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About the fate

Started by goingdown, September 21, 2008, 03:57:02 PM

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When I was a child I was told that my fate was to die a violent death. Do you believe that the wise person could foresee things and warn the child? I thought it was possible to escape one's destiny but it seems not be so.

Pica Pica

destiny is one of those things i wish i believed in.

Of course once something has happened it could have been no other way, a sort of retroactive destiny. But I believe in no true destiny, which is a pity, because then otherwise there may have been some point to all this.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Even if destiny were true, if you don't know what that destiny is, which nobody could, then why bother worrying? Just because somebody said this doesn't make it true, no matter how "wise" they are.


QuoteWhen I was a child I was told that my fate was to die a violent death

It is not fate, stay out of sleazy bars. :laugh:


It was not talk about sleazy bars. It was always talk about war.

Posted on: September 22, 2008, 12:31:53 AM
I am not sure anymore. I have got some hope! :)


QuoteIt was always talk about war.

Life is about choices. I refused to going to war. They labeled me crazy. Like a fox.


Quote from: goingdown on September 21, 2008, 03:57:02 PM
When I was a child I was told that my fate was to die a violent death. Do you believe that the wise person could foresee things and warn the child? I thought it was possible to escape one's destiny but it seems not be so.

You could always be dealing with a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If someone important in your early life says something, you may find yourself making choices that favor the 'fate' they foretold.

There is always the possibility that the person making the prediction that you'll die a violent death was commenting on your behavior as you played.  If you were the type that played 'war' or 'race car driver' or other high hazard role playing games, they might have been warning you that those roles have higher odds than most of ending in a violent death.

Do note that you can avoid self-fulfilling prophecies by examining your life for hazards and figuring out a way to avoid as many as possible.


For my case I am sure that it was not about what I was playing.  :)I am an early one set case with a little bit compensation only. And the compensation was intellectual as it is now. Once a psychologist (not experied in gender issues) asked me how I can feel myself a woman and still be interisting in philosophy, science, history etc. Are all women interested these issues ''gender variant''?


I know that the areas of philosophy, science, history, mathematics and the like have long had a masculine bias.  Women in those areas have had to work harder than usual in order to have a impact due to how society views such things.

I wouldn't be surprised if the psychologist isn't aware of the biases.  If you are looking inward at how the mind works, you may not be aware of how society at large impacts what goes into the mind at the conscious and subconscious level.  (Hopefully psychologists ARE aware of sociology...)

You could always look at a person as being an entity of many parts, each of which has a spectrum of options.  In some instances you position on a given spectrum happens to be in synch with what society 'demands'.  In other instances you may off the norm for society.

Being intellectual often puts you off the norm in general.  The 'average' person, male or female, doesn't really seem to be interested in philosophy, science, history, etc., so that is one strike against you.  When you add in the stereotype of an intelligent female scaring away less intelligent males, you have another strike against you.  (Act dumb so guys will like you...)

You might want to study sociology and how society works.  A man who I consider to be my mentor once said "If you understand the rules you can break the rules."  It may be tough, but knowing how a system works gives you a better chance of tweaking that system to work in ways that you want.

"Gender variant" is a societal judgment based on years of ever evolving changes.  While parts of it may have some basis in biology, most of it can be traced back through history.



I do believe in fate more than I believe in destiny. I believe everything does happen for a reason what that reason is, is only for us to work out... if we can....



Destiny, Fate, Life, Death, you must cut your own path in it all. The high road or the low, the way of light or darkness, live as one or as another. Destiny is what you make it, death is our only real fate.


QuoteI believe everything does happen for a reason what that reason is, is only for us to work out... if we can....

The great Chicago fire was started by a cow knocking over a lantern. Those people who built more expensive fire proof homes still had a home and those who only used wood got them burned down. The reason is often up to what you do. If you plan and try to account for all possible factors you will more often have success. If you think that you have no control over the future then the odds are you don't.


There is destiny (ie: the sun will die in four billion years) or (my physical body will die within the next hundred years)

There is fate (ie: I died of cancer because I smoked alot of cigerettes) or (ie: my dog will get run over by a car if I do not prevent him from playing in the street) or (ie: I decided to draw in blackjack, and got 21)

In my view, destiny are knowable future events, on a timetable or within a timetable, that we cannot control. Fate are things that have occurred in the past through cause and effect; or forseeable, likely, and unforseeable events in the future we can change by altering present actions, whether or not we can predict what the outcome will be.

No fate but what we make, to quote what I thought was a luke-warm movie.



Have you considered the notion that your psychic was a pacifist?