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what happens after death?

Started by Princess, May 30, 2008, 08:13:19 PM

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I don't know... would you rather get eaten by John McCain?  I worry about his cholesterol.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


Quote from: Nephie on September 10, 2008, 01:16:48 PM
I don't know... would you rather get eaten by John McCain?  I worry about his cholesterol.

He would provide the side order. ;D

Natura nihil frustra facit.


After death, you are buried, or sometimes cremated, or in some locales, fed to the vultures. The body decomposes, nourishing the ground and the plants that grow from it. Either that, or poisons the earth and our groundwater with formaldehyde intended to keep yer corpse pretty for the wake.

But whatever gets you through your day. This gets me through mine.

I like the Discworld theory of the afterlife, that when you die you go wherever it is you think you're going.


Quote from: Ian on September 10, 2008, 01:36:33 PM
After death, you are buried, or sometimes cremated, or in some locales, fed to the vultures. The body decomposes, nourishing the ground and the plants that grow from it. Either that, or poisons the earth and our groundwater with formaldehyde intended to keep yer corpse pretty for the wake.

I agree with this. I personally think there is nothing after death. But Im open to theories as personally I have never actually experianced it.. or talked to anyone that has!



Quote from: Nephie on September 10, 2008, 01:16:48 PM
I don't know... would you rather get eaten by John McCain?  I worry about his cholesterol.

I'd rather not get eaten honestly.  :P

Quote from: Leiandra on September 10, 2008, 01:24:49 PM

He would provide the side order. ;D

Leiandra, I see people buy those all the time when they come through my line at work, I just have to laugh every time!  :laugh:



Geeeee, flesh eating aliens, they would need to get fitted with dentures after trying to eat me.



Sarah Palin hasn't offered to eat me. I would be more than a little shocked if she did. I would hope that she would at least, you know, tell me i was pretty, or something, first.

I am partial to brunettes, though. Hmm.



PS--as for It would just be wrong on too many levels. And anyways, I'm testosterone-intolerant.


I honestly don't know. And I'll leave it at that. Meanwhile, I have my life right here and now to concern me.

I'm strongly theistic, I'm by no means agnostic when it comes to faith in a benevolent higher intelligence. Because I have been observing it at work in my life. But there's no reliable way for me to know anything about survival after death, so all I can do is be agnostic on that question and refuse to speculate. I'm open to the possibility of consciousness surviving after death, and I think it would be quite fascinating if true, but so far I have no basis at all on which to evaluate its truth value either yea or nay. I'm not taking sides one way or the other-- if I asserted any opinion on it I'd feel like an intellectual fraud.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


Since Hypatia has been dull enough to put this thread back on topic  ::) I will weigh in. When you die, you're put in a room with all your dead relatives. It's like being 9 again and it's sunday. You have to be polite. It's boring. Then, if you're a boy, you're sent to purgatory to think about all the things you've done, until you're ready to come out and stop hitting your little brother with that plastic golf club. If you're a girl, you're already a beautiful angel and you sit at the right hand of the Goddess and discuss people and eat fattening delicious food, which is no longer fattening, because this is Heaven, you know? And then, you can make it rain on that bitch who borrowed your favorite sweater without asking. She's wearing silk, too, oh this won't be good. Hehe.



Quote from: Stealthgrrl on September 11, 2008, 06:08:05 AM
.. When you die, you're put in a room with all your dead relatives. It's like being 9 again and it's sunday ..
The Oracle: They have their reasons, but usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion.

Neo: And why would a program be deleted?

The Oracle: Maybe it breaks down. Maybe a better program is created to replace it - happens all the time, and when it does, a program can either choose to hide here, or return to The Source.


Quote from: cindybc on September 09, 2008, 06:04:22 PM
Hi Melissa, I can't say I understand what it was like for you except in part. This journey of transitioning is not one of the easiest journeys to undertake even for someone stable physically and psychologicaly, I suppose it realy doesn't hurt to have some type of spiritual beliefs to help one get through it. You have had some extra obstacles to get through, I for one must say that I admire much your courage and strength. As someone else here once expressed,

QuoteI know the answer to this already, but I know that this whole transition is a huge mind blowing event of equal amounts of fear, depression, excitement all flying @ you @ once. Mix in the HRT and

Hon you can only do what you feel you can do, working for other folks and caring for them is a truly wonderful thing to do but it can take a lot out of you. Do it at your own pace hon, when ever you feel you have the energy to do so, and do it from the heart.
Well, transition isn't so much of an issue anymore.  It really feels like I'm past transition at this point and am just living life.  I think my obstacles are just different at this point, which is why I don't post here very often anymore.  Many of my goals have been completely non-gender-related and the few that are gender-related are because I put them off for many years.  About the only reason I'm posting here is to help other people out if I can, although I know very few of the current posters anymore.  Many times though, it's hard to compare my own experiences because they tend to be different from others, but I try. :)

Quote from: fae_reborn on September 10, 2008, 08:05:22 PM
I'd rather not get eaten honestly.  :P
OMG, a woman who does not want to be eaten!?! :o  Quick, alert the media!  ;D


I'm not entirely sure what happens when you die but as I was in the coma I had two vivid dreams of me being on my dead Grandpa's farm in the rural edge of the town the first I was a little girl fishing with Grandpa and the second I was a full grown woman in his fields and we just talked about how we've been lately and it felt like only a visit. I'm not sure if it was heaven or a coma dream but I find it weird that after I woke up Amanda told me I flat lined twice and I had two dreams. If that was heaven then I have no reason to be afraid of dieing because for the first time in a while I felt completely at peace and how kind Grandpa treated me when he was still alive I miss him so much.


i'm a christian and subscribe pretty much to the standard christian view.  whatever that might look like, i haven't a clue.  i do want to get to heaven...but i'm in no hurry.


I'm a pretty well-adjusted atheist now, but I was brought up on the idea that there was going to be some sort of afterlife. I did, at one point, give a lot of serious thought to this subject. To amend that, I still do, actually. You don't have to consider something plausible to really...feel curious about it. If you need something to exist to really believe in it, then my feeling is perhaps you could use some education on what it really means to believe. Then again, that wouldn't be the first of my opinions or ideas that don't really swallow well with most people. There are a number of ways I can explain why I spend so much time talking to a god who isn't there, but I accepted the part of myself that does that a long time ago. It's not something I try to pick apart anymore.

Well, one of the theories that I held back in those days was that, if I went through my life in pursuit of enlightenment, then I would be reborn into a more advanced and more enlightened society. Not in the sense of reward or punishment, mind you. More a sorting process in which like were put with like, so every person in every life is born very close to equal to one another. As you can see, I'm going with the "many possible worlds" model of reincarnation here. Now, this wouldn't necessarily have to be a more technologically advanced culture. People could just be more in tune with one another, perhaps through some form of remote empathy. It would be a society in which it would be perfectly appropriate, even expected, to go up and hug a complete stranger. It would be a society in which you could just sit down on a bridge somewhere and talk with someone for long hours, not once uttering a harsh word to one another. It would be a society that has been given the choice of having all possible work handled for them, whether by some magic or higher power or advanced technology, yet most people choose to perform some kind of work or other just for the joy of giving. The workplace would be a social gathering place in which people met in friendship and fellowship with one another, not a place where you had to be watchful of coworkers trying to pile their responsibilities onto you. The sort of afterlife I envision is one that I feel everyone deserves to have in this life. It's a world I would want my children to inherit.

I'm in no rush to drop dead, though, so I have plenty of time to work on that dream by my reckoning. Perhaps you can't really escape the inevitability of death, but I've learned to keep my mind within a theoretically potentially unlimited timeframe. I've found it's much better for my mental health. Yeah, I know I'm not going to live forever. No need to tell me that. I've just learned not to be a fatalist. Bad for the health, you know.


Hi Silk Enjoyed reading your theory about an afterlife. You may find some of my ideas interesting that I have submitted in my blog. Cindy's Ramblings Blog.
