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For Sparkles. What I learnt from the Fish Thread

Started by Pica Pica, January 19, 2009, 03:42:53 AM

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Pica Pica

The Fish Thread started because Sparkles got annoyed with any serious discussion about being an androgyne descending into daft jokes and nonsense. In response sie set up a thread of daft jokes and nonsense in the (less than serious) hope that is would descend into a discussion about being an androgyne. Recently sie has returned to the thread and commented that it was the longest thread sie ever started, but it was a pity there was nothing useful in it.

I beg to differ.

I think lots has been learnt by the fish thread...and using other threads and knowledge of myself and my own intuitions, here is what I think those things are. It might just be that this is what I learnt about myself in the fish thread, but I'm going to extend it out a bit.


That was Sparkles irritation in the first place. I am probably one of the most talkative people on the subject itself, but even I feel  more reluctant to talk about it.

Why would this be?

a) The subject hurts.

There are people here who have real pain from this androgyne thing. Occasionally they mention it, but mostly it bubbles under the things they type. I myself get little stabs of hurt, or sometimes a few days when I am wrestling the subject like mad.

The hurt comes from two places, one is accepting the idea of being an androgyne, and so the possibility of feeling not quite the same as everyone else for ever, with nothing I can do about it. The second is the possibility that I am wrong, the urge to man up and stop being silly, or the urge to femme up and dismantle the life I already have.

These things are not things I usually like talking about.

b) There isn't much to talk about.

When I am not having my little stabs of pain, being an androgyne is just the same as being born in brighton or being freckly. I could talk about what brighton is like, or the quest for high spf sunblock, but it's pretty dull. Similarly talking about androgyne stuff, it's just there.

There is also the fact that most of us count ourselves as parents, siblings, offspring, musicians, technicians, lazy writers etc...before we consider ourselves androgyne. It doesn't always run quite as deep.

c)We have less topics to go into than the transsexual types.

We talk about being androgyne less, because there is less to talk about.

i) We don't transition.

Most of us can't physically transition because we don't know what to transition into. A few people like Andra have a clear and achievable goal, and then achieve it with remarkably little fuss - and they get to update us on that. But most of us don't have this clear vision (and most of us feel it would risk our more important roles...see above). This means we can't talk about medicines or doctors, or gatekeepers, or therapists or surgery or any of those things.

ii) We don't present.

It's impossible to present as an androgyne. There is a physical image of male and female, there is no physical image of an androgyne. Even androgynous does not have to be the image of androgyne. And there are some of us that don't want to look androgynous. I want to look cute and pretty, these are traditionally gendered ways of looking, but being an androgyne I take them for my own, I would be perfectly happy looking like a cute and pretty's not the gender that concerns me.

Shades O'Gray seems to have got this split best in calling 'emself an 'androgyne crossdresser'. Wearing dresses is still cross dressing for an androgyne, as the dress is so inherently gendered towards female. Wearing a dress is presenting female, not androgyne. There is almost nothing androgynous about a male body in female clothes or vice versa.

Also, while I guess we would all like to have been born androgynous looking, most of us are not. It's best we dress and present as ourselves....

Because of this lack of 'passing' techniques we could share, that is another subject that can't really fire our talks.

iii) We don't moan endlessly about how miserable we are.

The main thing that transsexuals seem to do when they get together, apart from compare who is the manniest or femmiest, is to vent all their bad feelings. How some minor infraction in their day made them realise none of it is worth it, or how they are so frustrated they want to bite their own tongues off.

I am probably one of the androgynes that comes closest to that, because I do use this forum as a way to complain when things aren't going my way, but on the whole the androgynes don't do this. Now either we do not have that level of pain, or it is because we have other ways to cope (i would suggest through silly jokes, daft facts and all that). Laughs are there on the TS parts of the forum, but they are not cherished as much, they are regarded as a distraction.

d) We are talking about it, but through other means

Most of us do not seem to communicate in complete straight lines, it is clear we are talking about being androgyne even when we are not....

The unicorn references talk about how alone and not connected to the rest of this world we feel. In a magical forest with lots of unicorns we are free to run and play, but none of us (with the possible exception of Tekla) live in this magical forest. We only visit. Most of the time we are in the real world, where people do not believe that unicorns exist.

The androgyne attack sheep are viciousness couched in extreme mildness. Are androgynes mild, or are they attack sheep?

The 'ban' on the word peeps refers to the impersonal and naff nature of ungendered language. The struggle between being an androgyne and a human being.

ETC...ETC...ETC.... Look at what the jokes that have captured us are saying about us, we are really often discussing these androgyne things. Which leads me to...


One of the lesser populated boards, but one of the most talkative. It is clear there is a need for us to talk with other androgynes. To make the silly links and comments that would be ignored or ridiculed in real life, to let our hair down with people who have something in common with us...all that. I've tried to leave and not come back twice, I can't do it. I need this sort of interaction that I can only get from friends when they are drunk. This freeflow type thing, where lines and barriers are not drawn between various ideas....

- There, that is what I learned from the Fish Thread and lots of other threads that would appear to be daft jokes and nonsense. All It takes is that you read it right.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


While I agree with most of  what you typed pica
many of us do present in a non binary way
while there is no clear path of transition it is possible if you can convince gatekeepers

the fun childlike aspect of many people here does cause us to avoid serious issues and make serious issues move slowly or become silly.
Sometimes I'd love to have a serious chat about real issues but this doesn't seem to be the best place :(  :'(

also a man in a dress isn't nesseceraly prresenting female if he is clearly male (eg beard)
the fact that presenting Androgyne doesn't work because most peopledon't know what that meens but we can be gender non conformists and that is basicaly the same as presenting as androgyne imo.
I don't want to be a man there from Mars
I'd Like to be a woman Venus looks beautiful
I'm enjoying living on Pluto, but it is a bit lonely


Quote from: Kinkly on January 19, 2009, 04:56:40 AM
Sometimes I'd love to have a serious chat about real issues but this doesn't seem to be the best place :(  :'(

I disagree. Many topics start out serious, but you can only keep the same topic up for so long until it moves into something else. Many times serious topics need the lightness and laughter afterward. It is the same on every other board on every other forum, as it is with real life conversation. Conversation is a living, breathing thing, that changes as does every other living, breathing thing. You can't tie it down.

Just as many serious topics on the transsexual boards diverge into pointless arguing, so does this board diverge into pointless laughing.

Go ahead and talk about serious, real issues. What do you want to talk about? we'll get serious, pay attention, if only for the first few pages.  :)
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I would agree with most of that Pica.

I was wondering if there was a recognisable culture of androgynes with their own forms of dress and behaviour and presentation, would we be able to conform to those standards? Or would we be characterised simply by our otherness?

I get the feeling that as a group we would be as uniform as a mixed group of clowns, witchdoctors, tidy casual and people in period dress.

Shana A

Quote from: Pica Pica on January 19, 2009, 03:42:53 AM


Great post Pica. If one goes through the archives of this forum, we've had our serious discussions about being androgyne though. It seems to ebb and flow. I'd add that for all my willingness to engage in humorous banter, if we never had any real discourse about the issues of who we are as androgynes, I wouldn't bother to stay.

Quote from: Kinkly on January 19, 2009, 04:56:40 AM
Sometimes I'd love to have a serious chat about real issues but this doesn't seem to be the best place :(  :'(

I'd like to think that we can have serious discussions about our issues here. It's not like there's many places for us to talk about these things.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde


Mr. Fox

I'd say part of it is more self-reliance.  While a lot of transsexuals go onto the boards and say, "Tell me if I'm transsexual" or "Tell me what to do" or "Tell me how to be normal," androgynes have fewer resources and a less clearcut path and usually have to figure out who they are and what to do for themselves.


while everything in life is indeed a learning experiance and i am glad that you managed to get something from the tread. though i tend to think that it might be what you have learned about yourself and other people that hold a simular view of what androgeny is to them, and while i agree that there are many different direction that this word can take you and my direction is certianly not the same as yours. il reply to your point if i may


of course the subject hurts sometimes, its had me to the depths of dispear before now and will probably do so again. but there have also been moments of true joy these are 2 sides of the same coin somethimes. sometimes its good to talk about it. and looking on the lighter side is sometimes needed, just not everytime. having to scroll through 3 page of rubbish to get to what people are saying just gets annoying but such is the way of internet forums. though other forums seem to be able to do it with little fuss.

b) There isn't much to talk about.

this is not true there is as much or as little as you want there to be, i can and in someways impact on the rest of your life. and how other people deal with this is an area that can be useful to others. if you feel that you have nothing constructive to say on a thread then dont reply to it, you dont have to, wait for one that you do have something to say in, or start a thread about fish and type stuff there.

c)We have less topics to go into than the transsexual types.

again see other forums with multiple topics and areas of discussion.

i) We don't transition.
ii) We don't present.

should read you dont transition, and you dont present, some of us do, that as no value to it, its just a fact, we are not all the same. while im not sure transistion is ever the right word as you have always been this way you are maybe altering presentation to the outside world then transitioning into something new. the idea of presention is a big one as it can define how the world sees you, this is not just about appearence but everything that people see, hear smell etc about you how you interact and while it might be impossible to present as an androgyne its not impossible to present as yourself though it is very very hard to know what that might be and sometimes we can only see what is possible through other people. while being androgynous looking is not the be all and end all of this as passing is not for ts folks. it can play a huge role in your own self aceptance and identity, and there are indeed lots of think that can be done from both sides to achive this in major and minor ways, not all of them are needed and people can pick the bits that are right for them, but they need to be able to know what can be done hear from people that have done it and ask about it.

iii) We don't moan endlessly about how miserable we are.

while this can sometimes be the case in ts groups i have found them to be some of the happiest people i have ever meet that face situations that may of us will never.

d) We are talking about it, but through other means

while the use of comedy to judge to state of a culture is a valid disatation. do we really need to talk in riddles.


Dam right we do, but you can only talk for so long when all you get back is rubbish communication is a 2 way thing if no one resopnds to you then you stop posting and for new people this is a great loss.

i have not been on this forum long and remember that it as produced some brilliant stuff on an area that as little written about it you only have to look at the stuff kendra as collated to see that. but when most serious threads now end in 4 pages of rubbish then really i dont see the point in starting them. why not leave serious posts as that and they will drop away and then one day when someone as something to add they will add it and we will discuss it again, or add jokes into serious posts that have a point too, just dont post rubbish for the sake of it.


Pica, you are more astute observer than I, if you gleaned all that from the "fish" thread.

But then, I've found your posts on being androgyne to be some of the more insightful posts I've ever read on the topic.

I think I might be possible to transition to presenting androgyne. But, that will vary from person to person. I've seen a few people in real life where I was completely confused as to whether they were male or female. To me, that would be what I would transition to if I could figure out how to do it. While I enjoy cross-dressing, my ideal would be that it would be impossible to tell my physical gender unless I was naked.

Actually, it seems to me there is much to talk about as each of us seems to come at this androgyne thing from different angles. At the same time, it seems there are those of us who find it tough to put these things into words.


I think part of the trouble comes from not really having our own 'language' to describe our lot.

Mr. Fox

Quote from: Nicky on January 20, 2009, 01:24:25 PM
I think part of the trouble comes from not really having our own 'language' to describe our lot.

Definately.  It is usually shown that learning words for emotions helps people communicate more effectively, and even helps them understand themselves better.  However, there are not even words for emotions of this variety, and the terms that do exist are disagreed upon.  Nobody can agree on what an androgyne is or how wide of a range it encompasses.

One thing that could (and I think does) add spice and discussion to this forum is variety.  With the transsexual forums, it's comparatively homogeneous, and most people seem to have similar emotions, although there are exceptions.  However, people here have more varied desires and identifications; living with natal role, extensive crossdressing, full physical transition, Rebis (you get your own category), etc.  This lack of social cohesion encourages us to reject social mores; after all, what would we even conform too?

Eva Marie

All good points, pica.

Add in the social isolation many androgynes feel, the lack of a "solution" for our situation, the lack of understanding by the LBGT community (we're not a >-bleeped-<), and the ambiguities of being an androgyne and we feel left out and misunderstood. Self deprecating humor is a way to deal with some of these feelings.


QuoteMost of us do not seem to communicate in complete straight lines, it is clear we are talking about being androgyne even when we are not....

I liked the whole post and agree with you, but I really like this thought.  I often think about the way I think.  It's definitely different than most people I know.  :D
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC

Simone Louise

So nice to see a serious thread about why we don't engage in serious conversation.

I used to daydream about starting a company staffed by misfits. That was in the days when IBM dominated computers and its employees all wore navy blue suits and white shirts. When the ideal was to join a large corporation, absorb its culture, sublimate personal concerns, and stay there through retirement.

I worked for small, unstable, startups whose most talented employees all had some flaw that kept them out of the Fortune 500. It seemed to me that if one sought out these talented, flawed individuals and empowered them, showed them respect, and saw that they had what they needed to work, the company they formed could change the world.

We androgynes, however we define the word, are misfits in a bi-gendered world. The larger world neither empowers nor respects our genders or lack thereof. It is so easy to just exist from day to day. I put "Choose life" at the bottom of my posts, because I see a difference between existence and life; it is a reminder to me (and anyone else who needs such a reminder) to set goals and strive for them.

The beauty of this group or kingdom or forest is the respect and empowerment we show one another. I know it has made a difference in my life. I feel I can be open in this group, and don't have to always be on guard. That, in itself, is a giddy feeling. Here we can be and have been serious or silly, passionate or mild-mannered.

The new rabbi at the temple accidentally called me Simone on the high holydays, and then became flustered and apologetic. I tried to assure her I am Simone, but I don't think she understands. Here I don't have to explain or justify who I am. Or I can. My choice.

Sometimes it's just nice being in a forest of unicorns as a break from frigid, snowy New England. Fish? Last weekend, I was in a snow-free Virginia, ate crab cakes, and saw Bush's plane take off from Andrews Air Force Base on his way to Texas.

Choose life.


Quote from: Kinkly on January 19, 2009, 04:56:40 AM
the fun childlike aspect of many people here does cause us to avoid serious issues and make serious issues move slowly or become silly.
Sometimes I'd love to have a serious chat about real issues but this doesn't seem to be the best place :(  :'(

Oh.  You needn't feel like that.  Sometimes you have to take a little control and direct the conversation.  Remind people of the purpose and tone of the thread.  If you start the thread, you can even lock it for a while if it begins to veer off too much.

If you really want the topic to stay on target, you can ask people to remove off topic posts.  But I would think it wouldn't get that bad if there is a reminder to stay inside the parameters of the topic/tone.

   I agree with a lot of what I've read here.  It triggered some deep thinking on my part. Some deep feelings too.
   Speaking for myself, I find it difficult to stay grounded in the root of a conversation.

   I think I feel the need to discuss my 'condition' less than in the past is because I've pretty much come to terms with it.  I understand myself much better than I have ever before in my life.  As Pica said, it's like discussing sunblock or something.  Also, for a few months, I haven't been really concentrating well.  No problem. just being an airhead.

   Maybe the fish thread is better than sparkles could have concieved.  When it comes to transition or presentation, we are definitely not all travelling in the same direction as a group.  Like some schools of little fish where the fish are darting off in different directions and some are moving in little circles now and then.  They are moving pretty fast. If they could speak, I would assume the conversations would be fleeting and, by necessity, possibly cryptic.

   I still daydream about starting a business made up of talented misfits. I'm not a leader, though.

I had some seriously revelatory insights recently and while reading thru this thread.  But I forgot them.


Jade H

WOW!! Thanks Pica!
Now I don't have to wade (swim?) through the "Fish Thread"... :)

Quote from: Rebis on January 23, 2009, 10:37:41 PM

  I agree with a lot of what I've read here.  It triggered some deep thinking on my part. Some deep feelings too.

I had some seriously revelatory insights recently and while reading thru this thread.  But I forgot them.

Thanks Rebis - My thoughts too... Some of them anyway (those that I can remember)... ;D
