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Introduction ~*~

Started by Nathan, July 08, 2005, 06:08:03 AM

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 Hi Everyone.

To introduce Myself, My name is Nathan, Im FTM, 29yrs of age and living in Australia. I live with My partner, who is also FTM. I have always felt I was male, from a very early age and Im heading into getting T(testosterone) and hopefully possible surgery.
A male, trapped in a female body, longing to break away from this femme shell I was born in. Ive always been seen as a 'lesbian", and I long to be the real 'Me'- A DTE, humurous, sensitive, dominant & caring gentleman. I dress, eat, stand, sit, walk, shave, etc do all things men do and prefer ppl to refer to Me as such; him, he, his, etc.
Ive joined this site to get support, information, share experiences and so forth.

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Nathan  ~*~


Hello Mr. Nathan (=

Very pleasant welcome to you to Susan's most wonderful Place (=

Please feel free to join in on the conversations (=


Hi, Im Tristan, I am also new here. I hope to find support here, Im living in Australia with my partner. I dont know how to describe myself. I had joined email lists in Australia but I found someone on the list quite rude, abrupt and difficult for me to deal with. I hope to have a bit more understanding here.



Hello Mr. Tristan, very special Welcome to Susan's most wonderful Place to you as well (=

I believe you both will find this place to be both welcoming and informative.

Please feel free to join in on the conversations (=


welcome Nathan and Tristan, :)

            i'm so happy to see you both here. Susan's rules don't allow for rudeness so you won't be having trouble with that here Tristan. it is great to have 2 more men join the forum, we already have several very nice guys. i look forward to chatting and getting to know you both.




Hello Tristan & Nathan.

Welcome to you both.  I'm sure that you will find that we are a very friendly, caring group of folks.  Join in and chat, it's always nice to get new points of view, thoughts, and perspectives.

Chat later,


Hi nathan, i'm an Aussie too, only MtF ... in Sydney.

it's super chilly, my fingers ache from the cold!

i think i'll have to get some of those gloves with the ends off the fingers so i can type.

anyway, welcome aboard, nice crew here.


Hi kitten, and everyone else, we are in Sydney, I have those gloves lol, but I find them too bulky to type with. I dont think I said I am FTM and Nathan is my partner. :angel:

Its nice to meet you all.



Welcome Nathan and Tristan. I'm Canadian, FtM, on T 6 months, and stuck in the seemingly interminable limbo of appearing in between at the moment. The prospects for the future keep me happy though.



Hiya Kitten,Dennis, nice to meet you both.

Yes its very chilly here kitten hehe, gloves arnt helping my arthritic wrists hehe. We need a fireplace, if only! heh  :angel:
We are near the Blu Mtns way, sort of, and its always chilly here, but I dont mind, cus I dont like summer, infact Im dreding it coming back round.

Hows the T going dennis? Do u mind me asking what dosage your on, etc?. Yeh it must be hard, waiting for the process to finish. I am looking forward to going on T, only have found it hard finding a good Endocrinologist here and the FTM society here in sydney, were really rude with me and Tris so, we are going it on our own and find this forum heaps nicer.

I hope everyone is well.

Nathan  :angel:

It might be a good idea to review the Site Rules, in particular:
Quote from: Susan on May 22, 2005, 10:02:28 PM
6. The discussion of hormone replacement therapy(HRT) and it's medications is permitted however, with the following limitations:

    A. Advocating for or against a specific medication or combinations of medications for personal gain is strictly prohibited.

    B. Discussing the means to acquire HRT medications without a prescription, and self medication without a doctors care is prohibited.

    C. Discussing dosages is strongly discouraged to prevent information obtained on this site from being used to self medicate.[/list]

    We can not in good conscience condone the self administering of these medications. Not only may self medication be illegal but HRT medications can cause serious health problems and many have the potential for life-threatening side effects that can only be detected and prevented with proper medical supervision.
    Your life, your decisions, but please abide by the rules while you are here.[/edit]