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Richard Morgan?

Started by Sephirah, June 24, 2008, 06:10:29 AM

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I was just curious if anyone else has read any of his books.

They're primarily science fiction, set in a world where people can change bodies by means of a sort of hard drive at the base of their neck that stores the... soul, I guess, for lack of a better word. This can be removed and inserted in a new body that can be bought from a store, or cloned (in the books, bodies are called 'sleeves').

I've only read two so far, 'Altered Carbon' and 'Broken Angels', but I would recommend them as they're pretty engrossing if you're a fan of sci-fi. :) The main protagonist is male (or as male as one can be in such a world), but there is one point in Altered Carbon where he's placed in a female sleeve. It's very well written.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Wow i cant believe i havent been to this section before.

Richard Morgan is the new Cyberpunk master, all of his books are just amazing its a shame he hasnt got a bigger collection on the Takeshi Kovacs. That char is the ultimate anti-hero and your right the whole being able to transend gender through sleeving is a great concept.

Im a major audiobook collector and these stories on my mp3 player are amazing, i would also highly recommend "Market Forces" its the far future of capitalism and an absolute must book to boot :) i really hope he does followup to that too.

Good find Leiandra, have a hug for sharing this author.




Wow, it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's heard of him. I was pretty taken in by his books, and you're right in that he should definitely write more.

I'll check out the one you suggested, thank you. *hugs* :)
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Hi Leiandra

yes i picked up altered carbon on a whim and i was completely taken aback by his writing.Ive listened to the whole series now and it left me in an iritating postion where you need more of the same :)

Im glad im now not the only other person enjoying his books one of those hidden authors you could easily miss out on.

Your love Market forces, let me know if you do get around to reading it and what you think of it.



I haven't seen Market Forces yet, but I did pick up a couple more books by Morgan, 'Black Man' and 'Woken Furies'. The last one is another Takeshi Kovacs novel, I'm hoping it's as good as the previous ones. :)
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Ahh you know what i had completely forgotten about black man, i remember reading about it just before its release so thanks for that i will pick that up this week too.

Your love woken furies, nothing else to say about that one :)


I am 50 or 60 pages into Altered Carbon and it hasn't grabbed me like William Gibson. I fear I am close to losing interest and moving to the next book on my reading list. :( Everyone says it's good, but so far the prose doesn't jump out at me.

I know this is an old topic, but I generally love cyberpunk fiction and I'm trying to get through this book, so maybe someone will see it and answer me this: Does Altered Carbon pick up?

I think maybe the technology in Kovacs' world has put me off in the early going ... the "sleeving" has made it hard for me to connect with the characters because they seem thus far like amorphous blobs of consciousness rather than flesh and blood people. Of course, you could argue that at the essential core, we are all more amorphous blobs of consciousness than we are flesh and blood. I don't know if that's what Morgan is getting at though.