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Started by Buffy, August 04, 2006, 10:34:26 PM

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This is my thoughts about friends.... We ALL need them

We all need friends, good friends, lifetime friends, sharing friends...

Friends that are near, friends that are far,  whenever you need them, they answer.....

Friends that don't judge, friends that won't give opinions..... just listen and empathize when you need them......

Friends that are honest, trustworthy and will keep dark secrets of past lives that wish to be forgotten.......

Friends that have tragic pasts and some that have tragic futures...

Friends on the phone, those that will always answer your e-mails, friends that talk, when you need to, despite what's going on in, their lives.

Friends that are there at all times, good or bad, friends that accept you as you are...

Friends in sadness, friends in despair, friends in joy and friends that care.....

Friends that you are proud to call your friends, no matter how the world see's them......

Animal friends, that lick your tears  or sit on your lap and purr in your ears........

Animal friends that curl up with you ,when you want to cry and the world to go away

Yes.... we all need friends, they make the bad times good and the good times better....

Thank you!  All my friends wherever you are, whatever you are doing, where ever your going.....

I am proud to call you my friends


Cindi Jones


I love the piece.  It describes just how I feel about my special friends.

Author of Squirrel Cage