Light A Candle For Angie
by: Autumn Sandeen
Thu Apr 09, 2009 at 11:00:00 AM EDT's a painful video to watch. There is the real personal losses of real family members and friends who lost Angie to hate crime violence.
I cried the first time I saw the video...and the second...and the third. I can't watch the video a fourth time as yet, Lighting A Candle For Angie Zapatabut I probably will be watching this video a fourth, fifth, and likely twenty-something-ish time during the trial of Angie Zapata's alleged killer -- a trial which begins on Tuesday of next week. I've lit a candle for Angie on my Facebook and Twitter pages, as ProgressNow Colorado has asked all of us who care about Angie Zapata, her family, her friends, and her community to do:
We're asking everyone who joins Light a Candle for Angie to change their profile picture to a candle or you with a candle as an online vigil for Angie. Please change your profile pic and leave it up for the start of the trial.