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Wall Street's Woes Blamed On Gays

Started by Hazumu, September 28, 2008, 11:23:14 PM

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By Carlos Santoscoy
Published: September 28, 2008

QuoteChristian fundamentalists are suggesting gays and lesbians are to blame for Wall Street's woes, a frequently made charge in the wake of national calamities.

In a September 25th blog post titled The Nation Will Right Itself If It Fixes Sex, Christian Civil League of Maine Executive Director Michael Heath writes that the financial crisis facing Wall Street is a symptom of America's sinful sexual culture, including the acceptance of gay unions.

"Our crisis is a symptom, not the cause," writes Michael Heath. "I am not saying I know whether this financial crisis is God's judgment or not. It is not for me to know that definitively."

Heath goes on to list policy changes that would make God "crack a smile," including: End abortion rights and defund non-profit groups supporting it, amend state constitutions to ban gay marriage and eliminate domestic partnerships and civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, and end discrimination against private religious schools and homeschools.

Republic of Gilead, anyone? =K


FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I'm not even gonna read it, Karen. The synopsis was more than enough to get the flavor. I don't want to get the taste in my mouth.



I'm still trying to parse that god and crack remark.  I'm not sure what that meant.  Does it mean god likes crack?  Oh.  Iccky.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


This is just the kind of ridiculous crap we need for GLBT critics to keep spewing.  They have never been more transparent in their googly eyed craziness.


By that logic, I guess Ike was God's particular judgment on me!



 ::) What a bunch of idiots. The financial markets are in their present state due to greed and incompetence. It's like their just pulling things out of thin air.


By that logic, I guess Ike was God's particular judgment on me!

Of course it was, those other people were just in the way.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Michael Heath can burn in hell.  Actually, according to my philosophy, he already is.


so if we're responsible for the failed's a few questions....

who'd they blame for the stock market crash of 1829?
who'd they blame for the Great Depression?

and the BIG ONE:


Warrior Princess Mickie =D


especially when their jerky principles demand that government not interfere with anything (except anti homo stuff).

Alyssa M.

Oh, can I play this game too?

Things that the gays have wrought:

- hurricanes
- 9/11
- the financial crisis
- global warming (even though it doesn't exist, right?)
- genocide in Darfur
- illegal immigration
- spiraling medical costs
- avian flu
- mass extinction
- teen pregnancy (not sure how it works, but it's the fault of the gays.)
- heartburn
- chilblains
- the nation of France
- the Iraq war
- the Soviet -- er, Russian invasion of Georgia
- Kim Jong Il
- Kim Jong Il's illness
- the Democrat party
- skunky beer
- Hollywood
- my brother-in-law

Those gays sure keep busy!
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


- Kim Jong Il's illness[/i

I'm missing the downside of this.

- skunky beer
and skunky weed too.  OK, that's a good thing.

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on September 29, 2008, 01:31:12 PM
- skunky beer
and skunky weed too.  OK, that's a good thing.

:D.........ummmmm.....I mean, no comment.  ;)


FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: Karen on September 28, 2008, 11:23:14 PM

Republic of Gilead, anyone? =K

I guess that would make us unwomen then?  I'd opt to be a jezabel, but there's no way a playboy bunny outfit would fit me.  Both options are equally repugnant.

I really feel that we're living in the United States of American Lemmings...

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


That's kinda insulting to lemmings, they, at least, know where they are going.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


now it's gays fault that the bailout didn't pass congress.

One time my dog ran head first into the wheel of a moving car. She wasn't hurt, but I think it was because of gay people.


I know that it was gay people who caused me to fail Algebra.

What, I passed Algebra?  Got an A?  OK, what did I fail that I can blame on gays?  Home Ec?  Nah, another A.  PE, I got a C in PE, that's the fault of the gays for sure.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

