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Trucker Up!

Started by heatherrose, January 08, 2009, 11:24:22 PM

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I am a longhaul trucker. I'm wondering if anyone who visits Susan's is also a Driver.

10 Rodger, BEEP!
I used to be a driver.
I'd like to become a truck driver.
What self respecting TG would want to drive a truck?.
All truckers are scum of the earth!
What a useless waste of bits!


Hey Y'all,

Just wondering, I've meet several out here
and I always mention Susan's.
Drop me a line, through my profile.

                                                                     Always Love,
                                                                     Heather Rose.
"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


I have a class A and have used it on occasion but not for long haul, just dump. It's nice to know I have it if I need it.


That's a big 10-4 there Rubber Duck.  I used to drive Long Haul as a Bed Bugger for Mayflower.  And I some times miss it.  But know how truckers can be I am glad I am not a She Trucker, Although there are more and more out three




Thanks for stopping by, answering my poll and droppin' me a line.
This is a way of life that few understand, including those involved in it.
Its hard to get into, hard to get out of and if you do succede in getting away,
it is difficult to stay away! At least it's been that way for me.
I've been around it since the late sixties. A memory that I have,
after "Looking up into the faucet" (note shameless plug for my Blog),is Mama
holding me on her hip and watchin' Dad back the truck into the driveway.
Well, more later, I gotta get back to it, I wanna be home
and sleep on my own floor tomorrow night.

                                                                                       Always Love,
                                                                                       Heather Rose
"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


Daddy is a truck driver, but not tg. He actually has a kinda funny story about a CD that touched his shoulder once in a truck stop that wasn't used to CDs. ^.^
But, he drives for Aetna. And his trucker name is Mosey. His rl name is Tim W. *noddles* And he's long haul. The funny thing is, he doesn't Mosey. His truck has wings XP


ive know alot of truck drivers. done quite a bit of hitch hiking. Flying J is an good place to catch a ride.

Wouldn't mind being one. but would have to be old enough and what not.

Genevieve Swann

Not only no, but hell no! I hate driving anything except a motorcycle. I walk or use public transportation. I do know a long haul driver who happens to be a very sexy CD. First time I met him on the street I thought she was a hooker.


No self-respecting Palm Beach girl would be caught dead with a trucker!!!

I mean what would, like, the girls at the tanning salon think?

Know that I have offended everyone, just how do I explain the empty bags of pork rinds to daddy and mommsie? We send the help out todo the shopping. So every now and then Publix bags show up. Such a workingclass market. I at least have that covered.

The neighbors are getting quite suspicious about the, you call it a big rig?, parked infront of the adjancent estate. Apparently one can only blame that on the Feds hauling off Bernie Madoffs illgotten bouty for so long.

Really, help. I brought him home from the local, I believe its called a "honkey tonk" last Saturday. Em, Sunday morning. Okay I went there to dance and deceided to check out what it might be like to be a cowboys girl.

Now as the song goes, "he wont saddle up and ride away!!!"

That and daddy is starting to ask about the whereabouts of my Bimmer. I think, think its still at the "Country Western nightclub" I mentioned.

This guy is talking about "making me the Queen of his double-wide trailer." Wheres that country located? How many fuel stops for the Lear to reach said country? Is their French wine and cheese there? Escargout?

Headaches... headaches, headaches... NEVER AGAIN AM I BRINGING HOME A TRUCKER!!!


No. But trucking seems as good as any other line of work that brings in the support. It's not me, but then most occupations aren't. If ya like it or wanna try it more power to ya. I kinda like being able to go to the grocery-store and get food and I do believe that makes truckers a rather necessary occupation. :)

Be safe out there, Heather.


Just remember there, michellesofl.  If you have it, a trucker brought it.

But there is the tobacco stains on the pretty white carpet.  Beer bottles on the antiques.  And all his buddies.  And learn to cook things like Turnip greens, Collard greens, Fat Back,  Chicken Fried Steak, sweet tea.  Oh heck, just cook it in lard and he will be happy.

Roll On, there Heather.  And be safe, Doll.


Genevieve Swann

Michelle is correct. Girls who hang around truck stops lik Flyin J is called lot lizards. Who wants anyone to think you're a lot lizard. Not even self restecting prositutes will do that. Going near a truck stop while crossdressing is for people with a death wish.


Not true.  I go to a truck stop for the buffet.  And I have never had a problem, even if I get read.  All of the girls who work there know Heather and I.  And a couple of local drivers know us too.

It all depends on how you present yourself.  And I have even been around drunk truckers with no problems.

And I am no lot lizard.



Actually the truckers usually know the best places to eat along the highways.

It's a good idea to follow them if you see a bunch at a particular restaurant. Most are going to be nice as they have been alone on the road all day, they don't mind some sort of conversation or entertainment. They just want to get in, get their food and go. They aren't there to cause trouble.

Walking around propositioning women would be a very bad idea.


I go to a truck stop every other weekend. That don't make me a lot lizard. I go to see my step son.

Funny story about my ex-wifes uncle who was an owner operator:

Once on a cross country run he stopped in at a truck stop and this sweet looking lady started chatting him up. She asked where he was headed and he said he was headed to the west coast. She asked if he minded if she hitched a ride with him as she was going the same direction. He said sure and the headed off.

After a few hours on the road her makeup started to fade and he noticed a little beard shadow showing through. Next thing he knew she was pulling her wig off to scratch her itchy head. At this point she says to him,
   "But you never expected to pick up dude in drag did you?"
He just smiled at her and said,
   I don't care if you are a dude in drag, Imma F*** you anyway!"

She didn't wait for the truck to come to full stop at the next light. She popped open the door and hit the ground running.

True story!


Yes, thank you to the truckers in America for bringing me all the stuff I use everyday.

Be safe out there Heather.

Yes Janet he mentioned those foods that you wrote about, lol.

I have to stop being so bad.