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First Electrology Session

Started by Julie Marie, August 09, 2006, 07:48:50 PM

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Julie Marie

I just got back from my first electrology session.  I was expecting some serious pain, especially since I didn't have any numbing agents applied to my skin. She started on the upper cheek. I waited for the pain. I felt the needle go in, I felt a dull pain then it was over. It took a few seconds with maybe only one second with the dull pain. Then she pulled the hair and went to the next. I kept waiting for something to make me jump out of the chair. It didn't happen. She then focused on the moustache. I thought that was going to be the wake up call. But it was less painful than the cheek. It was only a 15 minute session but it was over before I knew it.

One of my friends, who referred me to her, told me she applies lidocaine an hour before her sessions. Then she has a 90 minute session. After about an hour the numbing subsides and "that last half hour I can't wait to get out of that chair!"

When I was done the electrologist asked me how it was. I told her I didn't know what my friend was whining about.  8)

Now mind you, I have a low pain tolerance. I'm a big sissy when it comes to pain. But maybe the mental preparation helped. I told myself that every sharp pain I feel is a step closer to finishing my transition. I can't say that's why it didn't bother me that much. All I know is I could have done a full hour without any numbing.  But who knows what will happen when she gets to other areas.

I was thinking about how the thoughts going through my head on the way there.  "Why can't I be happy with my body? Why am I doing this? This is going to cost a small fortune and by the time it's done I'll be ready for the nursing home." I haven't had stinkin' thinkin' like this since I came out to my family and they all freaked. Now I can't wait for the next session and the day that ugly beard is gone forever.

BTW, she told me I have a heavy beard and could expect anywhere from 100-125 hours for complete removal. Most patients are in the 75-100 hour range. That means about two years and $8k-$10K for completion of electrolysis. That's about half what I thought it was going to be. Things are looking up!
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Pain, pain go away :(

Yep we all have different experiences when it comes to pain.  I don't apply any numbing agents and simply suffer through a session.  Not that I'm some kind of tough nut, there have been days when she brought tears to my eyes.  For me the worst part was the corners of my mouth yow, but then she hasn't touched the top lip yet  :icon_yikes:

I've tried the topical creams to help with the pain but personally I found them to be a pain in themselves.  This is definitely an expensive, long term commitment for most of us.  But then look into the future and it makes it all worth while, my opinion anyway.



Yeah.... I remember electrolysis... ;D

I was in the same ball park figure as Tinkerbell, about 300 hours, lost count of the cost and in the end it wasn't that important as it had to be done.

My facial hair was 70% Ginger, which was the problem and took a long time to clear.

I never used any pain meds or lotions....just took it like a woman, but I understand why people may need them,top lips are not nice.

I used to cleanse my face with salt water afterwards,as I found I was quite prone to infections.


Cindi Jones

Right after I started electrolysis, my electrologyst suggested that it might be easier if we could completely clear my face and keep it cleared.  This required massive all day sessions.  I took time off work to do it.  But very early on, I quit shaving.  I would go to her office and lay in the chair for as long as it took to clear my face.  She worked out of a dental office and so for the first few times she worked under the nose, I was able to get shots from the dentist.  If you can get this for the first few sessions, I highly recommend it.  She was so sweet to clear her schedule to help me in these sessions.

I don't know how many hours I spent on the table but it took me two and a half years.  And yes, it will be painful on the upper lip.  A lot depends on how the machine is set up.  I don't remember the blend, but I took the higher settings for more permanent removal.  It hurt more as well.  I started out paying $20 an hour for my first 3 months while I lived in Utah.  In CA, I worked a deal where I paid $25 an hour. We worked a deal because I paid cash up front and never carried a balance.  I developed friendships with both electrologysts and we'd get together to go shopping, out to eat, coffee, whatever.  This made a most unpleasant thing much easier for me to deal with.

Author of Squirrel Cage

Julie Marie

Quote from: Tinkerbell on August 09, 2006, 08:44:21 PM
My psychiatrist usually says..."that's how you tell the real transsexuals from the wannabe's,  if you put up with the needles the first time and come back for more, then you know you have a very serious case of gender dysphoria going on with you"  She's so funny... :D


How true! I've said to many people, "Look what I'm willing to do! Tear my face apart, have penile inversion surgery, sit for countless hours as some woman repeatedly stabs me with a needle and shoots bolts of electricity in my face, take hormones that will grow boobs on a man's body and possibly become a second class citizen that mainstream society will look down on.  And this will cost tens of thousands of dollars of my hard earned money, not one penny of it covered by insurance."

Usually the response is silence. That statement pretty much speaks for itself.

Yep, Tink, this separates the women from the boys!  ;D

PS: I don't see this as gender dysphoria. Dysphoria is a mental condition and they don't fix mental conditions with physical procedures.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


I see no virtue in tolerating unneccesary pain.  I always have my upper lip numbed though I've only had about 15 hours of electrolysis.  I've had almost all of my dark hair removed with laser and it has mostly stayed gone. I have some light hairs that do not respond to laser and I'm continuing electrolysis for those.  I had laser and electrolysis down below prior to SRS and having electrolysis *there* does separate the boys from the women. 



I seem to like pain...thats why I keep my hair in tight braids most of the time and love tatts but I also take pans out the oven without mitts on freaks my ex out all the time!
(Yeah im wierd like that!)
Anyway I never had..scratch that!.... I had 4 hours of electroylisis
then opted for Laser 6 session and I was through at $150.00 a session
I noticed on the side of my face where I had the electroylisis done the laser seemed to work better I think its something to do with already destroying a small patch of folicles anyway
it seems the Depo and Spiro keep my face in check now.
I also had a very heavy beard.
