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Keep It Simple

Started by gennee, April 12, 2008, 02:51:04 PM

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By browsing through the department stores and windows I can see what will be the hot fasions for the season. Colors such as lime green, carnation, and aqua blue are in this year. I dress simple and conservatively yet I want to be in style. Black, gray, and white goes with any color and pattern. Blue works well also. When I wear a patterned blouse or cami, my skirt is a solid color and vice versa. Wearing two different patterns will clash with each other.

If you know how to coordinate your colors you're ahead of the game. For example, if I wear an aqua cami and white skirt, I would wear white or aqua flats or low heels. It's takes some work but it's worth it. I always try to dress my best.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



Good sound advice, Gennee... you listed several reliable principles that will stay valid always, despite changes in fashion. You sound like one really stylish lady.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls

Laura Eva B

Yes Gennee .... simple is easy and is usually where I'm at !

Flattering (usually low cut) tops, jeans, trousers or skirts, with jacket (usually leather) or warm coat seem to be what I wear, smart, dressy or casual as the occasion demands.

And boots, boots and boots (unless its Summer when its flip-flops), as I walk everywhere and heels are reserved for nights out.

Only recently have I been brave enough to experiment with smocks, trendy dresses and leggings ....

But I look at so many women (young and old) who've thrown together layer upon random layer, long shirts over cami-tops, under short jackets, loads of dress jewellery and accessories, and they have the eye to make it all work !

Of course it helps to have an ultra-feminine body shape .... I always have to go for that second take - "Does this flatter my figure or make me look like a guy / or even "mutton dressed as lamb" !" ....

Most of the fashion in the trendy shops just doesn't work for me, although I religiously buy the women's mags trawling for ideas.

Of course most fashion is designed to be appreciated by women .... if I really want to turn guys heads I dress my slim tall figure in skin tight jeans, and a clingy revealing top !  If I were well under 30 I'd swap the jeans for an "is it really a skirt ?" skirt !

Laura's fashion philosophy !

Laura x



The color you use should match your skin tone.

It makes a HUGE difference.

People can't stop complimenting on what I wear if its
of the right color, if not.... Nothing at all.

For me its warm or deep autumn, rich colors, deep red, warm browns, deep greens, gold, burnt orange, etc.
There are web sites online which can help find what color season suits you.


Quote from: Keira on April 25, 2008, 11:30:26 PM

The color you use should match your skin tone...
For me its warm or deep autumn, rich colors, deep red, warm browns, deep greens, gold, burnt orange, etc.

I have to agree.  Another thing you might want to look at is what colors actually bring out your eye colors.  For me, blues and browns are a good mix.



I'm a winter-- I wear lots of deep saturated colors, jewel tones, black, white, purples, reds, blues. Purple brings out my eye color better than anything.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


I have found fashion to be a dangerous battleground on all the boards that I have been active with.   The best advice I have been given is to follow the current trend if at all possible but to adapt it to what you may feel comfortable with.

I have to work in a formal setting and this means I need to wear a Black or Navy Blue skirt with a White top.  To be honest, this is not as easy as it might sound.  Is the skirt short, Knee, Calf or ankle length ? What shoes or boots go with that skirt you eventually decide upon?  The top? Blouse, Smock, T Shirt, is it plain., embroidered, frilly, lacey, pleated, does it have another colour involved that may clash with the skirt or God forbid, the shoes?

What season is it?  I adore the Winter or cold periods because dressing becomes simplicity on a plate. The warmer weather provides me with huge problems because I am not confidennt with baring my legs without hosiery.

I have recently purchased some black leggings and a dress length smock, I have no idea what situation that I may wear them but I thought it a good idea to get them because I felt that I needed them  :-\  the time shall come when I shall wear them however I have no clue as to when that might be........ :-X

Laura Eva B

Greens & browns flatter me, blacks & whites, red is just OK, but blue is no, no !

Check out ...;sa=view;id=1250 ... and I guess you'll see why I need warm colours ....

Quote from: JENNIFER on April 26, 2008, 04:22:15 PM
I have to work in a formal setting and this means I need to wear a Black or Navy Blue skirt with a White top.  To be honest, this is not as easy as it might sound.  Is the skirt short, Knee, Calf or ankle length ? What shoes or boots go with that skirt you eventually decide upon?  The top? Blouse, Smock, T Shirt, is it plain., embroidered, frilly, lacey, pleated, does it have another colour involved that may clash with the skirt or God forbid, the shoes?

What season is it?  I adore the Winter or cold periods because dressing becomes simplicity on a plate. The warmer weather provides me with huge problems because I am not confidennt with baring my legs without hosiery.
Yes I love boots with just above knee skirts and hose, flattering and sexy for work !

Summer I just love exposing my upper body, the skimpier the top / vest the better (!), but not my legs, so it tends to be longish cotton skirts, cropped jeans or capris ....

Quote from: JENNIFER on April 26, 2008, 04:22:15 PM
I have recently purchased some black leggings and a dress length smock, I have no idea what situation that I may wear them but I thought it a good idea to get them because I felt that I needed them  :-\  the time shall come when I shall wear them however I have no clue as to when that might be........ :-X
Smocks & leggings I love to wear at home, even for "dinner parties" .... but public "out of doors" I usually couple the smocks with tight jeans ....

Laura x


The season thing is a color system for clothing :-).

Winter     Cool colors        silver looks good on you

Spring        warm colors    gold looks good on you

I encourage people to use this, summer and winter, spring and autumn,
all have their own palette. They've even subdivided each season in deep, warm and soft,
though this is just for more precision for even better matching
since the whole season (deep+warm+soft) generally looks good on you.


QuoteYes I love boots with just above knee skirts and hose, flattering and sexy for work !

Summer I just love exposing my upper body, the skimpier the top / vest the better (!), but not my legs, so it tends to be longish cotton skirts, cropped jeans or capris ....

Thank goodness I am not alone with this.  I get an awful lot of hostility from TG folk about skirts, they seem to feel that they do not NEED them to prove anything and I always say that it is not about proving femaleness at all but taking advantage of the benefits of femaleness becuase after all, men are terrified of skirts unless they are on a woman .  I digress, The boots with skirt on or about the knee is so elegant and I always get compliments when dressed that way and it is such a lovely feeling when someone appreciates you on your appearence. It makes it all worthwhile somehow... ^-^


Quote from: Keira on April 25, 2008, 11:30:26 PM

The color you use should match your skin tone.

It makes a HUGE difference.

People can't stop complimenting on what I wear if its
of the right color, if not.... Nothing at all.

For me its warm or deep autumn, rich colors, deep red, warm browns, deep greens, gold, burnt orange, etc.
There are web sites online which can help find what color season suits you.

Good point, Keira.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



JENNIFER-- you're not alone. I have not worn pants since the day I transitioned to full time, over 6 months ago. For me, skirts and dresses only, please!
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


I'm a skirts and dress kind of woman, too.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)
