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Finding My Voice - Help please if you can :)

Started by JodieM, April 01, 2010, 10:41:15 AM

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I thought since i am starting out and in the mean time while i am gathering the things i need and before i goto see my doctor to start the road for my transition i would try to find my female voice.

I read the wiki and i forum searched but i seem to hit my break point before i can even get into a falsetto, i dont have money to spend but is there some kind of warm up excercises that i can do something as simple as 10 minutes a day so i can increase my range.

Right now i really want to give finding my voice a go but few things are holding me back right now, i have my female voice in my head but nothing comes out at all when i try to falsetto :( and im not sure how im ment to stretch and get my vocal cords tuned for a higher range since everything says practice a falsetto voice at first.

Any help would be great, i dont have any recordings of me since i only started today so doing a mickey mouse fasletto is sort of impossible for me right now, the guides and information i have found are great but no money to buy any of the more popular things that google brought up or some of the ones on the forum is a little disheartening since i need to work on boosting my range when the falsetto i dont seem to be able to hit at all.

Probably has not helped years of smoking and im only recently and still going through the quit phase using cessation pills not sure if it is down to that or not but ugh cant find the falsetto at all :(

Any tips on warmups so i can get my falsetto would be great

Kind Reguards

Jodie  :-*


Hi Jodie,
I've been working with the freely available clips found at

Good luck!


Thank you for the link but sadly those video's for me are all out of sync with the audio not sure why that has happened but its a little hard to follow since im trying to watch and listen at the same time its a rather off putting, i usually just prefer audio based than Youtubes rubbish compression and playback.

And i forgot to mention i have no musical ability about notes or anything so me trying to follow the piano cords to get the right notes is pretty useless for me :(


found some warm up excercises it appears i am massivly out of touch my falsetto range and i need to build my voice up its simple oooo ahhh excercises rather odd sounding like some sexual activity is going on.

my voice in the high range breaks quite often all i can manage is about 5 minutes before my throat starts to get hoarse, i think i can get there just wish i had not of neglected my voice so long, but also i need to factor in the smoking and that my throat has not recovered from that just yet so i maybe better to wait for a few months before trying to reach the falsetto again.

but for now the practice things i found is good enough to start from scratch and they dont hurt to much untill i try to push to hard.

once i have strengthed my voice enough i shall try some of the very helpfull tips that are on this forum that i couldnt follow due to my voice being on a very short leash.


Quote from: Jasmine.m on April 01, 2010, 10:50:01 AM
Hi Jodie,
I've been working with the freely available clips found at

Good luck!

perfect awesome thanks for that!