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I Am

Started by ChefAnnagirl, February 02, 2009, 02:33:52 AM

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I am the wind, and the rain, and the sun,

I am the child, and i like to have fun.

I am the trees, and the rocks, and the clouds,

and I am the voices of all of the crowds.

I am the Earth and the Sky and the Moon,

and sometimes my God, please come take me soon.

I am the girl, man, woman, and boy,

and I am the player, and i am the toy.

i am all things, in the day and the night,

must no longer living, in hatred and spite.

i am the woman, the man, and the child,

I am the tigers, and the fish in the wild.

I am the whales and dolphins and sharks,

I am the woodthrush, the owl, and the larks.

The birds always knew they could fly in the sky,

Ive just remembered, that also can i.

i am the me and the you and the us,

I think we're all together, and on the same bus.

I am the air, and the trees, and the river,

i am the taker, the sharer, and the giver.

we are the one and the all and the last,

and i am the future, the present, and past...

No sense in trying -

No longer denying -

and that i am a one who will live for the dying...

i am the light and the dark and the fall,

and i am the summer, and winter, as called...

I am the spring and the new living shoots,

and myself and my living is what gave us such roots.

I am the fallen, the picked up, and bruised,

I am the crying alone and abused.

I am the mountains, the eagles, and snows,

the grasses, the Zebras and the 60 belows.

To me all things are old, and yet keep so renewed,

So please let us talk - i must simply intrude,

upon all of the closed eyes, the shut ones, and turned,

we'll speak all the things that, will see such things spurned...

To you, and to me, i will favor the call,

for us never be noticed, as only forgotten and small...

I am all of these things and ten billion more,

and living and feeling in my life can endure...

Placing these things, yet am alone in my mind,

let the spirit be living, and the world, not so unkind...

For you, and for me, and for all that there is,

One final thing which, of both hers and both his.

i am that i am, and that means what it does,

I am that i am,

just simply,


Loving best always,



Level the playing field

