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"swiss cheese" pattern laser hair removal

Started by francoise, January 08, 2009, 01:28:54 AM

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Hi all,
I am new on Susan's and about to start body hair removal

I have been warned that initial session will lead to so called "swiss cheese" pattern in hair removal; meaning you have no choice but to do all sessions in a row to finish the job until you have no more hair. So you must be preprared to have the budget and to look quite funny in the meantime.
Have you experienced this ?
how bad is this ?

with love


Hi Francoise,

I am having laser facial and neck hair removal, Monday was my second appointment and after the first visit i didn't have what you call the swiss cheese pattern, my face looked like i was flushed for the rest of the day and the next day i was pretty much back to normal, they say not to shave for two days after but i waited five. Dr. christian that does my laser treatments says after the fourth session is when i will really see the results, hair grows in three stages.

Anegen - growing stage lasts 1000 days or more
Catagen- intermediate stage 10 days
Telogen - shedding phase 100 days

after the shedding phase the cycle starts over.

If you are going to have body hair not facial hair removed i would wait till you have been on hrt for awhile as this reduces body hair quite a bit if not altogether, from personal experience my chest hair is no more and i only shave my underarms and legs once a week and my arm hair is lighter in color and finer more like a women.

The procedure:  she puts goggles on me then a cold gel on half my face first then then starts, the worst part for me is the jaw line but others have said the upper lip is bad, and yes it's like a rubber band being snapped against your skin.  hope this helps, email me if you need more information.


I am a Mcginn Girl May 9 2011


It does go patchy. As long as you shave regularly it is not that big a deal. If you stay smooth shaven most people probably won't notice. The worst bit is for the first few days after a session. I prefered not to shave at that time as my face was a bit sore, but they say you can start shaving again the next day. Also after a session the hairs go really dark and wiry and this tends to make existing patches stick out. Give it a week and everything settles down. At worst people just think you have had a crappy shave.

By the time you get your next session you will also have some regrowth, which sometimes makes it look like nothing has happened at all, especially in the beginning, and this disguises some of the patchyness. If you stop most of your patchyness will become less noticable.


many thks Paula and Nicky,

with "swiss cheese" pattern, I was refering to the look of your hair cover a few weeks after the laser work; hairs are re-growing unevenly and this may look weird if you stop your laser treatment half way ?

Sure HRT before depilation is clearly improving the results, but I don't plan full HRT in the near furture, I only take androcur with minimal level and not regularly (my endrocrinologist is fine with that).

So I thought I would get started very sofly on body depilation, meaning probably one session every 3 month and possibly some longer stops on the way.

Do you think it is feasable ?

with love


Ah ok now i understand what you ment by the swiss cheese pattern, i keep myself shaved because i love the smooth feeling rather than bristles so i guess i don't let it get long enough to notice that pattern. The long term effect from low or no T with no replacement hormones (T or E) is Osteoporosis but since you are seeing an Endo he would be aware of this and i assume at some point you will start hrt.


I am a Mcginn Girl May 9 2011


yes Paula, my endo is keeping track of me and would stop androcur or start HRT in case of problem.
Given those conditions for a slow process of laser hair removal, do you think it is feasable ?

Ms Jessica

yep.  I'm pretty swiss-cheesed, I guess.  No one really says a whole lot about it.  I usually wear make up every day, so my foundation covers the hair I have left.  Not perfectly, but it usually works.  most people may not notice if you're only halfway done.  People that do, well you can tell them some variant of "I got sick of shaving, so I'm doing laser to get my hair  removed". 

The swiss cheese patter becomes more noticeable if you have very light skin and very dark hair, like I do.  Even after a very good, close shave, I still have a beard shadow, the hair shows through the top layers of my skin.  I've always been like this.  That's part of the reason why I need to use make up so often. 

wrt to your original question, can you stop after a few sessions, start again later, etc. and how do you manage your appearance at intermediate stages: you can start and stop sessions as much as you want.  Part of the trick with laser though, is to catch hair follicles in the growth stage.  This results (in theory at least) in the destruction of that hair follicle.  If you go once, you should ideally go again 4 to 6 weeks later, since a new set of hair will be in an active growth phase.  The hair you already zapped the first time should be dormant at this point.  More sporadic visits will result in catching more and more hair already in a dormant stage, so it won't be much better than a really good shave.  You will get some hair clearance, don't get me wrong, it's just not as effective. 


That "swiss cheese" issue is only early on. I noticed it myself, and I know others did too but they didnt really say anything. If you stick with the 4-6 week interval between sessions it will stop happening all together. The trick I think is consistancy. After serveral sessions you will just be all smooth with very little regrowth. It's been maybe 6 months since my last vist and only now do I need a little "touch up". I had a very hairy face before. I am so glad that part is really done. Just a few greys to get out now :-) for the most part...


thks Jessica and Christine,
"swiss cheese" / patched hair regrowth seems quite manageable for the face
What about for body ? legs, torso, arms ?


The only other I did was on the chest and that didn't react the way the face did, very different hair. Im basically letting the HRT do its job on the rest of the body and epilating once and a while. The hair on the rest of the body is considerably thinner after a year of hrt, for me anyway.

Ms Jessica

I'm with Christine here, too.  I did my chest, but I was pretty light on chest hair anyway. 

For arms and the rest of my torso-- I'm hoping HRT will take care of at least some of it.  Since HRT is supposed to do that, I'm not going to spend my hard earned cash on laser sessions to remove hair that might thin out naturally over a few years anyway. 

While I'm waiting for HRT to thin out stuff like arm hair, I use a trimmer to keep it shorter.  It makes the hair look thinner and lighter just because it's not so long.  I don't cut it too short, and don't shave it, don't want to deal with stubble.  That's weirder looking, IMO.  Some women have arm hair.  It happens.  So I don't worry about it. 

Legs, I shave my legs.  I wouldn't pay for laser on that.  Every other woman I know still shaves her legs, I'm not about to spend the money on it.  Bikini area, maybe, but not my whole legs. 

For the rest of your torso (i.e. back) maybe get that lasered,  especially if it affects your ability to pass.  I don't have much (any?) back hair, so I haven't done that, but I know of people who have. 

Hope that helps.  :)


thks, I wish I were advanced like you  :o
I'll get started on torso + bikini and leave arms and legs for later possible HRT
that should also be just enough for my purse ... 8)