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How would you describe this attitude?

Started by Hazumu, November 03, 2008, 07:53:33 PM

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I've been posting a canned piece on various [Yes on 8] sites that allow posting comments.  The posting explains that I'm MtF, how I think that came to be, and then asks for their opinion on whether I should marry a male or a female.  Sometimes, its not deleted, and leads to interesting discussions.  At the very least, it provokes some thought.

On one of them I got an interesting response, which I followed up, and which the blogger followed up on my follow-up--

What are your thoughts on her responses?


P.S., I thought that Google/Blogger would disgorge a real e-mail.  I was wrong, and admitted as much to the blogger in my last comment (unposted here), and added a working e-mail and an invitation to e-mail me directly.

Quote from: Comment 1 (me)Hi;

May I interject a real life situation. I'd like to hear your guidance on this.

My mother was given a drug to take to lessen the chance of miscarriage and promote healthy babies — that's what the doctor told her. The drug is Diethylstilbestrol, or DES. In male fetuses, it feminizes the brains of one in five of us 'DES sons'.

I finally came to terms with this, and realized my choice was transition or die. So, I'm now a male-to-female transsexual who's had 'the operation.' I've changed all my legal paperwork and although I still have a male body with XY chromosomes, it has been retrofitted to approximate female anatomy, which is good because if I ever end up in an accident, there will be no 'surprise' for the first responders.

I 'pass' very well, thank you. Only rarely do strangers figure out I was not born this way. Most people have to be told, by me, or, more often, by someone else who just has to 'drop the bomb.'

All my paperwork has been changed. Legally, I'm female. But I have to find an OB/GYN who can check my prostate during my yearly pelvic exam (yearly mammograms don't need that level of disclosure.)

So my question to you is — knowing what you know now about me, and assuming for the moment you get absolute power to label me and make determinations on where I can and can't go —

-Do I marry a man? Or do I marry a woman?

-Which restroom and changing facility do you feel I, a male-to-female transsexual, should use when in public spaces?

-Am I immoral?

-Am I a paedophile?

-Am I tearing down western society in support of a deviant agenda?

-Am I selfish?

I eagerly await your responses;

Hazumu Osaragi

October 28, 2008 10:43 PM
Quote from: comment 2 (blogger)Your situation is not real life. Your name is that of a Japanese cartoon character with a remarkably similar story, only the cartoon was switched from a man to a woman in a tragic alien spacecraft crash accident. Look up this persons name on the internet and you will see the reference to the Japanese cartoon. You will receive a response from me when you ask a real question.

October 28, 2008 11:55 PM
Quote from: Comment 3 (me)Gabriel, I am real. I use the nom de plume of Hazumu because I live in a world where people like me get murdered for no other reason than there are people who react extremely badly when they encounter people like me.

Your dismissiveness is yet another example of the repudiation I regularly experience from some of those who know that I was born with a male body.

The situation is real. "Congratulations" on googling Kashimashi. It was the comic book (in Japanese) that finally led me to the epiphany that I am truly transsexual, and must transition to my true gender.

As a matter of fact, I'm responding to your dismissive comment about 100km from the REAL town of Kashima, in the Chiba prefecture of Japan.

So, what is your take on my rhetorical questions? Who should I marry?

Hazumu (Most Definitely NOT her real name!)

P.S., I receive real e-mails from my Google/Blogger identity. Try it...

November 1, 2008 7:32 PM
Quote from: Comment 4 (blogger)I was unable to email your or contact you in any form through your google/blogger identity. This is my only means to communicate with you.

In your first communication with me, you stated that the operation which removed your male genitalia was a choice. While it is true you are free to choose to remove your male genitalia, you are not free from the consequences of that decision.

You may have the choice to switch genders, but I do not believe, (nor does nature) that you have the right. Furthermore you do not have the ability to change genders. Blame nature, not me for pointing this out to you.

You can have an operation to remove your male genitalia, and replace it with female genitalia, but you are still a male. If you get a government authority to declare that you have switched genders, you are still a male. Nature has the ultimate say in that.

You stated:

So my question to you is — knowing what you know now about me, and assuming for the moment you get absolute power to label me and make determinations on where I can and can't go —

Do I marry a man? Or do I marry a woman?

You are male. No matter what you do or wear, you are a male.

Which restroom and changing facility do you feel I, a male-to-female transsexual, should use when in public spaces?

The men's room. You are a male.

Am I immoral?

The definition of immoral is: conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles. Yes you are immoral.

Am I a paedophile?

I don't know. You did not indicate you sexual preferences in your communications with me. If the object of your sexual desires is small children then you would be a pedophile.

Am I tearing down western society in support of a deviant agenda?

No. You have sought relief from a medical disability through a remedy that will not help you.

Am I selfish?

I don't know you, how am I supposed to answer that question?

P.S. If you want people to take you seriously when you communicate with them, use your real identity. Since your name is not your real identity, you are deceiving those with whom you communicate. I initially tried to look up your name so as to contact you, and the only thing I found was a reference to the Japanese cartoon character. If you do not want to disclose your real identity out of fear of retaliation or personal harm, then you have the right not to disclose it. But if you want to avoid people not taking you seriously, do not choose a fake name attached to a cartoon character with a similar story. I don't know who you are.

P.S. I will be dismissive of anyone who is not willing to be truthful and up front about who they are and what they want to discuss regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. This is my blog, I make the rules.

Gabriel Fink

November 2, 2008 2:00 PM


I would definitely say this is someone quite proud of his ignorance, and quite committed to staying that way.  That guy is unbelievable.  Is it hate?  I don't think so, as that requires a little bit of brain power to process, a trait I see lacking in the response.



Hate and stupid are two sides of the same coin.  You might not like things you know, but if you know, its hard to hate.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


IMHO.  The blogger is just another religious fruitcake who should feel right at home come Christmas, when all the other fruitcakes comes out.


It appears that Gabriel doesn't fink. At all.

*shakes head* You should feel pity for this person, who is so narrow minded that he will blindly follow this train of reasoning without even considering anything else.

Being the sarcastic little madam I am, I would have said something like "Well okay, I'm trying to see things from your point of view... but unfortunately I can't get my head that far up my own butt." Your restraint is admirable, Karen.

If ignorance is bliss, that guy must be in Nirvana. :-\
Natura nihil frustra facit.


I love the person's ability to pick and choose what to read and remember. He never even talked about the root question, just went off and the stereotypical dismissal of what was being talked about when it comes to transsexuals.
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother