love for my wife and family and love for God. Oh and physical sexy but it was never enough, I always craved more.
Slowly over the last 15 years I have been coming out of this prison cell (him).
First it began to make the choice that I wanted even if other didn't like it.
Later I began to do things that other would think was extreme. Than after 24yrs at a factory job I was terminated so I went back to college. After graduating I got a career in the computer field, something I had wanted to do for years. Then last fall the protector / jailer (he) and I said to ourself, "The Hell with what others think. The real person inside, is coming out, I will be who I was always meant to be."
That was the beginning of real change in my life. Yes I have had struggles with myself since then, but (we) I am now together in this and becoming one.
I am still trying to remember what cause all that fear when I was very young person that created him in the first place.
I'm now beginning to think, act and living as a woman at least inside. Someday I hope to be that way on the outside too.
Thanks for asking about my two natures ladies because this has helped me by clarify my thinking. I hope this make some sense to you.

Thank you Robyn for the information.



Hi Jilliean,

Thanks for your reply as it all make sense in particular this is was very interesting

This shell eventually took on a personality of its own and I lost control. As an adult I wasn't even able to feel real joy anymore.

I seams to have the most joy when Alice come out. I was sooo happy and joyfull after the glamor shots I got very worried and tried to put her back in the box. I also remember being in a skirt wondering our town centre last year as another happy moment breaking down some barries. When my flatmate leave at the start of next month maybe I should let Alice come out again so I can feel pure joy.


Jillieann Rose

Hi Alice,

I am still trying to remember what cause all that fear when I was very young person that created him in the first place.
When I first started to come out of the shell it was like being transported into a different world. What I mean was that I began to feel alive.  I remember one time when I was setting on the couch, closing my eyes I could tell that something was changing and both sides of me realized that person (Jillieann) inside was coming out we were ecstatic. When I first began to dress or even just put on some women's under things the feelings intensified and I would feel joy. Now colors are brighter, I have feelings that range from joy to despair, and oh the sense of smell has intensified. I so enjoy sweet fragrances like perfumes and candles. It's like I have just woke up, a real life RipVanWinkle that has sleep more than half my life away. I am now 54 years old and just learning to really live in this new world.
I'm saddened by the years I have missed, but so glad that I have "woke-up / came out of my shell". I can never go back to the black and white world that I lived in for so many years.



Quote from: Rana on June 10, 2006, 07:02:50 AM
and from your pic you seem to be about her age :)    (but wait old ain't the same as mature is it, bummer :(    )
I enjoy reading your posts you always have a very sensible take on things - I reckon you are an excellent counsellor :)


My looks don't match my age! LOL nether does my maturatity level! LOL
We will never know how old I truly am...Mainly because i've forgotten myself?! ???

Thanks for the compliment I truly appreciate it.



Quote from: Chynna on June 12, 2006, 01:06:56 PM
My looks don't match my age! LOL nether does my maturatity level! LOL
We will never know how old I truly am...Mainly because i've forgotten myself?! ???

Thanks for the compliment I truly appreciate it.


Sure we will:

Quote from: Chynna on June 05, 2006, 05:53:34 PM

But then again im only 30
What do I know!



Always on your toes!

Love you!

PS the original post was 30 sumtin..I guess i never typed the "sumtin" part LOL