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work, ex and bla bla bla

Started by offthesidewalk, May 22, 2008, 06:56:19 PM

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today has been such a long day.

I get to work at about one, but since i don't have my own car, i have to get up at 8 and wait for public transport (which can also be extremely unsafe at rare occasions).

The owner, of the flower shop i work at, talks to me like I'm a child. Technically i AM a child, but whatever i do in the shop or whatever- my inputs and my opinions doesn't matter AT ALL. Just yesterday i sorted a big problem with an over seas delivery. All they did was to send one fax to say it was done- Nothing more. I, on the other hand, got in contact with the recipient, the over seeing company, the delivery person and the neighbour of the recipient (which i only found out about later). I still don't know why the person never recieved the flowers, but I know more about the situation than boy other employee at the shop.

Anyhow, so i tell the owner, all that i found out about the situation, and you know what she told me; "you shouldn't call so much". No 'thank you', or 'i appreciate it', N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!

So i get off work at 5, and i go to my ex to help her with maths. We agreed on 5:30, and she only came home at 6. Ok, so i let it go. She told me that there's someone new in her life, that's not a problem. What happened next was. she decided to read me his poetry, but it's not all that's in there- as you can only imagine. She practically stuffed the book in my face with all these porn images in it, just telling me to 'read'. I'm not talking about soft stuff, It was really explicit things. I never had the desire to look at such things ever and here she comes almost screaming 'here you go you horrid person'.

So later she asks me of what i thought of the 'poems' and i tell her they were good, which they were. And she says "i hope you weren't bothered by the pictures"- i didn't answer. So she goes on saying "you've obviously saw that kind of thing before, didn't you?" and i said i never had a desire to look at them. And she started laughing.
Really, rolling around on the floor- extremely wierd.

So later, she kept looking at me and then looked away. The whole time. She said "there's something wrong with you". I was extremely mad.

just because i don't want to look at some (curse) porn, means that Something is wrong with me? Just because i never had that {oh my gosh, must have, now -naughty thoughts-} feeling or attraction, means that something is wrong?

Come on for pitty sakes- there aren't many different women and just one kind of men!!

I don't even know why i dated her in the first place. I absolutely hated it.
The evening was cut short, however, when her new boyfriend came by and she was so quick to fly off in his car with him.

What the hell?! I've been a guest of hers from after our maths and she wanted me to stay. So just before she left, i came outside to show some courtesy by saying goodbye, at least- i found them kissing.

Whoop... Then she asks me at samhain (Wiccan halloween- 6 months after since i live in the southern hemisphere) why i deny her love for me.

Darn... I really don't know what to think anymore. What does she want? Make me jealous? That's one thing that won't happen, but it makes me so so so angry!

*hugs* to anyone who read it. I appreciate it that i could've unloaded some on you.
also, I'm really sorry for any spelling mistakes. I'm tired, it's two AM and I'm on a mobile.


Eloise, I am sorry that your heart is being played with, but that is whats going on here without a doubt. :( I think you answered your own question here: "What does she want? Make me jealous? That's one thing that won't happen, but it makes me so so so angry!" All I could see here is she want to hurt you.....the best thing you could do is forget her.....she will not be happy untill she takes you down, do what is best for you.... I'm sorry...(Hugs) :)




maybe i am being used. I'm a too soft person for that to be untrue.

anyhow- today was just as bad, just as hectic.
it's becoming quite difficult to keep a positive mind like i always could. it's almost as if I'm sweeping sand instead of dust.

i have little things that makes me feel better; one is that i can go next door of where i work and 'test' the perfumes there. ^_^
I'm currently using Paris Hilton. which one of the three it is, i don't know, but i like it.
the other one big excitement is that I've been asked to sit someones house while they're away. I'll be alone for three days and two nights and only their animals to look after. the lady has wigs and already offered me to wear them once, can you believe it!? i haven't even thought about what to pack.
it's next weekend, so i haven't got much time left. Lol.
oh and I'll be able to use their computer, so maybe I'll be able to use the chat room. Hehe. i don't know quite how things would work on the computer tho, because I've been using my mobile for so long, but we'll see. i think that it's going to be a fun weekend dressing and having fun. *smiles*

currently have a few Enya and Celtic Woman CD's layed out on my bed. nothing like lovely vocal music at the end of a looong day. *smiles*

thanks Gina for replying. i really appreciate it.
if she want to take me down, then i think she's doing a pretty bad job at it. she's actually making me care less and less about her. but you see, I'm too a soft person to just 'let go, and let be' ; I'll be right back helping if I'm asked. *sigh*
it's so hard to be a nice person in today's world.