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House Committee Holds She-Male Hearing: Why?

Started by Natasha, July 02, 2008, 09:36:47 AM

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House Committee Holds She-Male Hearing: Why?

"Unreported in most of the media last week was the first congressional hearing ever held on alleged "transgender discrimination" in the workplace. This hearing was to offset the overwhelming opposition that arose last year from fellow democrats who forced the removal from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA) of language for special rights for she-males, drag queens, cross dressers, and those having sex changes with operations or hormones. This hearing was a charade attempting to show how normal these lifestyles are."


Thank you very much for posting this, Natasha.

I met Rev. Sheldon once - years ago, in another life - so to speak... In person, at that time, he was warm and very personable.

What he and his group have published here are an utter outrage, though, and i am completely disgusted.

Gives me chills of rage, misery, and hatred at the unfairness of these people's so-called "moral correctness". Unbelievable. Makes you wonder if these kinds of people will eventually try to push for mandatory "reparative therapies", and the banning of gender or sexual expression outside of what they consider the "norm". I am sure they would if they could, and if we had another 4 or 8 years of conservative republican tutelage, i am sure it would continue down that long and horrifyingly dark road..

Entirely frightening, and reading this literally gave me chills that reminded me of the worst horrors of someone like Adolf Hitler.
Notice how he keeps interchanging use of pronouns on the site's page.

Utterly contradictory as always.

Warmest Thanks,


Level the playing field

Dawn D.


If you read the defined terms on their web site for "Traditional Values" it pretty well sums it up! Yes, they will decide whether or not YOU made the right "choice" and THEY will discriminate against you if you did. I think they leave no doubt to ponder, this is one dangerous group of people. More troubling, is that if they are teaching young people these "values", well, we all know how extreme some youth can take misguided teachings. They twist it around in their minds and use them as a legitimized reason to harbour hatred and use violence against the intended target (us).

Truely frightening, indeed!



Could someone please tell me when the vote was to make the 'Immoral Majority' the voice for humankind.  They are always preaching their brand for hatred and bigotry in the name of God.  What happened to love thy neighbor?

The KKK say that they are the voice of the white race,  when was that vote?

Nether of them speak for me, I am my own woman with my own voice.



Purple Pimp

Wow!  So rarely is a question answered by itself; the fact that transgender people are considered "she-males" is, I think, one of many excellent reasons for raising public awareness.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you would do. -- Epictetus

Shana A

They're really pulling out the all the stops these days. We must be making good progress towards achieving our rights :laugh:

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde


Dawn D.

I was discussing this topic with my wife this morning. The thought occured to me that the only difference between these "Morally Religious" self-ritecheous (sp) kooks and those running the country of Iran is that these kooks haven't yet gained total control of our country. They all hide behind the name of their chosen religion to somehow have a (il)legitimate purpose for their fear and hatred of others who fail to fall in line with them. You could bet that if they ever did gain control it would be like the Salem witch trials all over again!



Strikes me, Z, that they are deperate people again. Back when they tacitly had the Dubyas, Dubya, sr.s and Ray-guns in the presidency and the Efts and Newts and Philogramms in Congress they got those sops to their pride in exchange for their votes.

Now that it's more and more looking like maybe they've totally lost their influence and those who allowed their influence are running scared, they've become more and more shrill.

My guess is that they are thinking the way Barney Frank thinks: that TG/TS is frightening to people and they can grab votes. No doubt it is fightening to some people; I just think they have way over-estimated the fear and under-estimated how much people truly have learned and how little the fear really is from the majority of people out here.

I don't think most folks are willing yet to have their daughters and sons marry us; but I do think that there is more understanding and acceptance now than these yokels believe.

150 years ago god wasn't against transsexuals and transgender-people, but god did approve of slavery for the purposes of "raising-up the black man through honest-labor." Uh... yeah, I'm sure the work slaves did was honest, too bad about the slave-owners and their lacks of honesty.

People like this man justified owning others because St. Paul hadn't demanded that Philemon emancipate his slave, Onesimus, even though Onesimus had become a christian. People justify their povs any way they can, and the more heartless and cruel, vindictive and evil the beliefs are, the more they employ god in their justifications.

I think this is their last hoorah.



Quote from: Nichole on July 03, 2008, 10:28:16 AM
Strikes me, Z, that they are deperate people again. Back when they tacitly had the Dubyas, Dubya, sr.s and Ray-guns in the presidency and the Efts and Newts and Philogramms in Congress they got those sops to their pride in exchange for their votes.

Now that it's more and more looking like maybe they've totally lost their influence and those who allowed their influence are running scared, they've become more and more shrill.

My guess is that they are thinking the way Barney Frank thinks: that TG/TS is frightening to people and they can grab votes. No doubt it is fightening to some people; I just think they have way over-estimated the fear and under-estimated how much people truly have learned and how little the fear really is from the majority of people out here.

I don't think most folks are willing yet to have their daughters and sons marry us; but I do think that there is more understanding and acceptance now than these yokels believe.

150 years ago god wasn't against transsexuals and transgender-people, but god did approve of slavery for the purposes of "raising-up the black man through honest-labor." Uh... yeah, I'm sure the work slaves did was honest, too bad about the slave-owners and their lacks of honesty.

People like this man justified owning others because St. Paul hadn't demanded that Philemon emancipate his slave, Onesimus, even though Onesimus had become a christian. People justify their povs any way they can, and the more heartless and cruel, vindictive and evil the beliefs are, the more they employ god in their justifications.

I think this is their last hoorah.


Amen Sister,

Dawn D.

Quote from: Nichole on July 03, 2008, 10:28:16 AM

People justify their povs any way they can, and the more heartless and cruel, vindictive and evil the beliefs are, the more they employ god in their justifications.

Makes me wonder, if they aren't harboured by an enormous amount of subconscious guilt as a result of hiding behind and within their religion?




I would imagine those that actually feel their guilt don't spout it quite so freely as this fellow, Dawn. Just a thought though. Maybe he is. He may not even have a subconsciousness! :)

I've always figured they are motivated by both subconsciou and conscious fear and hatred of anything that appears differnt to them than themselves.



Shana A

Quote from: Nichole on July 03, 2008, 10:28:16 AM
I think this is their last hoorah.

I really hope so Nichole. I'm getting very tired of their "hocken a cheynik" (Yiddish phrase, loosely translated as banging on a tea kettle).  >:D

Yes, all their current arguments are the same reasons they used as justification of not allowing women to vote, enslaving African Americans, etc. We're just their latest "fad".

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



And I think they believe this fad will be a winner, Z. Like I said, I think they just have no idea how people feel.

Shana A

Quote from: Nichole on July 03, 2008, 01:08:18 PM
And I think they believe this fad will be a winner, Z. Like I said, I think they just have no idea how people feel.

Right Nichole, they aren't at all connected to the reality of how people feel. They are just fanning the flames of fear (ooh, nice alliteration Z) ;D . I'd say something about where their heads are looking, but I'm much too polite  >:D

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Quote from: Nichole on July 03, 2008, 01:04:52 PM
I've always figured they are motivated by both subconsciou and conscious fear and hatred of anything that appears differnt to them than themselves.

Yea, but also I think they're like insecure kids who buddy up with the class bully to pick on people... GREAT way to "bond" with "authority," ya know? Girls do it a lot too, when they "bond" into cliques through making fun of all the "losers" out there.

"Hey God, check out all these fools! WE will show them, won't WE God? WE are a team, aren't WE?"

The fundies aren't so much mean and evil... as maybe childish and emotionally crippled. Their only sense of self-worth comes through making other people feel worthless.



OK, :) I can easily go with fundies being the adult equivalent of mid-teens! :laugh: :laugh: Not a problem in the least!! :laugh:


Well, at least the hearing got some news coverage outside our community.  Too bad it's still not the mainstream community.


A few religious leaders have flat out admitted they are losing power and that is why they are making more and more noise. The only thing they refuse to accept is that they are fighting a losing battle.

Religion is supposed to teach tolerance, not intolerance (love thy neighbor, judge not...). Where did they go so wrong. If you want some scary stuff though, watch the documentary Jesus Camp.



The scary thing is that by the time I was finished reading that article all I could think about was why they left out Hitler's Final Solution.  These people are the truthfully scary and immoral ones.  They are the type that can blindly justify any form of Hate as a means to serve their own best interests. 

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The thing that always gets me is that the people that make or break the laws that govern the rest of the United States get to set their own wages and retirement benefits.

It's funny to think how far the human race could have come as a people if we all worked together instead trying to prove how much better we are than those that are different.  When one person uses position or power to stop another from achieving happiness that causes no harm to anyone else, it is evil.  Plain and simple.