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Are most of your siblings the gender you are transitioning too.

Started by Jillieann Rose, July 30, 2006, 03:23:52 PM

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I am _____ (MTF) (FTM) most of your siblings are _____(Male) (Female)

FTM  I don't have siblings
MTF, Males
FTM, Females
FTM, Males
MTF  I don't have siblings
FTM  I don't have siblings
MTF  equal males and females
FTM equal males and females
MTF, Female

Jillieann Rose

I'm wondering if your siblings are mostly the gender you are transitioning too.
I am a MTF and I have two siblings and both are youonger than me a female.


One of each for me.  At least I don't get the "we're losing our only son" lecture.


Jillieann Rose



Nah, I'm not lucky.  Basically my parents are still expecting me to realize I've made a mistake and detransition and don't accept me for who I am.


Jillieann Rose

That's is what my wife and children, all 3 are male, are hoping for too.  And they say they love me, but are not really acccepting the real me.


Quote from: Melissa on July 30, 2006, 03:24:44 PM
One of each for me.  At least I don't get the "we're losing our only son" lecture.


Ditto for me, though I expect my mother to cry and cry and cry...



Ive got one little brother.... though hes not so little anymore... a good 2 or 3 inches taller than I am and outweighs me by atleast 40lbs......

Didnt get the loosing only son but did get the whole namesake thing and carying on the family line and so on... (was named for my father.... bleh)


I just have the one older brother. Coming out to him last week was very hard.



Hey everyone,

I have four sisters and three brothers.

Love always,


Good question, Jillieann! I have 3 brothers, and am FtM... so I know if and when I come out to my parents, they'll be devastated at losing their daughter. But I know it's not my brothers who influenced my masculinity; my 2 older brothers are my dad's kids from a past marriage, and they live overseas; my younger brother is 7 1/2 years younger, and I was already displaying male traits long before he was born. I actually wish I had a sister... then maybe there wouldn't be so much pressure on me to act feminine. As it is, I'm now incredibly jealous of my 16-year-old, 6'4", incredibly masculine little brother.

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

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I'm rather lucky I guess.  I got all the obligatory lectures from Mom and Dad but they are now accepting and trying to use the right name and pronouns.  Nothing like SRS to convince people the transition is real and final.  Two brothers were immediately accepting, one was loudly opposed but is now my biggest supporter.  My sister was thrilled from the beginning.  Family get-togethers are still a little weird but getting better.


umop ap!sdn

To answer the thread title, yes. All one of her. ;D

(I have a half sister who's much older than myself. I'm not out to her yet but know it's just a matter of time...)


I have two sisters, and a half-brother I dont see much. I get "I gave birth to three daughters, and I'll always have three! I don't have a son!" Sigh...


Quote from: Ethan Michael on August 08, 2006, 12:06:46 AM
I have two sisters, and a half-brother I dont see much. I get "I gave birth to three daughters, and I'll always have three! I don't have a son!" Sigh...
Awww, that's sad, Ethan. So you are out to her? I have two sisters as well.

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


One brother, 8 years older than I. He hasn't spoken to me for a decade though (non-TS issues). We never did get along, as we're about as different as different can be, so I don't see him ever accepting me. My first ten years of life were spent trying to avoid being constantly beat up and tortured by him, and he really hasn't changed much since personality-wise.

I so often wished for a sister. I bet things would have been much, much different.


I have one older sister and an older brother.  Both are aware on some level of my dressing but we never have talked about it.

My parents both know and have been accepting.  I never got any lectures and was never made to feel bad about my activites.  When I was younger I got into some trouble for stealing (related to womens clothing) and that was the only time that my parents were disaproving.  Not so much of the dressing but instead the stealing.

I would never talk to my brother about being a CD as he is a "Divout" Catholic and increadibly conservitive.  My sister would be more open but she tends to be rather self absorbed and turns conversations around to her issues especialy when the topic is one that she is not comfortable with.

All in all I have been very luck with my family and I know that they would stand by me through anything even if they did not understand or support me in that.



Quote from: Nero on August 08, 2006, 12:14:58 AM
Quote from: Ethan Michael on August 08, 2006, 12:06:46 AM
I have two sisters, and a half-brother I dont see much. I get "I gave birth to three daughters, and I'll always have three! I don't have a son!" Sigh...
Awww, that's sad, Ethan. So you are out to her? I have two sisters as well.


Yeah, I'm out to everyone...or rather, I was outted by the family grapevine after being really out online... At least I didn't have to come out, though  :-\

Sisters are great, especially when the "But it tastes better when you make it" line gets an eye roll, but still works!


Great question Jillieann. I don't see a pattern but so what. I wonder if there has been a study on the effects of siblings on gender indentity development. Probably.  Most every thing gets studied, sometimes with some useful insight.
I have 6 siblings (actually all half siblings). I had no brothers or sisters growing up as dad left mom with me when I was a year old, and didn;t remarry. I didn't meet anyone on mom's side, including her until my mid 20s. The breakdown is: 3 half brothers, all older and all deceased, 1 older half sister and 2 younger half sisters, all alive. I think I see a pattern there and I don't like it. Maybe there really is a need for a change here.

Susan K



Sarah Louise

One brother, one sister, and one deceased (birth certificate says Karen, death certificate says Carl, obviously born with problems, never left the hospital) all older.

Both accept my transition.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"