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Creepy stares

Started by Zelane, January 14, 2009, 07:44:25 PM

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I needed to go out to the supermarket and two guys started staring at me in a veeeeeeery creepy way. I mean they stopped to check me and I had this feeling they were like predators or something.

Its annoying eing seen has meat. Yeah, yeah normal girl stuff... I know but I didnt dress nice for them but for me. I havent been feeling all ok and when that happens and I need to go out I want to look nice.

Then coming out of the store... another pair of guys and the same thing...

Im seriously thinking of dressing in ugly clothes XD But then being seen as a butch could be also bad...


Ok you are being checked out by guys, and your complaint is?????  I got checked out today at Walmart.  I find it to be a trip.  Unless they are really "I feel threatened" type of stares.  But being checked out is a blessing.




QuoteIts annoying eing seen has meat. Yeah

Then do not dress like meat. You can dress nice but conservative. No short skirts etc.


I wasnt using a skirt. Just jeans.


QuoteIts annoying eing seen has meat. Yeah

If you dislike being seen as that, then don't look like such. If it bothers you, go take some testosterone or try dressing more conservatively.


Toss your hair back.
Run fingers through it
If they follow you in and you are not keen; buy a pack of tampons and some panty shields, gets rid of guys as quick as to say I want a family  :D
Cindy James


Take it as a compliment, you'll get that regularly, means you look good.

I personally am a lesbian, but i would appreciate those looks cause it means im pretty, they still arent getting anything from it, but they can stare all they want, they aint gettin nothin


im not totally pass ready but i have had thoses awe, freak type stares too, but hey all i say if they say something to me or where i can hear that offends me is, hey i look good hah or yah you can be jealous if you like.. that may get some reaction but hey its there judgement not mine ...and i really havent had much of that,and most females i come across have excepted me for what i am.. so that make me feel ok in a sense that im one of them..


I've had a few of those... but to me, it really goes back to the idea, that you really don't know what's going on in their minds.  Guys can just look like that sometimes, and perhaps it's just their expression they have when their minds are blank, which can be frequently!!!  JK, i'm not a guy-basher, but truly you don't know what they are thinking unless you ask them :)

Just go about your business and do your thing, their stares are of little consequence to you or your affairs.   My two cents :)


Laura Eva B

I love to have guys looking at me ...

... as long as for the right reasons ...  ;D ...

Count yourself lucky !

Laura x


The only time I feel awkward about getting looks from men is when the guy at my school's cafe does it x.x; Man he is way too old for me, and just seems so absolutely creepy when he stares!

However, he does bring me free cookies whenever I wear a skirt >>;

Other then him, I rather enjoy notcing that I've caught a mans eye.
I like gaming =] Feel free to play games with my girlfriend and I on Steam! Jushiness is my steam ID


Quote from: Laura Eva B on January 16, 2009, 07:38:49 PM
I love to have guys looking at me ...

... as long as for the right reasons ...  ;D ...

Count yourself lucky !

Laura x

Only the right guys, though.  At least for me.

If there is some hairy fat guy in a torn t-shirt smelling of halitosis and old socks, starring at me like I was his personal playboy fold out, I personally would be a bit turned off....

(sorry, I just threw up a little bit in my mouth)

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


I wouldn't worry about it unless they were actually being physically threatening.  Take it as a compliment if anything but remember people look at people for all sorts of reasons, it's human curiosity there most likely was not anything sinister in it at all if anything they probably just thought that you looked nice.


part of being female is putting up with guys staring, smiling, trying to talk to you and so the others say if they are checking you out for the right reasons just enjoy it if thats your preference.


It might be a weird form of compliment, but urgh.. I still think it's creepy.

It's just somehow 1,000 times worse when they say something.. anything... to accompany the stare.

heeyyyy bay-beeeeee....



I have to agree with milliontoone. Unless they were you looking at with a mean stare with hands curling up into fists then yea. Just take it as a compliment   :police:.


You're really going to hold yourself back in life if you let something as simple as that get to you because it happens all the time. Learn to brush it off or revel in it, anything else will drag you down.

Genevieve Swann

I've had a similar experience at the supermarket and thought it was good. The guy wasn't staring just showing interest. He seemed to be shopping for the exact same items. Coincidence? As long as as it's not a prey and predator thing then it must be a compliment. Genevieve