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Clothes give me a high

Started by emoboi, May 04, 2009, 11:52:04 PM

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Spoopy poopie






I didn't mean to imply that there is any logic to retail therapy.

Except for don't pay retail.

I think of shopping as a new means of "hunting!!"


Oh believe me I know the joys of shopping, I'm currently on a shopping fast though.  But I can't comprehend paying 258 dollars for a sweatshirt.  I just got a new one in the mail the other day for 3.80.  I'm a believer in the pay less/get more creed of retail therapy :).


$258.00 :o To be frank I had no idea hoodies could even get to half that price.

My advice? Buy it! ;D


I'm with imaz.

That's a totally ridiculous price, definitly buy it :P :P :P
BTW  I take it that's USA$?

Never buy a handbag for under $150, unless it comes with $200 matching shoes. Or a free matching man. :laugh: :laugh:

Love Dude

Cindy James


I love buying clothes but am very tight with my money when it comes to it.. not that I can save it either. I wouldn't even think about buying that hoody however nice it is.



Pica Pica

Quote from: Ketsy on May 05, 2009, 02:06:25 AM
$258 feeds me for a month.

i could live a while that.

i've bough expensive clothes a few times, but they don't seem to hold up to the way i live than cheap clothes.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


It is not surprising.

Probably apparel prices in my country are highest in the world. Of course, there are cheap clothes, but most of them are not so much endurable. On the contrary, in the case of U.S., I could be satisfied with the quality of cheap clothes from Wal-mart or Target: cheap but endurable. Also, there are megastores comparable to Wal-mart and Target. A problem there is the lack of variety.

To purchased reliable apparel products here in S. Korea, we should invest at least $200 for each item. I purchased my athletic jacket at ca. US $350. My wife got a gift card of about ca. $400, but the cheapest one she could purchase was ca. $500. Typical one-piece dresses in small shops cost > $600, and a few female colleagues close to me confessed that they paid > $2,000 for their favorable one-piece dress for summer.

For crossdressing and variety, I ordered through the internet, although the quaility is dubious. But sometimes I become lucky to get cheap but surprisingly endurable items.

Just do it.


*gasps for air and nearly passes out*

Over 200 dollars for One sweater? I could Make a DOZEN sweaters for that amount of money!

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Nice (and trendy) clothing is expensive.  For those of us who have chosen to have money (to reference another topic) we choose - or not - to spend money on nice stuff.  Po' folk, not so much.

I doubt if I'd spend that, on that.  But I have jackets and coats that I paid well over $3/400 over a decade ago (and, notice, they have lasted for 10 years and more)

My outwear jacket that I (and almost everyone else) wears at work is about that price, and when your working in the rain, its worth it.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: Miniar on May 05, 2009, 02:46:00 PM
*gasps for air and nearly passes out*

Over 200 dollars for One sweater? I could Make a DOZEN sweaters for that amount of money!

*places order*


Save your money, 12 sweaters at that price will look like welfare all the way.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


That depends. I bet the $258 hoodie cost 1/20th of that to produce!!

So Miniar... produce said items, set up store on ebay. Target price $99US. 99-12.9=86.1.    Sell 1,000 units a month and you have over a milllion dollars.
Bilk 'em a bit on s and h!!! for even more...

note to self:learn to sew!!!



but that requires "work".. on top of my job, my physical therapy, my fibro, etc, I just cba...
I do make some of my own things.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Quote from: Miniar on May 06, 2009, 08:22:27 AM
but that requires "work".. on top of my job, my physical therapy, my fibro, etc, I just cba...
I do make some of my own things.

Sorry to hear about your health problems. On a personal note you had me at that ugly four letter word. known as W_O_R_K!!!