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Orchiectomy before SRS

Started by Fae, July 07, 2007, 01:37:19 PM

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Quote from: LynnER on July 21, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
I havent done any research into haveing an orchi as a final procedure.  I havnt checked with any doctors to see if they remove the scrotal skin, though I do understand its a pretty simple procedure. Orchi's are the grey area in the SOC, it seems its purely up to the doctor weather they will perform the procedure.  Id sugest calling around to local surgical urologists <they seem to be the ones who most frequently perform this sort of operation>  It might give you a better idea of whats available and what they require inorder to op you.  Chances are they will ask for some sort of note from your theripist.

I figured as much on the letter for the therapist.  My endo is looking into finding a local surgeon for me, she might be able to find me someone.  :)



Quote from: morticia on July 21, 2007, 04:26:41 PM

Wow..  I can't believe that you have to have a permission slip from a head shrinker to have an unwanted and un-needed body part removed.  Do you need a permission slip from a head shrinker to have a cancerous breast removed?  Or an ingrown toenail?   What's wrong with these people?  They act like it will affect THEM! 
This is just oppression and control.  More proof that others dictate how we must live our lives and what we can do with our bodies.  Our bodies don't belong to us, they belong to the police state that this country has become.  We are property, we exist to consume corporate products and fund the evil machine through slavery aka taxes.

I hate living in america.  I need to leave.  Forever.

Without getting too much on the soapbox, and I really don't  have the stamina for an extended debate, I did have to produce letters from my physician and therapist to my surgeon before she would agree to doing my procedure.

Yes it is your body, you can do just about anything you want with it.  However, a physicians are bound by regulations by the hospital they are affiliated with as well as their own ethical  beliefs.  Since this is an irreversible, though minor, procedure, they want to be assured that you need this as part of your health and well being.  And are not pursuing this on a whim.  A surgeon does not remove healthy tissues unless there is some overriding cause such as a diagnosis of GID and removal of the testes will produce a healthier individual.   Once my doctor understood that my mental health would be improved by my procedure then there was no further delay in scheduling my procedure.

If you look at it this way, sometimes you can get what you need easier than if you just feel that they are gatekeepers.  I haven't started my SRS process yet, though I am seeing a therapist.  I'm hoping that it will go much the same way.
Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


Quote from: Kassandra on July 26, 2007, 05:06:19 AM
Quote from: morticia on July 21, 2007, 04:26:41 PM

Wow..  I can't believe that you have to have a permission slip from a head shrinker to have an unwanted and un-needed body part removed.  Do you need a permission slip from a head shrinker to have a cancerous breast removed?  Or an ingrown toenail?   What's wrong with these people?  They act like it will affect THEM! 
This is just oppression and control.  More proof that others dictate how we must live our lives and what we can do with our bodies.  Our bodies don't belong to us, they belong to the police state that this country has become.  We are property, we exist to consume corporate products and fund the evil machine through slavery aka taxes.

I hate living in america.  I need to leave.  Forever.

Without getting too much on the soapbox, and I really don't  have the stamina for an extended debate, I did have to produce letters from my physician and therapist to my surgeon before she would agree to doing my procedure.

Yes it is your body, you can do just about anything you want with it.  However, a physicians are bound by regulations by the hospital they are affiliated with as well as their own ethical  beliefs.  Since this is an irreversible, though minor, procedure, they want to be assured that you need this as part of your health and well being.  And are not pursuing this on a whim.  A surgeon does not remove healthy tissues unless there is some overriding cause such as a diagnosis of GID and removal of the testes will produce a healthier individual.   Once my doctor understood that my mental health would be improved by my procedure then there was no further delay in scheduling my procedure.

If you look at it this way, sometimes you can get what you need easier than if you just feel that they are gatekeepers.  I haven't started my SRS process yet, though I am seeing a therapist.  I'm hoping that it will go much the same way.

I wish you the best Kassandra in your search for happiness, your Orchi story you sent me has given me a lot of hope. *big hug*  :D

About the requirements for letters and regulations before surgery (an indeed the entire HBSOC - though that's another hot topic that I'd rather not touch  :P), it's basically about protecting the doctors and surgeons from people who have other mental conditions not related to GID.  Yes it is your body, but as Kassandra pointed out most doctors won't remove healthy tissue - just doesn't make medical sense .  It's one of those "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type of deals.

Try not to take it personally Morticia, they're just protecting themselves from being sued, and in a way by going to the therapist and trying to get that letter for surgery, you may realize "gee maybe this isn't such a good idea."  Just a though.  :)

Quotewe exist to consume corporate products and fund the evil machine through slavery aka taxes.

Love this by the way and totally agree.  ;D



OK, I am getting the message "Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic."

I just wanted to point out that if you remove those ugly things then you must have either estrogen or testosterone or face osteoperosis and other associated things that require hormones.



Hi, I know this is a dated posting, But I'll reply anyway. It may shed some light.

If you are planning to have SRS, Then here are a few things to consider. Usually there are a few methods for lining the new neo vagina. One of them is using the penile inversion with scrotal sack, which has alot more elasticity vs. a penile inversion with skin graft which is the other option. There is also the third option, where they use a segment of your colon. The scrotal graft, is cheaper than the skin graft, and, finally the most expensive of the 3 is the colon segment. If you're planning on SRS, I would not do it. The more options you have, that's one more financial option for you.

P.S. The scrotal sack will experience alot of shrinkage without the testies, giving the doctor less scrotal skin to work with, Meaning you'll most likely have to pay a higher price for the skin graft or colon segment options.



I dont think these days surgeons worry as much about Orchi if it is done properly especially if it is done by the surgeon who is going to do the final SRS. I got shrinkage with being on hormones for 5 years so I dont think it matters.



I am sorry that I don't know much about this kind of chating or computer stuff.  I live in honolulu, Hawaii and am going to get  a orchiectomny bilateral next month.  I just am worried that I will have no sexual feelings at all.  I am on spiro now and still feel sexual (although not with my penis).  I rarely get an erection, and don't need one.  How will I be after my BO?  Please help me!  I would like to talk to someone that had it done already.  My phone number is (removed for privacy KA), but please remember that I am 3 - 6 hours BEHIND you.  When it is 10:00 am, it is only 4:00 am here in hawaii.  Thank you so very much all of you that can help me!  Sincerely, Kiana Foster

Kate Thomas

Cama'i Kiana
Welcome to Susan's Place
Dont wory about the computer stuff. i cant answer the question myself but hopfuly one of our members who can will PM (personal message) you. as a new mber your account has restrictions on it.
posting you phone number is an unwise thing to do so it has been removed for your protection.

you can check out the terms of service and sight rules here

we would love to hear more of your story, you might consider posting an introduction post

you might want to check sherry lanina's page Click here

Best Wishes

Kate Alice
"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot


Oh Hi Kate Alice,

Thank you so much for watching out for me with your advice.  I don't get on the computer much so I will have to do the introduction later.   But thanks sis for being nice and watching my back!


Kiana Foster