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Less Than Half the World Believes al Qaeda Was Behind 9/11 Attacks

Started by NicholeW., September 12, 2008, 04:40:22 PM

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Less Than Half the World Believes al Qaeda Was Behind 9/11 Attacks
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted September 11, 2008.

A poll of 16,000 people in 17 countries reveals the damage done to the credibility of the United States by the Bush administration.

An international poll released this week by the Project on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) found that outside the United States, many are skeptical that al Qaeda was really responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks.

Sixteen thousand people in 17 countries -- allies and adversaries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East -- were asked the open-ended question: "Who do you think was behind the 9/11 attacks?"

On average, fewer than half of all respondents said al Qaeda (although there was significant variation between countries and regions). Fifteen percent said the United States government itself was responsible for the attacks, 7 percent cited Israel, and fully 1 in 4 said they just didn't know.



At least half the world has a healthy skeptical view of the media. Bush did not help matters by not being truthful about weapons of mass destruction. Nor is he a believer in Democracy when he was voted down by the United nations and started a war anyway.


so what are you saying? that al Qaeda wasn't responsible for the 9/11 attacks? give me a break, will ya? ::)


Who cares. Its our job as denizens of a corrupt system to question everything and anything going on, especially when people die.

ESPECIALLY though, when the current president is under suspicion of any elements/traits that would make them an immoral and terrible person, let alone leader.


There have been a lot of TV documentaries arguing both sides of the issue, and both can be edited or worded in such a way to 'prove' their case for or against, depending on the agenda of the maker.

Personally, I think it was highly likely to be Al Q'aeda that carried out the atrocities. But the US government didn't help their case by the way it was handled with regard to freedom of information and acting in a very suspicious manner (particularly the Pentagon) that would give free reign to conspiracy theorists who, lets face it, only need the smallest discrepancy to base a whole theory around.

The alternative, which involves the Illuminati, new world order, global mind control... *sigh* I dunno, it seems just a tad convoluted. And if it were a giant conspiracy, there's no way in Hades that it wouldn't have been far more out in the open, especially with how many people would have to be involved in it and subsequently had to keep their traps shut. A whiff of notoriety, and money, and there'd surely have been a lot more canaries singing.

I think it's easier for people to blame something they can see, something they can actually hold accountable like the government itself... rather than a misguided ideal that darts from shadow to shadow.

Better the devil you know...
Natura nihil frustra facit.


The point of the article is not that Al Qaidi did not mastermind and conduct the operation.

The point of the article is that given the state of forthcomingness and general SOP of this administration that people around the world are doubting whatever Washington puts out these days. The neocon dream of an American world where themselves move and shake and bring everyone to our way of life through the use of economic and social and political/military power has gone down in flames, huge unabated flames.

Our propaganda machine has run out of credibility and esteem with others.
