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[UK] Lucy Parker: Teen Transsexual Message!

Started by Natasha, December 13, 2008, 10:38:44 PM

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Quote from: goingdown on December 14, 2008, 03:10:14 PM
That is quit not true.
Many late transitioners for example think that Zucker methods are right.

How can people who transition espouse what is essentially reparative therapy? It doesn't make sense, does it?

Many later transitioners think that TYFA is an amoral organization.

Why? Again, what sense does that make? You know what 99.99% of people who transition say? "I wish I could have transitioned earlier" or "I wish I'd been born right". How does that crystallize with thinking that an organization which addresses these issues is amoral?

We have got no help to education issues from transcommunity that keeps busy to lobbing non-discrmination laws against transvestites and late-transitioners.

So... basically you not only lump "late transitioners" with TVs but you also say that they don't deserve reprieve from discrimination. Good one there, goingdown. How sad to see a trans person complicit to discrimination.



Very much of this were influenced by conservative views of later transitioners in my homecountry.

And discrimination. Of course I support banning any discrimination due to gender identity or expression.


Historically speaking, you don't want to go through any period of "Huge Change" it's almost always bad.  The faster it changes, the worse it is. 

Though I see age splits among people in, about to, never going to, transition  - and in trans awareness/support/political/social groups - I don't think that has anything much to do with being trans, but rather its a human condition.  So that the splits in the trans community mirror those of the rest of society.  In that, its pretty normal.  Some of it has to do with time and how its spent and managed - so if you got your 9-5 people, they are running on a different clock than students.  Meetings are at different times.  Events are not the same.

Life situations are not the same either, and people do seek out those that share some similar problem or condition.  So to point out one huge change - and prove my statement that big huge changes are rarely good - for a bunch of us older boies and girls, we went to college in a very different manner and setting then anyone who has gone in the last 20 years or so.  The difference is huge, so huge, that its all but impossible to compare the two experiences.  In both the cases of those who went before, and those who are in the more 'modern system' will seek out people who at least understand what the hell they are talking about.  So age very often, and in modern society in particular with its physical and geographical spacing makes it a lot harder for groups of people to meet across the age divide.

It is sad to see the number of people who think that "Rights are for me, but not for thee" as such thinking merely serves to block progress.

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...