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Being HIV+ while transition and HRT

Started by Chynna, May 31, 2006, 12:12:39 PM

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This is a question I have run across once or twice but know its a question most individuals will be afraid to ask.
I am not a medical expert but as a counselor had to deal with this\these issues once or twice and it is a very valid concern.

How does being HIV+ effect being on HRT?

A few things to be aware of many "antiviral" meds are extremely hard on your Kidneys &\or Liver So are hormones so informing your dr. or doctors of both your status & your transition is important to your good health. your provider should still be able to provide you with a antiviral regimate that will not effect the kidneys & \or liver as much seeing how they already have a lot of stress due to HRT.
An advantage to HRT in regards to being HIV+ is that males tend to have more "rejection pumps" (not a medical term) in thier cells these "pumps" are what makes everyones body develop tolorences to medications. they monitor each individual cell and identify foreign substances (like medication) and cause the body to expell them. The ratio in men vs woman is something like 4-1 However in MtF Transexuals these "pumps' seem to shut down to a female ratio this effect is marginal but realistically does help.

Should my status prevent me from transition.
NO, under no circumstances should this be a "show stopper" You will need to take the time to stablize your condition if you have just recently been diagnosed. Take the time to get the 'chronic Disease" (a medical term :))under control before you begin HRT

I was just recent Diagnosed HIV+ what does this mean to my HRT? Do I have to stop?
it simply means have your doctor ensure your immune system is stable if not he may or may not advise you take a breather from HRT until your system is stablized a minor break usually and pay close attention if you are using hormones that are intermuscularly injected make sure your injection site does not become infected and take every precaution to ensure this. Most harmone needles are 2 Inch and penatrate the skin deeply so just be extra carefull also never reuse the needle for the same reason as previously stated.

Do "anti viral meds" interact with harmones?
Yes, some do but as long as you consult & inform your doctor of you HRT & status He will be able to form a regimate that wont effect you HRT.

How do I select a provider\Doctor who is knowledgable in both Transgender health issues and HIV?
I am currently working on a nationwide list for this and support groups and services that specifically deal with transgender & HIV issues I will post the list or link if anyone thinks that would be helpful.

I feel like giving up because its just too much to deal with being HIV+ & transitioning!
Don't this is just yet another bearer or obstacle that can be easily overcome. regardless of the situation never let anything stand in your way of being who you are. and always remember that if you are positive you are still a loved person due the respect, happiness & love everyone else is entitled too!

By any means if I have left anything out please add to this post if I misstated any thing feel free to correct me.

Fire & Ice & a few things nice



Added to my "todo" list.  :)

See my PM
