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tomorrow (Saturday)

Started by iFindMeHere, November 28, 2008, 04:10:39 PM

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I have come to the point where it doesn't matter if my mom's cool with things or not. So I'm telling her Saturday at 11. I let her set the time and I told her it's a pretty big deal (she's mentally ill and I don't want to suckerpunch her).

i'm nervous... but not afraid. Nothing's going to change regardless of what she says. Tetanus told me if I need to go somewhere and be upset for awhile he'll take me, but I don't expect that to be necessary.

Now to go create a "talking points" list so i don't get distracted.


*big hug*

I hope everything goes well for you, honey. Good luck. :)
Natura nihil frustra facit.


*huuugs* thanks Leiandra.

My mom, as part of her illness, can handle about the quantity of detail a 7 year old can at once, so here's what I plan to say:

This is hard for me to say, but I want to do it because it's important to be honest with you.
As you know, I was unreasonably anxious and uncomfortable around people growing up... what you may not know is that I also saw a stranger in the mirror growing up.

You see, while everyone else saw me as a pretty girl, I always felt like a boy. I didn't know any words to talk about it, though, so I didn't.

There's lots more I could say about this, but basically, I have a male mind and heart. I have known this for a few years... but I didn't know anything could be done about it. Now I do. It's called "transitioning." That means that I will be working with doctors who can help me look like the male I know I am.

I feel so much more peaceful now... I have friends who know me as a guy and I have been hanging out in a men's bible group and I can't even tell you how good and right and whole that feels.

And from there I think I'll just let her ask questions, say whatever she's gonna say, and remind her that I love her and never want to hide things from her again.


Short and sweet and to the point!

Let us know how it goes on!



Quote from: Jay on November 29, 2008, 12:02:04 PM
Short and sweet and to the point!

Let us know how it goes on!

T-1 hour ... will do.


She was unsurprised... reasonably concerned for my little one... responded in line with her approach to religion... but not a big deal. I feel good.

Most surprising of all is that I asked her if she wanted information on the condition and support groups in her area.... and she said YES.




(My old name):

You have made me sooooooo sad.  Sad for you, for how you have struggled, for your history of attempts to quell your desperation, for how you are feeling now, but I know that this is not the answer.  It is also sad that you would choose the alienation & the additional attn that you crave & just shove aside the ripple effect that you will selfishly be causing.
You are hyper-focusing on something that will cause you to further continue to both abuse & mutilate yourself emotionally, spiritually & physically.  You will find that even this will not "fill the void & make you whole." Think about how this will affect others that love you. 
Shouldn't you be focusing on the more important issues, like making a stable home for yourself & your daughter.  Providing for all of her needs.  Preventing the confusion & possible impairment that you are causing her?       
Sadly, you are again choosing to abandon your daughter's rite to be able to call you Mom.  Everyone needs their Mom!  That is wrong on so many levels.  It is like giving a gift & then violently taking it back.
But just like (my stepdad) said, you will not listen to others that love & care about you...You always have the answer.  Does a response of  love & empathy extend to us?  Do you care about the rest of us at all?