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Dangerous 'Accommodation' Laws Put Women, Children at Risk

Started by Natasha, June 16, 2008, 10:14:18 PM

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Dangerous 'Accommodation' Laws Put Women, Children at Risk

"These laws put women and children at risk in places of public
accommodation - places where they should feel safe," she said.

Doug Stiegler, executive director of the Association of Maryland
Families, said concerned Americans may have to "start locking
bathrooms so your granddaughter or your daughter is safe."


Can they prove any of this alleged danger?  If not, they are blowing smoke.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Every conservative group trys to blow this same smoke up the rears of the rest of America every time a step forward is taken...

Let them, they know there loosing XD


Oh they know they are losing, that's why they are so shrill these days.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: LynnER on June 16, 2008, 11:38:09 PM
Every conservative group trys to blow this same smoke up the rears of the rest of America every time a step forward is taken...

Let them, they know there loosing XD
Hey, I don't appreciate anyone grouping all conservative groups together like that. You can be economically conservative but not socially conservative, you can be a Constitution fundamentalist and a radical libertarian, you can be socially conservative but humanitarian and have no problem with a TS minority, you can be middle-of-the-road conservative... Inidividual liberty and humanism are old concepts, not exclusive to any particular political group, and it's perfectly valid to believe ideologically that business owners should be allowed to set rules in their own establishments relatively free of big-government and to see potential hazards in advocacy groups influencing legislation, and that doesn't mean you believe the crap in this article or are prejudiced against the TS. I personally see no potential harm in this law and think that publication's a despicable rag from a glance's judgment, but don't categorically bash groups under the "conservative" label.


If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.  They can't distance themselves from the people who helped them get elected in the first place.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on June 25, 2008, 11:58:08 AM
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.  They can't distance themselves from the people who helped them get elected in the first place.

You know I have to say this is pretty true, I would never vote for a republican.


KK, I get your point... but on the same note... you never hear about the good conservitives...

Maby its because they keep there heads down and do nothing to change the views others have of there groups...

Remember that some of the greatest evils are those of good people doing nothing to stop it.


you never hear about the good conservitives...

Either of them? 

I don't even think there has been a real political conservative since Barry Goldwater.  Nation building, huge new government agencies with unlimited power, massive debt, war crimes including - but not limited to - torture, government interference in private decisions, what can only be called desecration of the Constitution, war profiteering, sweetheart no-bid contracts, public funding of religious organizations, when did all that become the conservative stance?
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I have to admit that I have voted for a Republican at least once: John Anderson in the 1980 primary, and not simply because he was vying with Reagan. I chose to vote in the TN republican primary from Germany that year.

Voted for Carter in the general election. I've voted for Arlen Specter while living in PA. And I really liked Tom Kean, Sr.(or II, he has a son who is currently in Joisey politics) when I was coming to NJ twice a year back in the 80s & 90s. Couldn't vote for him because I wasn't a resident, but probably would have. Might well have voted for Christie Whitman until she sold her soul to the Shrubberies.

The problem with conservatism is exactly what tekla has said, at least for me. They chose, quite knowingly, to embrace and pander to the know-nothings and neo-Inquisition of the irreligious wrong in order to get elected and have basically left principled and sensible conservatives hung out to dry in the interest of getting the wealth production and yahoo support of the 700-Clubbers, Focus on the Family (as long it's gm-man/gf-woman/& 2.1 children who wear the right clothes and send in the right monetary support) for the past thirty years.

Humane and sensible conservatives have disappeared in favor of flaks like Irving Kristol, Ann Coulter, Lee Atwood, Phil Gramm and Newton Gingrich and their followers. Why in the world would I think of supporting them? And where do I find "principled conservatives" who actually have a say in their party/ies?

