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Crazy Conservatives Still Rallying Behind Obama Conspiracy

Started by NicholeW., March 03, 2009, 01:11:25 PM

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Crazy Conservatives Still Rallying Behind Obama Conspiracy
Posted by Steve Benen, Washington Monthly at 11:14 AM on March 2, 2009.

In light of the concern one of our members had a couple of months ago about the citizenship of Barack Obama it seemed to me like this follow-up might be of some good to post. I presume the wing-nuts are still hard at work, attempting to fulfill Rush Limbaugh's wish that the Obama presidency is a massive failure and that good conservatives should do whatever they can to make sure the depression deepens and people starve, are out-of-work for years, so his idea of good candidates can be elected in 2010 and 2012.

I believe that these crude and foolish morons are showing their true colors now as the unthinking and uncharitable buzzards they have always been, I mean, who would want great pain to be inflicted on a country because it failed to deliver itself into the hands of these idiots for an additional four years so that the ruination of every democratic and compassionate argument broached could become total and these >-bleeped-<s could hold us all in the places they feel we deserve to be: totally ground down and hopeless.

I call them "conversation enders." These are comments that lead you to know, the moment you hear them, that the writer/speaker is either clueless or intellectually dishonest, and there's really no reason to engage the person in a serious dialog. -- Nichole

I suspect we all have them. When I hear, "Tax cuts are fiscally responsible because they pay for themselves," it's a conversation ender. When I hear, "Evolution is just a theory," it's a conversation ender. When someone says, "Global warming can't be real because it's cold outside," it's a conversation ender.



Obama's program does not fit his campaing promises or what many core supporters hoped. In case he cannot be a Chicago liberal in White house the Green presidential candidate will get many votes in 2012 and Obama will lose his second term.


"Give Rush six months to get his disciples in line. Then watch for one of the biggest drug bust / scandels in celebrity history.

Rush reminds me of Peter the Hermit. Peter preached the need of a crusade with great persuasion. He gathered a vast following (60,000) and headed to the Holy Land. When he reached Constaninople he was less than welcomed so under the divine protection of GOD, he entered Turkey after being warned not to by both the Eastern Christians and the Turks.

Long story short, the Turks massacred as many as 40 k of the "Pauper Crusaders" and the Eastern Roman Army finished the rest of them off when they crossed back into Europe. Seems in their haste to flee the Turks they took the time to do a little plundering and the Army mistook them for Turks.

Rush is no more prepared to lead the Republcan Party than Peter the hermit was a Crusade. Rush like Peter had a bully pulpit that he used to rouse his followers. In the end the Turks and Romans will get Rush just like they did Peter."

Republican supporter


I am not for knocking down any one but I have so many issues against the new presidents stands and hiden politics he is showing his true colors as it stands to this point and all I can say is watch out for the remaining turm... Some would like to blame things on the republicans and some would like to blame the demacrats but I blame them both and I also blame the population for tollerating this kind of behavior from their elected officials....

Listen we are a goverment for the people by the people and not the one republic for politicians, we must stop bickering back and forth about oh its one or no its the other we have to stand up and tell them both we are tired of the new deal mentality we are a young nation and at this pace we are going to be taken back by the european country that we rebuecked at are nations birth, we told them to go screw and made a great nation that is were I want to see us go back to what our founding fathers started with The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights .... Get with the program Its We the people , take our country back Vote these money hungry ass' out and get back to the basics..... Our president likes to say one thing and do another I believe he's reverting back to chi towns teachings and I fear this ......

Ok back off my soap box ......



QuoteSome would like to blame things on the republicans and some would like to blame the Democrats but I blame them both and I also blame the population for tolerating this kind of behavior from their elected officials.

Besides voting for candidates the public votes with their dollar every day. The main problems are brought about by the dollar voting public.


Which of the mostly bankrupt along with us European countries do you imagine will subsume us? I think that idea is about at the Peter the Hermit stage of policy and likelihood.



Unfortunatly I agree, sorrowfully we are submiting to the International banking organisation... sad thing indeed

Alyssa M.

I am one very pleased Obama core supporter, just one of many. Thank you, Mr. President, for being incredibly faithful and diligent in being the president you said during the campaign that you would be. Thank you for having one of the most productive first six weeks of any administration. You rock!

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


I find it hard to believe that by printing another 800 trillion dollars and handing it to be disperced between his constituants that provided 600 billion to get him elected ( this was the most expencive and waistfull election yet, they have to be repaid and agian the american taxpayer is left to flip the bill ) it does not take a genius to realise that throughing money at a problem will not make it go away but only mask the problem and now only we as american's can rectify the problems
by being inventive and industrious like we have been in the past.

I hope you dont think I am taking sides but I must look out for my grandchildrens future.... We can mask up a hole in the dam with duck tape but eventually it will give way and we will be inindated in a flood of dept once again falling into a deeper hole then we are in now... History has tought us this , just look back at the same politics being introduced in a new shiny package but the same old deal... Teddy gave us the new deal and now oboma is regifting it... look out for a new look at the same old failed pollitical practices

Alyssa M.

I guess I forgot about all those times Obama advocated for a return to the policies of Herbert Hoover. But now I've seen the light. How dare Obama go back on all the promises he made to be a reactionary conservative?

I love how all the conservatives in the country have started preaching fiscal restraint at the very time that it's exactly the wrong thing to do. Might have been helpful, oh, five years ago.  ::)

By the way, history taught me that Teddy stormed San Juan Hill and brought us the term "bully pulpit," left office in 1909, and died ten years later.
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


Well the dear old crazy aunt in the attic has been doing a lot of painting of late.  Huge amounts really.  And I like to paint, reminds me that I really do work in the theater after all.  Anyway, when you are painting, way upon a ladder and all, well, you have lots of time to yourself to think.  So.  This is what I think.

One.  The original point is well taken.  This deal has been gone over and over.  Face it, in all these years, no one has ever thought of what exactly was meant - even at the time - as to what some of that language meant.  But, his mom was an American.  Born in the United States, in like the Midwest for god's sake, and that's good enough to be a natural born citizen in the US for me.  Your mom was American.  So are you.  Plus, Hawaii was a state by that point, so that's just silly. 

And, at the absolute worst, that mom (remember, she is an American, born in Kansas, a highly rated scholar, doing overseas research for her PHD from some Ivy League college by starting micofinance banks in very poor sectors of the third world as a way for women to gain some sort of financial independence and encourage growth) was overseas as part of an American Policy of trying to create growth and culture change in third world nations.

People pursuing this course of thinking are just dumb.  They are so dumb they make the people around them about 15 IQ points lower on the average just in guilt by association.  Now I'm all in favor of letting them go on and on, because the very thinly veiled racism

(Like this would even be an issue had mom been given a Brit Royalty class sperm shower with that every so noble spunk during their year overseas as a Rhodes Scholar.  Don't see that as a problem?  Neither do I.  So, its only because dad was a real African - as opposed to the native American-Africans who came over for that all-expenses-paid lifetime tour of the Antibellem South - that anyone has any issue with it.)

And that racist stuff plays very poorly among the independent voters in the swing states, which is the key.  And unlike the Democrats in the past, Obama is playing politics like, well, like he was a Republican, and he's doing a damn good job.  Funny, how when this shoe was on the other foot the Repubs were all about "elections matter" and now that they have had their electoral ass handed to them on a platter not just once, but twice - an'd a looking like a possible third strike coming up - in four years, they now cry "Bi partianship" while imposing a potential filibuster (*Are you SURE these are the very same fracking guys who just a few years ago wanted to DO AWAY with the filibuster, calling it "The Nuclear Option?  THOSE GUYS, yeah, right...) without ever voting for the bill no matter how much it was changed after getting a can of voter whoop ass opened on them from coast to coast for the almost epic failures of the last eight years, and now you frickin want some accountability?  You got some nerve.

I'll buy the Rush Drug Bust Story, if what you're saying is that the real leaders of the 'Pub party are going to set him up.  That I can see.  I sure don't see the Dems doin' it.  Rush is like the Democratic Gold Rush, the more he talks, the more vote the 'Pubs continue to lose.  The Dems are having wet dreams about Rush and Sara being the new Jimmy Carter's of the 'Pub party.

As for the money, here is the real deal.  It means nothing.  It's not real.  We can change that stuff at any time we can all agree to it.  Its almost time to try to get beyond it anyway.  I'm sure its way to early for that thought, but we are going in that direction, that much I'm pretty sure about.

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...