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LGBT liturgy

Started by Chaunte, July 19, 2006, 06:50:51 AM

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Last weekend, I went to an LGBT liturgy to celebrate the Catholic Mass.  This gathering has been going on, twice a month, for 12 years within this parish.  The parish, I have been told, is very accepting and members often attend as themselves on the off-weeks.

Now, I can appreciate a gathering to be together.  It's not much different than we Irish gathering at a church to celebrate our ancestory on March 17th.  (St. Patrick's Day)

What does bother me is that some of these people travel 70+ miles (~120 km) twice a month to simply to find a place where they can worship.  And they do this because they are not comfortable/accepted/(insert discriminatory word) in their own parish.

I had a personal tase of this myself last weekend.  My SO told our (now her) pastor about my transgenderism.  Fr. Paul and I had a long talk and I told him that I was leaving the parish so I would not disrupt my SO's support network.  My last liturgy was last Saturday.  During communion, the priest wouldn't even look at me.

I find this outrageous.  All of it.  And I find myself growing angry over this.  Not the 'flash in the pan' type of anger, but the long deep-seated type.  The type that can last for generations...

I'm not sure what to do about this yet, but I need to do something.  Changing faiths is not an acceptable option.



  I guess you are upset, no doubt about it.  You know? I am glad that you opened this topic because Sheila18


well said. ... yep


Quote from: cindianna_jones on July 19, 2006, 02:11:12 PM
Chaunte, don't let anger burn a hole in your soul.  I know that what you are feeling is very hard.  I've been there.  Ask yourself this:  What would Christ do?  That's always a settling thought for me.  There was only one time recorded when he became enraged.

You are right. Don't change your religion.  You have other things to worry about now.  You will somehow come to terms with this.  It's like a long and painful divorce.  You will find a place and new friends to worship with. Keep the faith girl.


Lets see if i can explain it better...

I see this as an emotional responce to an injustice.  I don't see it burning a hole in my soul.  Rather, I see it as the driving energy to do something constructive about it.

What would Jesus do?  I believe that he would first would have joined in the liturgy and had dinner with everyone.  Second, I believe that he would have asked the pointed questions necessary to force the main stream congregations to rethink the issue.

Am I going to start picketing the Dioscean offices?  No.  That will not do anything constructive.

As I start living more and more as me, will I attend Mass as me?  Yes.  Small, open-minded parishes first.

Will this take time?  Absolutely.  Generations?  Could be.

Perhaps anger isn't the right word.  Or, perhaps, my initial anger is transforming into something else - into an energy to try and right this wrong.  Either way, I feel it as a constructive drive, not a destructive force.



that was funny, picketing outside the Dioceces offices ... :D
Constructive drive ...I like that.



I can certainly understand your frustration and wanting to do something constructive to undue this injustice.  I agree picketing the Dioscean offices would not be constructive.  Hopefully in time the church will come around and be more accepting.  Just have to hang in there and perservere.  Good luck on your journey.   :angel:



I am surrounded by Southern Baptist churches and their members.  Basically a do as I say and not as I do grouping of the "faithful."

After dealing with BS from the church for so long I will no longer step foot in one unless it is for a wedding.  When asked about why I left the religion I merely reply with, "It left me a long time ago."

I think that a bumper sticker that I saw Thursday sums it up for me, "Born Right the First Time."

Will all of that said, there is a church in Raleigh that the Jesse Helms flock loved to hate.  They would picket almost every Sunday.   A friend of mine attends that church and has been trying to drag me along to meet some of the other Ts that attend.  So at least a few of them out there are giving the narrow minded little ***** hell.