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Transgender Teen Lied: And Died For It

Started by Hazumu, July 31, 2008, 09:24:56 PM

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Another standard 'got what's comin' screed.  Comment moderation is on, there.  So I left a comment with a promise I'd post my comment somewhere else...

PLEASE: If you go to the site and choose to leave a comment, be respectful.  That may do more to educate than anything else.

Hoopy Frood Dude

Quote from: Hoopy Frood DudeAnd of course, The gay, lesbian, transgender groups were immediately all over this pushing for it to be deemed a hate crime. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for this loser spending hard time for killing the kid. But I wonder, would this kid still be alive if he had been upfront about his ACTUAL gender identity, rather than his PERCEIVED identity? Most likely he would be, as the suspect probably would have had nothing to do with the victim in the first place had he known.

Go figure.

Quote from: My commentHi;

I'll take the opportunity to be the first to post a comment to your blog.  I'm transgender.  There.  I've told you up front -- didn't hide anything.

I'm going to post my reply and a link to your blog to a couple of other websites, just to make sure it's seen.  Would you be kind enough to post it to yours, where we can have an equal discussion on your views on this case?

I'm not going to change your mind on Angie's gender.  You've decided Angie is 100% male, and would have been to the end of her life.

You're a homochromosexual;
--one who believes that, in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary, one who bears XY genes is always male, and one who bears XX genes is always female.

Google Zoe Brain.  Her website has a lot of the scientific stuff.  But I don't expect you'll change your mind with that. Either.

Calling Angie by male pronouns and by her birth name -- even though it is a verifiable fact that her body was, in fact, male enough to pass doctor's scrutiny at birth and get her 'gendered' in those few moments to be legally recorded as 'male' -- calling her by male pronouns just because you 'know' this - is the height of disrespect.

Her family came to see that this child/grandchild/sibling was nothing but female, even if the body was otherwise.  Sex is between the legs, where it's easily seen.  Gender is between the ears, where it's almost impossible to look directly (and with improvements in non-invasive imaging, we're just starting to see female brains stuck in male bodies, and vice versa ('the pregnant man'.)  The aforementioned Zoe Brain, a real-life rocket scientist, no less, has the latest on her site.)

Her family respected her, and see her as female with an unfortunate disfigurement.  They will bury their daughter/granddaughter/sister/aunt as a female.  They will honor and memorialize her as female.

You dishonor them and defile her memory. Is this a 'Right' that you have the 'Freedom' to exercise?

Do you cherish and nurture the natural revulsion you may be feeling towards those whose sexual orientation and/or gender identity is different.

I'm a retired soldier/Marine.  I served my country for 22 years.  I have a natural revulsion for and contempt of people who weaseled out of serving, reap the benefits that that military provides to society, and then grandstand to send more of my fellow servicemen into harms' way without ever tasting combat for themselves.  People like our current president and vice president.  Strangely, my strongest allies since transitioning have been my military buddies (HINT: Google Col Diane Schroer for an example of her continued cameraderie.)

Which is to say, you talk a good line, but have you ever put your god-given ASS on the line?

Show some respect for the dead.  It won't hurt you, I swear.

Finally, my canned questions for those CoservaFundeVangelical sites all spun up over laws such as Colorado SB 200 that might codify and protect what's already been happening since before Christine Jorgensen -- transgenders using the restroom that matches their gender presentation.  You'll learn a bit more about me and my condition.
May I interject a real life situation. I'd like to hear your guidance on this.

My mother was given a drug to take to lessen the chance of miscarriage and promote healthy babies — that's what the doctor told her. The drug is Diethylstilbestrol, or DES. In male fetuses, it feminizes the brains of one in five of us 'DES sons'.

I finally came to terms with this, and realized my choice was transition or die. So, I'm now a male-to-female transsexual who's had 'the operation.' I've changed all my legal paperwork and although I still have a male body with XY chromosomes, it has been retrofitted to approximate female anatomy, which is good because if I ever end up in an accident, there will be no 'surprise' for the first responders.

I 'pass' very well, thank you. Only rarely do strangers figure out I was not born this way. Most people have to be told, by me, or, more often, by someone else who just has to 'drop the bomb.'

So my question to you is — knowing what you know now about me, and assuming for the moment you get absolute power to label me and make determinations on where I can and can't go —

-Which restroom and changing facility do you feel I, a male-to-female transsexual, should use when in public spaces?

-Am I immoral?

-Am I a paedophile?

-Am I tearing down western society in support of a deviant agenda?

-Am I selfish?

I eagerly await your responses;

Hazumu Osaragi


this is her myspace.

and now she's dead...

i'm about to lose my supper.  this is the most messed up thing in the world.  a girl gets in a relationship with a guy.  she looks like a girl, god damn she was HOT.  and this 30 year old low life knows he can't get better than her.  where is an almost middle aged guy gonna hook up with a hot 18 yr old barely legal chick like this?  online of course.
any decent guy would have though about where she was coming from.  ya know, maybe she just wants to feel normal instead of having to advertise her deepest secret all over the web.

this guy was a monster.  i hope the people he's in prison with find out that he was dating one of us and treat him accordingly.  i hope they do things to him i can't mention on these forums.

i will remember Zapata.


It sickens me that there are people like that in the world. Both the criminal and the person who posted this blog. Zapata did not deserve this, no one does whether they are trans or not. Human beings are human beings.

And clearly the person who wrote the blog was ignorant. I think your post disappeared Karen? Cause I see "no comments" left on that entry. That person was probably too immature to have the guts to even leave what you said up.



Comments are usually moderated in blogs, unless you're a subscriber, then they get put up either immediately or pretty quick anyhow.

Karen's comment is up. He was less than impressed. As are most of this sort of person. Better off writing to the wind.



Quote from: Nichole on August 01, 2008, 12:52:20 AMBetter off writing to the wind.
I had no illusion that I'd be doing otherwise.  It's a cry in the wilderness.  And the odd proto-ally may wander by his website and be persuaded...

And it's practice for me in the fine art of rhetoric ;)


Alicia Marie

  I posted on this topic informing him that people are ignorant of the thoughts and emotions of the transsexual community because they do not have the guts to join them and really see how they feel and the reasoning behind what they think, do and say. He didn't even post it.
  I guess he didn't like it because I told him people use the term "snapping" to justify their hideous acts against that which they fear in ignorance.
  I explained that I know women that had PMS all their lives and never committed murder. Those who use it to justify murdering their spouse are just playing the psychological excuse game and are just as guilty as those who "snap" when they find out a man has had a relationship with them. Or what they think is a man in their ignorance.
  But, some choose to stay biased and willingly ignorant. Unfortunately they are not the ones to teach their kids to tolerate what they don't understand and/or think is acceptable behaviour. They end up having kids that go to school and kill another kid just because he or she is a little different.
  They also are afraid to post things that go contrary to their point of view.
  Heaven forbid that a straight guy that is a member of a transsexual website tell them they are wrong.