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Started by LostInTime, August 04, 2007, 02:01:43 PM

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I have just recently (today) started doing some basic yoga moves and let me tell ya, it does the body good. I hope to combine them with my now normal stretching and morning exercise routine. Eventually I will get back into pilates but I currently do not have the room. Yoga though is very versatile.

Anyone else do yoga?


I did yoga with my mom for a little bit, but I stopped.  Partially because I got bored with it, and partially because my mom is best friends with my 5th grade teacher and she does yoga with her.  It was a little weird for me to do yoga with my 5th grade teacher...


I had a sixth grade teacher that I would not have.... getting off track. LOL

I actually used to go to aerobics classes with my mother when I was a teenager.

The yoga thing I just thought about this AM so I searched for some basics and found a few on the website. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Posted on: August 04, 2007, 17:47:20

Will Yoga Help Me Lose Weight?


I tired yoga a few times but I'm really inflexible because of an old injury. :(

I do pilates for toning, and basic cardio for exercise.  As for the mental aspects of yoga, I've been meditating for years. ^_^



I do the Bikram series everyday. I credit it with giving me flexibility, back strength, and the courage and clarity of mind to change my life. Good stuff.. heartily recommended!
Namaste, Tara


Anything to get the mind to realize the body feeling in the "now" time will make one aware of pleasure.


My wife and I do a 'Yoga for Fitness' class, it has helped reshape both of us aand you really do work up a sweat doing 'sun-salutations' by changing poses with every breath.
  We have been doing it for 3 years and it has truly been beneficial.
  Lisa Elizabeth

Bethany W

I do a little kundalini yoga at home every now and then. It does wonders. I have joint pains normally, but when I do yoga I dont have them for atleast a couple days.


Tried yoga a complete disaster, more of a weights person. I definitely have a new respect for people who do yoga, or even attempt it!
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


More of a Thi Chi person myself.
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