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Wingnut 'resistance movement' calls for million recruits by inauguration day

Started by Shana A, November 27, 2008, 07:01:20 AM

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Shana A

Wingnut 'resistance movement' calls for million recruits by inauguration day
by: Pam Spaulding
Wed Nov 26, 2008 at 09:00:00 AM EST;jsessionid=74CC961373237BAF50A264F4B2171254?diaryId=8413

The "Patriotic, Resilient, Conservative" folks at (a 501(c)4 shop) are looking for a few good resistance fighters -- one million to be exact. Let's hope the Secret Service is gathering information.

    Obama and his allies are preparing to implement his liberal, "post-American" agenda. Simply put, what President-elect Obama and the Pelosi-Reid Congress have in store has the potential to rapidly move America to the socialist Left.

    Who can stop the Obama agenda? Only an unprecedented idea-based Resistance from freedom-loving citizens can prevent the full implementation of Obama's march to the Left. That's why is seeking to identify and mobilize grassroots citizens who will Join The Resistance- an alliance of patriotic, resilient and determined conservatives who will not forsake their principles. Our goal? One million citizens joining together by Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009.

If the patriots they are looking for are the same kind of people who attended the McCain/Palin rallies it's not a stretch to expect violence from this crowd. Look at the wild ideas they have about an Obama administration below the fold.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde
