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Above the law for a day

Started by Kaitlyn, September 29, 2008, 10:25:50 PM

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If you were above the law for a single day, would you use the chance to commit a "crime"?  (see below for details)

37 (50%)
24 (32.4%)
7 (9.5%)
Other (explain)
6 (8.1%)

Total Members Voted: 35


You've been given a twenty-four hour grace period where you are completely above the law.  Governing authorities or agents of said authorities are compelled not to interfere with you in any way, nor can you be held responsible ex post facto.  Furthermore, since your actions are not in violation of any law, anyone employing violence to hinder you is committing a crime, of a severity dependent on the degree of violence involved.  Additionally, this immunity extends to any action of any person, group, or organization that you are in association with at the time of its commission.

Secondly, you have the power to instantly travel to any place in the world, familiar or not, usable at will.  This expires with your special immunity.

The poll asks whether you would use your power to commit, or cause to be committed, an act that your country's (or the relevant country's) legal system considers criminal.  If you vote YES, I'd like for you to illustrate exactly what you would do, and explain why.

EDIT: Your teleportation power does not cause you to be in violation of any laws on international or interjurisdictional travel.  No passport or visa required.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch




I've got a little list.

But really, why stop with a day, if you became a member of the Bush Administration you could be above the law for life.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I voted "Yes" but I think it would be detrimental to my future non-torturedness for me to post details.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


I would guess that I am first the answer is No.  No other explanation is needed.


I wouldn't dare.  I have a son who is a cop in Portland, a daughter  who is a cop in Washington county and a brother who is an undersheriff in Oregon. Besides even if they weren't I would have to say no.

I may grow old but I refuse to grow up.


Awww, cmon... nobody wants to smack Dick Cheny in the head, or walk away with some cool stuff from an investment bank?  Nobody can think of any great social movements they'd like to start off with a bang?  It doesn't have to be morally objectionable stuff.

Posted on: September 29, 2008, 11:52:36 PM
You could walk away with wads of bills from the Treasury or the Fed, and give them to people you would like to bail out (assuming you're American).
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


never never never in real life, but since we're fantasizing...

financial crime. bigtime. TOTAL robin hood. except i'd keep some.


No. Even were it not considered a crime, many laws generally protect people from harm by others. Whether or not it was regarded as a crime, I would be harming someone else by committing the 'non-crime'.


I would have to vote no, but however, I would love to chase Cheney down Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington with an extra large frozen trout. "Let's be lady like about this huh!" Cindy says straightening her skirt as she stands next to Cheney lying on the sidewalk with the extra lark frozen trout lying across his chest.


debbie j

 :eusa_think: :eusa_think: humm very tempeting . so if i was to have said yes instead of touching Dick Cheny why not go for the

whole bag . since it would be like christmass. eh. so thus  frist thing i would do is take  old bush frist thing .and  humm lets see drive his head into

a cement floor a few times.. and then i would getone of my little friends called a heavy, long-handled hammer. and then i would take my time .

and hit old bush in pretty much every spot i could maybe even more then one time. and then tie bush up with some rop and then drag him out to a

waiting car . and tie the rope to the bumper of the car. and then drive siad car fast as i could . untill i ran out of gas or i happened to have lost old

bush along the road . and then humm i think i would pay a vist to a few of thos wallstreet scammers. and then i would pay a vist to every known

drug dealer . and give them almost the same treatment bush got . but much worse. and then humm maybe drop by iran and knock the leader of that

country off for the hell of it . and then i would hit us mint. and then from there i would stop every person that was haveing a real hard time makeing

end.s meat. and give them each 50,000.00 cash to help them out . and then after that ..i would have to see if i still had time left . to maybe fix

a few other thing,s in the world . that need to be fixed .  :eusa_think: :eusa_think: thats what i would do  if i had the chance to and i would do it

with out any question or post hast too



Packing two extra large frozen trouts in my holsters for Bush, then we can send him on a one way mission to Mars. Then he can let us know how the weather is up there if he doesn't run out of air first.



Wow, Debbie... I thought I was extreme.  You wanna join the anarchist club?   ;)

Posted on: September 30, 2008, 12:29:34 AM
I'd free all the prisoners in Gitmo.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


Tempting as it would be - I choose No.



Who knew there were so many goody-goodies?  You'd think the people here would be seething with anti-establishment feelings.  C'mon - give in to the Dark Side.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch

Flan Princess

I confess to voting yes
Think vigilantism on a global scale.  ;)


Hi  Nephie hon, that would be to fast, wouldn't you want him to sweat a bit before he goes to his maker, you know, the one with the two horns and a tail. Dress him up in a combat uniform with a large poster with his name in big letters on it on his back and give him a riffle and 6 bullets and one grenade an drop him off in the middle of Iraq. Now don't anyone get me wrong I ain't got a mean bone in my body, I only bite ankles.



Not the first time I've heard that, Cindy - and it still sounds as good as ever.

I might also arrange it so that Mr. Fred Phelps is never seen or heard from again.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


Quote from: Nephie on September 29, 2008, 11:37:07 PM
Who knew there were so many goody-goodies?  You'd think the people here would be seething with anti-establishment feelings.  C'mon - give in to the Dark Side.

The Dark side is not a good thing right now - I hate being physcotic and I would take it out on myself and not anyone else  >:-).



haha you bet your butt I would.  i can't tell what though thats classified.  lol. 
