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4th of July weekend

Started by Softwolfdreams, July 23, 2008, 11:04:32 AM

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Hey hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July :). I know I did!!! We went upto Alphabetsoup's dad and stepmom's for the holiday!!! We sat out back on the deck and watched  the neighbor's set off fireworks :). I froze my rear-end off ;)!! Since we were near Lake Michigan we got a really cold lake effect. I was wrapped up in a sheet and drinking coffee the night of the 4th. Alphabet's and his dad were both teasing me because I had on a long-sleeved shirt and all wrapped up in the sheet!!!!
We got up there on the 2nd of July, on the 3rd Alphabet took me to see "Hancock" with Will Smith, it was o.k. The 4th we all just kind of chilled out and relaxed. The afternoon of the 5th was kind of hard on Alphabet, he wanted to tell his dad and stepmom but just couldn't bring himself to do it :(. He spent most of that day with his sister :), who is lesbian herself. The plan was that he and his sister was going to tell their dad and stepmom but it didn't work out that way. So when we left on the morning of the 6th, Alphabet's stepmom called his sister and wanted to know what was up with "#1 son" (he's the oldest). So she told dad and stepmom what was up that he is transsexual and taking HRT tablets.
They were relieved when Alphabet's sister told them what was going on. His stepmom is in the medical field, she is a respitory therapist and is always reading and studying up on things. I think they thought he was going to tell them something really awful. I told him not to worry that stepmom would do some reading and studying up on GID/GD.