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Eating disorders/problems and other such inconveniences.(anorexia in particular)

Started by 4years, July 10, 2005, 08:01:05 PM

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Basically just out of curiosity I'm wondering if there is anyone else who has problems with food consumption.

... I was going to say not like anorexia but I checked the word to make sure of the meaning and I've not seen this definition before:

an·o·rex·i·a [ànnə réksee ə]
1.  See anorexia nervosa
2.  continual appetite loss: persistent loss of appetite

anorexia nervosa

an·o·rex·i·a nerv·o·sa [ànnə réksee ə nər vṓssə]
eating disorder: an eating disorder, marked by an extreme fear of becoming overweight that leads to excessive dieting to the point of serious ill-health and sometimes death. Also called anorexia

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Now I am a bit worried as that rather fits me to a tee.

I've always thought anorexia was when you ate, that bothered you to the point of going and throwing up (or at least to that effect), which I've never been similar enough to, to worry about.

Just to make life interesting I suppose.

Hum, well since I distracted myself any comments?


Hello  Kimberly

I believe that eating and throwing it up, purging, is called bulimia:

" An eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal or nearly normal weight, that is characterized by episodic binge eating and followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. It is often associated with measures taken to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, dieting, or fasting. Also called  bulimarexia,  bulimia nervosa."

I have a girl friend who we believe is going through this.  She is as skinny as a rake, and doesn't eat much to start with.  But after the simplest of meals, she has to go and throw it up, and returns with an excuse like, is was bad, it wasn't cooked right or she has the flu...

Thay would definitetly be distracting.



Hum, bulimia would seem to describe what I was calling anorexia. Learn something new everyday (=

I'm not sure about durations or the like but I've been a 'finicky eater' since I was a young child. Heh, thinking of food and my throat is closing off again too :P But regardless I'd suggest watching your friend close.

Anyway, apparently I have a term I can do some research on now ;) (=


anorexia or bulemia are very dangerous conditions that can lead to the failure of many organs in the body, and eventually death. purging food causes stomach acid to eat away the tooth enamel and complete tooth loss in a relatively short time. taking excessive laxatives can render your colon useless and cause the loss of control (yuk) bulemia is more of a conscious choice, it is a way to eat and remain thin and the consequences seem distant and indeterminite like they are with smoking and cancer. an anorexic person has a distorted body image, they can be 90 lbs and think they are fat or on the verge of being fat. this distored image is so strong many virtually starve to death. the very worst condition is having both anorexia and bulemia combined. these conditions also commonly involve drugs such as diet drugs and stimulants that are very dangerous and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

avoid these conditions at all costs, they almost never have a happy ending.
