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What Does Your Taste in Music Say About Your Intelligence (or Lack Thereof)?

Started by Hazumu, March 22, 2009, 11:48:29 AM

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It's a 'news' article.  But as it's about music (sort of), I thought it best to post here- =K

Filed by: Prince Gomolvilas
March 22, 2009 10:00 AM

QuoteYou see, a CalTech student named Virgil Griffith conducted a highly scientific study about how music tastes correlate with intelligence. By highly scientific, I mean he figured out college students' favorite music by looking at their Facebook profiles and compared that data to a college population's overall S.A.T. scores.

DIRECT LINK (More charts):



Lil' Wayne or Beethoven?  In fact old Ludwig is in a class by himself out there.

When I conducted student evaluations I always thought turnabout was fair play, so I gave them in return a test that would (sort of jokingly, but not really) tell them how much I liked them.  You started with 100 points and had to subtract or add points depending on what you owned and decorated.  i.e. vinyl slipcovers on all the furniture minus five.  An Indian Print Bedspread, minus two.  Minus ten if used as anything other than a bedspread.  Minus fifteen if its hanging from the ceiling.  In fact, I stole the idea from National Lampoon of the early 70s, cause if you're going to steal, steal from the best.

But, I've always thought that if you left me for a few minutes to meander your CDs and books, I could come away pretty much knowing if I wanted to know you or not.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


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Shana A

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Quote from: Zythyra on March 22, 2009, 07:24:56 PM
Most of what I listen to isn't on that list.



Of those that are, I am so stupid, and a genius, all at the same time.  I am totally confused. 



I fall somewhere between 996 and 1196.  exactly what does that make me?  ???




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Country, which I listen to is on the lower end of the spectrum of SAT scores according to that bottom chart. But I got a 1740 on my SATs. Uh.... *scratches head*

At least, I think I'm reading that chart right. It's kinda confusing. Especially since it doesn't go up the whole 2400 that the SAT is now comprised of...


Norah Jones, U2 :o

The list is just plain stupid, classist and racist as hell, shows a total lack of understanding of music. How in the name of God can Norah Jones be in front of someone like Miles Davis!

I despair!


the study has potential.. but it's done in a non-functional manner.. a couple of "complete morons" can drag the scores down, while a couple of right brainiacs can up it..
It would better stand to reason to conduct an anonymous study where "individuals" respond to "their fav music" along with taking an IQ test (or something to that effect)

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche

Genevieve Swann

I'll listen to almost anything except rap. At least I'm not that dumb. I like Bruce Sprinstein Chimes of Freedom written by Bob Dylan. The song makes me think . I must you caution not to abuse my remaining brain cell.

Pica Pica

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Quote from: Genevieve Swann on March 23, 2009, 06:30:45 AM
I'll listen to almost anything except rap. At least I'm not that dumb.

what you talking bout girl? the only ones who don't listen to rap are the ones who can't understand it.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


It's interesting, but it leaves a lot of factors out.  Like the audience.  My favorite band is AFI...I would say that their biggest fan base are young teenagers who are generally depressed/disconnected...and his lyrics are actually poetry that he sings...not like mass produced pop music.  So not only are they young, but most of them have some serious emotional issues. 

I don't think music makes you dumb...I think they are generally separate issues.  I don't know...I just think we pick the music because of how it makes us feel.  And standardized test scores aren't always the best measure either.  :P
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