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Colorado Transgender Bill double-header

Started by Hazumu, June 08, 2008, 12:43:53 AM

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NOTICE:  I'm editorializing by putting together two related articles into one topic. Karen.

First, the root article

QuoteThe lack of privacy is not the only problem. Nobody is going to ask a man if he is transgendered before allowing him into the ladies' room. This means any man –including a child molester–could simply follow a little girl into the privacy of a public restroom. And, if a man decided to expose himself to a young girl there, who is she going to complain to? After all, restrooms, by definition, are places where one exposes the private parts of one's body.

Men will have even less privacy, because they often do not use stalls.

Now, the rebuttal article:

The Cracked Crystal Ball II

So, Just What Do They Do In The Washrooms?

QuoteWait a second here - you are complaining because it takes away your "right" to deny people service based on who they are? fascinating. And just how would these same idiots feel if they walked into a business that refused to serve them because they were Christian, or because of their race? I'm not feeling too sympathetic to someone whining because their sense of entitlement is being infringed upon because they want to deny someone else access to a place to pee! (and just how small a person are you if you would deny another human being the right pee in peace?)

Posted on: June 07, 2008, 10:35:57 PM
P.S.,  Hazumu registered for the Christian Post and posted a question  >:D >:D >:D


I see reasonable conversations going on here. May I interject a real life situation. I'd like to hear your guidance on this.

My mother was given a drug to take to lessen the chance of miscarriage and promote healthy babies — that's what the doctor told her. The drug is Diethylstilbestrol, or DES. In male fetuses, it feminizes the brains of one in five of us 'DES sons'.

I finally came to terms with this, and realized my choice was transition or die. So, I'm now a male-to-female transsexual who's had 'the operation.' I've changed all my legal paperwork and although I still have a male body with XY chromosomes, it has been retrofitted to approximate female anatomy, which is good because if I ever end up in an accident, there will be no 'surprise' for the first responders.

I 'pass' very well, thank you. Only rarely do strangers figure out I was not born this way. Most people have to be told, by me, or, more often, by someone else who just has to 'drop the bomb.'

So my question to you is — knowing what you know now about me, and assuming for the moment you get absolute power to make the determination — which restroom and changing facility do you feel I, a male-to-female transsexual, should use when in public spaces?

I eagerly await your responses;

Hazumu Osaragi



Potty Politics

"Three months ago, I told you about a new law in Montgomery County,
Maryland, that demands co-ed locker rooms and restrooms in all public
accommodations. The law was intended to accommodate "transgendered
people"—that is, men who say they perceive themselves to be women, and
women who claim they consider themselves men. I said, at the time,
that we would see extremists in other jurisdictions attempting to pass
similar laws. And that is exactly what is happening."

Shana A

I noticed that the first article was penned by Chuck Colson.

Just in case anyone needs a reminder of where they've heard that name before...  ;)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles (Chuck) Wendell Colson (born October 16, 1931, in Boston, Massachusetts) was the chief counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and while he was commonly named as one of the Watergate Seven, he was never charged with, or prosecuted, for any crime related to the Watergate break-in or its cover-up.


Colson's later life has been spent working with his non-profit organization devoted to prison ministry called Prison Fellowship. Colson is also a public speaker and author. He is founder and chairman of the Wilberforce Forum, which is the "Christian worldview thinking, teaching, and advocacy arm of" Prison Fellowship, and includes Colson's daily radio broadcast, BreakPoint, now heard on a thousand outlets. The ministry conducts justice reform efforts through Justice Fellowship.

PS, great comment Karen!
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



My favorite CC quote is "I'd run over my grandmother to re-elect Richard Nixon" and we all know how well that turned out.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...