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The emo-pirate.

Started by Moira Midnigh, May 04, 2008, 01:34:50 AM

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Moira Midnigh

Yesterday was a bad day, and I need to express excactly -how- bad it was.

First of all, I think I've got the flu. Oh, I'm quite sure of it. Had to be at work at 11.30 according to my schedule, and I wake up at 10.30, jumping out of bed feeling sick and tired despite having slept since 23 the night before and I most of all want to call in sick, but I'm two hours too late for that. So, bath, little breakfast, then out the door. I'm looking at a 30 minute drive to work, so I need to hurry!

Within ten minutes, I find myself behind a tractor going 50 km/ way of overtaking...means it takes me about 20 minutes to even get to Vejle, and it usually takes 20 minutes from there to work! Gah!

So I speed a little. Suddenly I'm reminded that I had forgotten another appointment, so I need to pull over and reply that I'm sorry I can't be there and all.

I get to the town where I work. It's an amusement park. There's a line of cars going to the park, and it takes me 10 minutes to get this point, I am 10 minutes late, I still need to find a parking spot and change my clothes, check in and actually get to the activity!

I manage this all, getting there just 15 minutes late, panting like over-excited dog.

Then I find out they changed the plan, and I am 15 minutes early instead. I am defeated. I feel dizzy, my head hurts, I am weakened and my eyes are stinging, but at least I wasn't any inconvenience to the others. So yay. I get to sit down a bit and all.

A bag falls into the water, and I'm unable to take any sort of action, sitting in the control-house. So the other person present does it. Meaning I have to take care of the queue and the exiting and the operating of the ride. It's hot and I'm getting sprayed on and I still feel like lying down, but I manage.

The duty manager visits, as always (the bag turned out to be a big problem, what with an all-new cellphone and such. It's not our responsibility, but it sucks for the guest) anyway, he remarks on my stubble (how the heck could I have forgotten to shave!) and strolls along. At this point, I am totally and utterly defeated and very, very close to crying. I feel sick, exhausted, dizzy, hurting, weak, ugly, irresponsible, sad and just generally bad. I manage not to break down. The kids don't need to see a sad pirate. They need a good day even if I'm not having one.

Thankfully, one of the others (and now we're three at the ride, fortunately) remarks that I don't look too well, and asks if I'm sick, to which I can only reply, yes I am. She also remarks that I did a good job at hiding it (been at work for three hours, then) 'cause I'm still smiling and poking the kids. Yes, I'm so damn used to hiding my pain and my emotions that it's become second-nature to me. Oh yay.

Anyway, I get to go home early, 'cause I really feel like I can't take it anymore now.

So, just a series of unfortunate events that made my day the worst I ever had. And I was unable to show my frustration to the world, because I can't really make anyone worry about me like that...gah, imagine I'd tell them what's wrong.

One good thing, though...we were rating the men going on the ride, and my opinions on who's cute or hot are valued just as much as the other girls'. I feel truly blessed to have such amazing colleagues that worry about me even when I can't worry about myself, and who don't enstrange me, but take me in as their own. They don't know my situation, of course, but they know I'm queer, so I guess that's

I'm still sick today, and I called in as well, so I'm not working today. I just really needed to get this out.




Well I am glad that you are taking the day off, sounds like you could use it! Get some rest and some sleep and try to feel better  :D

Sorry you had a bad day however..

I dont see how the shaving thing was so bad.. I mean, I would be upset if I saw a pirate that DID shave :p

Moira Midnigh

While they do allow the pirates to have beards, they don't allow us to have stubble, really. It must be a proper beard. We need to look clean and sanitary and all.

And I hate shaving. But not as much as the fact that I have to shave. And even if I shave in the morning, I'll have stubble again in the afternoon. Mew.

But it's good taking a day off. Now if only my family wasn't at home too, I'd take some liberties.

The Emo-Pirate wears a patch over its emotional eye, an emotional wooden leg and hook, and sails the seven seas of despair and...uhm...darkness...sometimes, it's hard to take myself serious.

I do feel better.
