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Is it just me, or is this insane?

Started by Jeatyn, February 19, 2009, 07:10:05 PM

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Quote from: Jeatyn on February 20, 2009, 11:38:13 AM

oh and you guys, if you ever try to explain this stuff to a bio-guy, never use the phrase "how would you feel if you woke up one day and suddenly you had a womans body?" - apparently having boobs to play with 24/7 would be a dream come true  :P

Uh-huh, until they realize that they cannot just put them in a closet and keep them there when they want to.

Besides, I'm sure they'd find wonderful ways to mess up toilets even more as they stood trying to hit the thing with a cat. LOL



That's not someone I'd call a friend. She's an acquaintance and now a threat as well. Buy 30 hits of liquid LSD and slip it in her drink, it won't teach her much, but revenge is oh so sweet.

Lacey Lynne

Quote from: Leiandra on February 19, 2009, 07:42:50 PM
Don't be angry with them, honey, they don't know how it feels. Their ignorance is not altogether their fault. You can try and explain it to them, but you can't understand it for them. And if they haven't actually experienced the feelings and needs you have, they can't fully know why you have to do this. Their views are coloured by their gender identity, just as yours are coloured by your own. And with something this deeply personal and integral to the psyche of the individual... it's hard for others to grasp on the same level that you feel it by instinct.

Monty may be onto something, in that they may feel a certain level of betrayal, too, and a part of their comments may stem from feeling hurt and lashing out.

Just... try and be patient. *hugs* If you want these friendships to work, don't give up on them.

Leia said it so beautifully here.  I adamantly agree.  Don't let people like this get you down, man.  Keep your own good foremost in your mind at all times.  There will always be people who say things like this.  Leia's advice is "right on!"  Hugs!
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Quote from: Jeatyn on February 20, 2009, 11:38:13 AM

oh and you guys, if you ever try to explain this stuff to a bio-guy, never use the phrase "how would you feel if you woke up one day and suddenly you had a womans body?" - apparently having boobs to play with 24/7 would be a dream come true  :P

Heh, it feels like we're ships crossing in the night. 

It wasn't too long ago (just a few months ago) that I was objectifying women, looking at them in a lusty way, basically thinking in a stereotypical male way.  I always knew "having boobs to play with" wouldn't be fun if they were YOUR OWN boobs, and now I'm starting to understand what that means in terms of my own body image. 

Having to act like a guy all the time (still not living alone yet, still not out of closet at work) SUCKS.

Here's some things you're probably noticing suck about the guy world: 1) the constant homophobia and using the word "gay" used to represent anything that isn't masculine, 2) swearing more than a dirty sailor, just to match the other guys, 3) every guy knows everything about every sport, but you have a complete lack of knowledge about sports or anything sports related, 4) you have to lust after every girl you see just b/c she has tits/ass.  I swear, can't I just be friends with the girl buying something at the grocery store?  Why do I have to want to "do her"?

Those are the things that bother me, I'm sure everybody's different.  But the female "world" is looking really appealing to me right now....


Quote from: Ashling on February 21, 2009, 01:24:12 AM

1) the constant homophobia and using the word "gay" used to represent anything that isn't masculine, 2) swearing more than a dirty sailor, just to match the other guys, 3) every guy knows everything about every sport, but you have a complete lack of knowledge about sports or anything sports related, 4) you have to lust after every girl you see just b/c she has tits/ass.  I swear, can't I just be friends with the girl buying something at the grocery store?  Why do I have to want to "do her"?

That's only applicable if you're hanging out with the typical dude crew. The guys I know conform to none of these. Then again it is a university crowd where mostly everyone considers themselves bi to a degree.

My group is more of an arty intellectual bunch. We don't watch sports, 'gay' isn't a pejorative, cussing happens but we try to make sure it's with a certain imagination, and lusting as you describe it is non-existent. Heck even the more rough and tumble crew of mechanics etc. I know is like that.


I don't feel like you can be angry at people who are uneducated.  Sit down and have a really frank discussion with them to clear it up.  You're gonna want as many people in your corner as you can so don't go alienating cisgendered people because they have no frame of reference for GID.


Quote from: Mister on February 21, 2009, 03:28:24 PM
I don't feel like you can be angry at people who are uneducated.  Sit down and have a really frank discussion with them to clear it up.  You're gonna want as many people in your corner as you can so don't go alienating cisgendered people because they have no frame of reference for GID.

EXCELLENT point!!!  Taking an understanding rather than a defensive attitude toward others can go a long way.  People will eventually have to accept who you are.  If for some reason they can't, then that's their problem, but I think at least giving others the chance to understand you is absolutely critical.

Ms Bev

Quote from: Jeatyn on February 20, 2009, 11:38:13 AM
if you ever try to explain this stuff to a bio-guy, never use the phrase "how would you feel if you woke up one day and suddenly you had a womans body?" - apparently having boobs to play with 24/7 would be a dream come true  :P

Yes.....I learned that lesson the hard way too.  I got, "Holy >-bleeped-<!  First, I'd play with myself all day...."

*sigh*  not a good example for a guy.

1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


Quote from: Ashling on February 21, 2009, 01:24:12 AM
Here's some things you're probably noticing suck about the guy world: 1) the constant homophobia and using the word "gay" used to represent anything that isn't masculine, 2) swearing more than a dirty sailor, just to match the other guys, 3) every guy knows everything about every sport, but you have a complete lack of knowledge about sports or anything sports related, 4) you have to lust after every girl you see just b/c she has tits/ass.  I swear, can't I just be friends with the girl buying something at the grocery store?  Why do I have to want to "do her"?

Those are the things that bother me, I'm sure everybody's different.  But the female "world" is looking really appealing to me right now....

I apologise XD I'm one of the kind of guys you would hate. I say everything is gay just as a general term. "My computer is being gay" .... that kind of thing. I swear constantly. I'm not particularly interested in sports but I can explain the offside rule so I guess that's something...and I do end up objectifying woman when I hang with other guys  :-X


QuoteHere's some things you're probably noticing suck about the guy world: 1) the constant homophobia and using the word "gay" used to represent anything that isn't masculine, 2) swearing more than a dirty sailor, just to match the other guys, 3) every guy knows everything about every sport, but you have a complete lack of knowledge about sports or anything sports related, 4) you have to lust after every girl you see just b/c she has tits/ass.  I swear, can't I just be friends with the girl buying something at the grocery store?  Why do I have to want to "do her"?

this sounds like my lady more than any of my male friends.


I to have had a friend say i sucked as a female so now I am going to give being a male a try as the easy way out. I have also got this as a response to a conversation.
"Please calle me Jake now. I no longer want to be identified with the name Jessica"
"Well you are always going to be Jessica to me no matter what. I dont do the call me by another name stuff. You were born with a VJJ get over it."

When that conversation was held I was totally blown away. Mind you the person who said this to me was an ex girlfriend who I dated for 3 years and she is no married to a guy and has a kid from him. When we were together she use to call me Jake.

People fear what they dont understand so to make themselves feel better they have to trash talk it and try to make thier way sound better.