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Anybody seen Boys don't Cry?

Started by Sarah, January 03, 2008, 09:02:47 PM

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I did, and it upset me.

Should Brandon have been killed for being TS. Hell no!!

Should he have been hanging in the crowd he was in... Probably not.

Was he a squeaky clean law abiding citizen?  No

What I saw was a guy living on the edge of life, and had he not been killed the way he was, he might have done something else to endanger himself, or ended up in prison.   His life was going 100 MPH on a very windy road.... at some point he was going to crash.

Sorry if this is not politically correct but it just was not what I envisioned about Brandon.



It upset me, too.  It is very disturbing. It's painful to watch (especially his rape), because you know the events really happened and can imagine the pain he endured.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


So, I am understanding that this was based on an actual person then.
And it's one of those "person has a messed up life, and we watch it get a whole lot worse" sort of movies?
I hate those.
I wish someone would make a movie with a Trans. person that was the main character that was not about them being Trans. just a normal movie of whatever that shows that they happen to be trans.

Or maybe a nice upbeat film about a trans. person.

I get tired of all these GLBT tragedies.

Can't they think of somthing better?

Like STar Wars: the Return of the Gendi?

You know somthing not that cheesy, but just has the character portrayed as a normal person?

I liked the trans. woman in The Worlds Fastest Indian, but she had a relatively small part. It was really about the main character.

Somthing that shows the life of a successful trans person maybe, an action movie, or thriller, or a nice funny comedy with a trans. person as the hero.
That would be great.

Ya know? I mean all these "this is the most horrible situation we can think of wo we can show you our suffering" films really get to me.

They don't show anybody anything: they are too depressing for people to want to watch. Me included.


Actually it's a very good movie. the writing is good. the acting is good. the directing is good. and it's very honest (almost brutally honest) in its portrayal of small town life.

the real theme is how to deal with a very difficult and stifling situation without going crazy. Just as many Trans girls are exceptional females, Brandon was an exceptional boy, and they loved him because he was showing people how to live and enjoy life, even in a dead-end small town. yes, it does end badly, but there is much that is positive. if you are truly fearless (as Brandon was) and willing to put everything on the line, if your number comes up, you just have to cash in. no regrets.

plus the co-star Chloƫ Sevigny is really hot.



Well I look at it this way...

If the movie you see has a transgendered person and you do not even know.... I would say that is a pretty good one...

Like in the James Bond movie --- I think it was "For Your Eyes Only". 

I heard about it after I saw it and said wow ... medical procedures must be better since Renee Richards....

As far as the Topic movie...  if I did not know it was Hillary Swank , I would have thought it was a slightly effinmate guy, but in no way a girl.  But the movie was in your face about it, and everything she did seemed to take her down a road that she going to crash at some time...

Ell is right about:
Quotea very good movie. the writing is good. the acting is good. the directing is good. and it's very honest

But I think Brandon upsets me more because of the idiotic things he did.  I actually felt more for the Girlfriend Character.  I think when he had sex with her and Brandon used a prosthetic to fool the girlfriend, I was pissed the most.   I did not have a problem with the sex --- it was the lie.



Well, all in all, I liked it. But it was painful to watch.  But I also liked 'Girl Like Me' about Gwen Araujo, but still required a tissue after the part in the restroom where she begs him not to unzip her pants. I guess these films invoke emotion in me because they're true stories and it's one of ours enduring unspeakable torture and humiliation.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I have seen this movie and to be honest it was really saddening to watch what happened to her...but at the same time it was a real eye-opener for what it's like to live in a small town...which at the moment is something I am in fact doing myself.

The sad truth of the matter is that for most trans people, being discovered often leads to physical violence being perpetrated against them and yes, sadly, murder in our community is rampant. In one study the estimated murder rate of trans people is 1 in the problem with our community in general is that realistic number are difficult to come the numbers could be better or worse...but we have to go with what we have sometimes...

As a trans person and someone who has suffered 2 rapes myself I am always aware of my surroundings and careful to not put myself into those situation where I could be injured or worse if it's discovered that I'm trans. The problem is that often times when we're younger we think we are invincible and that nothing can hurt us...something it sometimes takes a rather unpleasant event to remind us that we are in fact human and can suffer...

It's a good movie...I think it serves to help other trans understand some of the potentional things that can happen when things go terrible wrong....just my opinion of course

Peace and love,
Isabelle St-Pierre


At some point I will probably watch this then.
It sounds likea  good flick, just a tragedy, and I generaly don't like tragedies unless they are classics like Shakespere.

I'll watch it durring the day time and have things to do afterward so I ca reset if I need to.


Thanks for the replies everyone! I like to know what I am getting into with films like this.

Shana A

We haven't rented it yet. I know it's supposed to be good, but not sure I can bring myself to watch it due to the violence. I'm so tired of hearing about our trans sisters and brothers being murdered just for being who they are.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Quote from: y2gender on January 26, 2008, 04:55:57 PM
We haven't rented it yet.


what's this we business? do you have a mouse in your pocket?

sorry! i'm crawling back to my corner now. couldn't resist...

fluffy jorgen

i've seen it. i own it.
it's a tear jerker. it's cruel.

Shana A

Quote from: ell on January 26, 2008, 05:00:38 PM
what's this we business? do you have a mouse in your pocket?

sorry! i'm crawling back to my corner now. couldn't resist...

LOL... perhaps we are royalty?  ;)

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



I absolutely LOVE this movie, it is quite heartbreaking, but it is by far one of my favorite movies!