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I am disgusted!

Started by nickie, May 09, 2008, 10:54:28 PM

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Just venting here, folks. I am a brand new nurse, as some of you know. I had 2 job offers out of 3 applications, and an interview offered with another after I had accepted a job.
To make a long story short, my orientation was only 2 nights, then I was thrown to the wolves. I am so scared of making a med error and killing one of these very brittle old people. (I work in a nursing home). I started the job with little or no preparation, it's a night shift, and I haven't learned to sleep in the daytime. I have issues with my feet, kind of like a diabetic does. They hurt a lot, and I need very good shoes really bad. I have tried on literally dozens of pairs to find one good pair. I am fat from the hormones and lack of exercise (I am at work the hours I used to walk in the park alone) and very depressed from working with nurses with real negative attitudes. I had to call in sick today, just to get some rest. I have pretty much bitched my head off to all of my best friends, and now consider that I have chosen the wrong job, maybe even the wrong career. I am in demand now, but I can't  handle it (yet).
Anyhow, thanks for reading and letting me vent with you. If you pray, please pray for me. My house is a shambles, and I don't even care right now. (I am a neat freak, to boot). I am too tired to have any fun, and I am used to having lots of fun, not working like a mule. I love all of you, take care!


Give it time, every new job takes some getting used to.

As for the bad attitudes, nurses are some of the most unappreciated people there are. They are typically underpaid and over worked.

Ask some of the other nurses about shoes, they may have some recommendations being that shoes are important to them. My mom was a nurse for years and shoes were a common complaint.

Congrats on the job.


well, Nickie, it sounds like a not-so-good place to work.

nurses are in high demand; you should be able to find a better position. better meaning:

a) daylight hours
b) less stressful environment
c) less bitching by others you work with (big red flag 'bout poor Management)

some people actually thrive in high-stress jobs. others burn out
i've seen nurses in clinics with (apparently) very low stress and manageable work load. maybe a clinic is more your style.




Oh Nickie dearest, I had a funny feeling when I saw you coming back to life in this group. I think we may have shared posts a couple of times before but that must have been way back last summer.

Anyway I couldn't just bypass this thread without saying something. And thank you for the compliment earlier. And of course hon I will definitely send prayers that a better way shall be shown to you.



No matter if its this job or another one you have to create a work out program that fits with your life.  Its one of the best ways to give yourself energy, and lessen stress.

Not all people are night people.  I can be very hard for some people to do that, to the point of physical and mental breakdown. 

There are lots of nursing jobs, and perhaps your not in your best slot.  I have a friend who is an ER nurse, a good one.  She tried other kinds and found that she really lived on the ER stress.  Though I 'm sure that the ER is a bad place for some.  It might take some time to find your niche.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...