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Gainesville, FL

Started by Valerie, May 09, 2008, 08:32:49 PM

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In January, 2008, Gainesville passed an ordinance adding gender identity to the anti-discrimination protection status. This has apprently been a hot-button topic, and there are now groups trying to revisit this & petition to have gender-identity removed from anti-discrimination laws.

Today at work, a co-worker told me that another co-worker brought this petition to a Team meeting, trying to get signatures! "Where was your boss?", I asked her, and she explained that it was in the few minutes they gather before the boss arrives. I could literally feel my stomach turn as she shared this all with me.

My conundrum is that since it was a small group, I can't just tell my boss about this; it will automatically be assumed that whoever did not sign the petition ratted out the offender, and I don't want to inadvertently out my friend. So I'm hoping this other lady comes to work tomorrow & shoves this piece of paper in front of my face -- then I can approach my boss myself about her unprofessional behaviour.

I'm not typically a contentious person, but this really riles me -- first of all it's hostile, and secondly we don't allow this sort of thing in the workplace...if we can't sell Avon there, we sure as hell can't petition for political agendas! Wish me luck...if she suspects that I'm gay she won't ask for my signature.



Wow, the gaul of some people! If I were to start passing a petition at work about anything of a sensitive or political nature (except to protect the elderly) I would be summarily fired. No questions asked, and that's the way it should be!


i agree whole-heartedly, a very reliable source at work told me that if anyone gave me a hard time they were automatically fired, nobody's bothered me yet and i hope it stays that way.

Warrior Princess,


She never did approach me with the petition, so my hands are kinda' tied. I guess she already pegged me for a liberal so she didn't bother.  Glad you haven't had any troubles, Mickie...

On a more positive note, I was at the vet yesterday picking up Oliver & the individual in line before me was transgendered.  It was nice to see the office staff not treating this person any differently than they would anyone else.  And that's because that's who they are, not because there's now a law prohibiting discrimination. 


Posted on: May 15, 2008, 12:16:10 PM
Another Update!

Found a recently posted web article from the Thomas More Law Center...check it out...

Maybe I should post this in the "news" section? 



Isn't it sickening how the fascist religious right is using God's name to trash Trans people, making up scenarios that don't exist to prosecute us? Somedays I feel like going postal on them, but there are too many...