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Has anyone here had success with ADHD meds?

Started by Kaitlyn, December 11, 2008, 11:45:05 PM

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I've been on the psych med carousel for a while now, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has had luck with meds for ADHD?  I've tried methylphenidate, amphetamines (racemic & d-amp both), and bupropion, all without much luck.  I'm going to try modafinil tomorrow, and I'm just hoping there's some relief to be had here.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


Yeah, I used time-release dexedrine until I learned to cope with out it. Worked well for me, but I have quite mild ADHD.



Gah, the spansules?  I was interested in those, but I couldn't afford them at the time.  It's just as well, since amphetamines eventually make me look like I've got both Parkinson's and Tourette's.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


My brain must have anti-dopamine or something - I never get the happy, focused feeling from stimulants, just the anxious, jittery feeling.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


You'd be better to switch to a time-proven medication like Adderall.

It'd also help with your weight loss.


No.  Tried a buncha crap, including stimulants, anti depressants, and mood stabilizers.  Next stop, sleep study.


Quote from: Annwyn on December 13, 2008, 12:19:21 AM
You'd be better to switch to a time-proven medication like Adderall.

It'd also help with your weight loss.

Adderall was the very first one I tried.  It only worked for the first couple of days, and no amount of adjusting or supplementing would help.  Even the appetite-suppressing effects wore off after a week or so.  I've been through a bunch of stimulants, and it looks like I just don't react to them the way most people do.

Quote from: glendagladwitch on December 13, 2008, 01:24:31 AM
No.  Tried a buncha crap, including stimulants, anti depressants, and mood stabilizers.  Next stop, sleep study.

I've been there too... I've tried Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, Zyprexa, Adderall, Metadate, Dexedrine, caffeine, St. John's Wort, valerian root, niacin, omega-3's, chromium, magnesium, B-12, and a host of other things I can't remember.

I'm still hoping that Provigil will help, since it's supposed to be less stimulating but more focusing and alertness-promoting than anything else I've tried.  I just have to wait 'till Monday.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


ADHD runs rampent in our family and my Mom read this authors book and it changed our lives. It's by Linda Santini and I think it's called "The Secrets to Recovery from Mental Illness". It's an updated version of treating ADHD naturally that we used. I promise this book will blow your mind on how easy it is to sucessfully treat ADD, ADHD. There isn't enough room on this site to go into what ADHD has done to our family, all but one of us are 1000% better, because that one won't do what the author suggests. Good luck and I hope this really helps you! Please keep us updated!! Camden


Why not just tell us what it is?  I'm not likely to go buy a book.





LOL If it were that easy believe me I would! Basically there is a list of natural substances that work great. Also there is info on different tests w/ the address of how to get the tests yourself without having to go through any dr's. Off the top of my head I can tell you to do a b-complex and 1000mg's of vitimin C per day. Usually b-12 is really big because when you have ADHD it's actually a disease called pyroluria that prevents the body from properly absorbing nutrience (sp?). This is a disease they have been aware of from the early 50's but they block info on it because it's so easy to cure that it would put the drug companies out of business. I know this sounds too good to be true, but it is! My entire family is living proof that it does work.
I consider everyone on this forum to be my extended family and I wouldn't tell anyone to try something I didn't believe myself. To start just google pyroluria, but if you want in dept info I still recommend the book. The author gives the hows and whys it all works.  :eusa_think:Hope this helps...Camden


I read about the pyroluria thing and tried a zinc supplement earlier today.  It made me all sad & vomity. x_x
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


I've just ended day 3 of my Provigil trial.

Epic fail.

It's like irritability, fatigue, brain fog, flat affect, and OCD all rolled together in pill form, with no beneficial properties whatsoever.  I'd think the pharmacy gave me the wrong stuff if the pills didn't have "PROVIGIL" stamped on them.  There's no alertness, no wakefulness, no focus, no pep, no energy - just nasty mental side effects for hours and hours, long after any other stimulant would have worn off.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch


Used Dexedrine for years. It works but i was never thrilled with the side effects I already had a fast metabolism and the appetite suppressant effect was extreme for me. Plus I never liked what it did to my emotions  especially long term. Another thing that can cause nutrient deprivation is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori which is a stomach dwelling bacteria that is the cause of ulcers and a huge variety of other digestive problems. The H. pylori neutralizes your stomach acid and prevents proper nutrient absorption and digestion. The big thing is 50% of America has this bacterium. As for ADD there's a number of nutrient deficiencies that can lead to it. Magnesium is a big one. Also IgG food allergies can contribute to it as well.

Btw i don't recommend Dex or any of the other amphetamine based drugs for Add not worth it. If you wanna try somethign prescription based Stratera is non stimulant and does work but its not as strong.


Quote from: Fox on December 19, 2008, 12:40:57 AM
Used Dexedrine for years. It works but i was never thrilled with the side effects I already had a fast metabolism and the appetite suppressant effect was extreme for me. Plus I never liked what it did to my emotions  especially long term. Another thing that can cause nutrient deprivation is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori which is a stomach dwelling bacteria that is the cause of ulcers and a huge variety of other digestive problems. The H. pylori neutralizes your stomach acid and prevents proper nutrient absorption and digestion. The big thing is 50% of America has this bacterium. As for ADD there's a number of nutrient deficiencies that can lead to it. Magnesium is a big one. Also IgG food allergies can contribute to it as well.

Btw i don't recommend Dex or any of the other amphetamine based drugs for Add not worth it. If you wanna try somethign prescription based Stratera is non stimulant and does work but its not as strong.

Strattera is the only major one I haven't tried - my doctor and I were in agreement that it's not worth trying, since it takes at least a month to kick in and I don't respond well to SNRI-class drugs in general.  Magnesium I've tried also, to no effect.

I don't have any gastrointestinal symptoms that would indicate an h. pylori infection - I'm positive that my ADHD is a component of my Asperger's, which was almost certainly inherited from my father.
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
— Plutarch



Sippin my tea

Kethylphenidate worked on me for about 12 years (diagnosed at 4), but it seemed to start wearing off. Probably just an immunity after all that time. I was thinking about moving to Stratera to help me with school, because ADHD never actually goes away as you get older, but mostly I've been trying to deal with it on my own. It becomes a huge pain at times, but it also  makes me me ^_^. So I'm not really sure if I want to start taking medication again.


That sleep study I mentioned?  Bingo.  Now I have to go back so they can put me on a breathing machine and find the right pressure to correct for my apnea.  I hope this machine finally fixes my problem.